
11-letter words containing s, t, i, p, e

  • pasteurized — to expose (a food, as milk, cheese, yogurt, beer, or wine) to an elevated temperature for a period of time sufficient to destroy certain microorganisms, as those that can produce disease or cause spoilage or undesirable fermentation of food, without radically altering taste or quality.
  • pasteurizer — an apparatus for pasteurizing milk and other liquids.
  • pasticheuse — a woman who makes or composes a pastiche.
  • pastoralize — to make pastoral or rural.
  • paternalism — the system, principle, or practice of managing or governing individuals, businesses, nations, etc., in the manner of a father dealing benevolently and often intrusively with his children: The employees objected to the paternalism of the old president.
  • paternalist — government: fatherly in style
  • pathologies — the science or the study of the origin, nature, and course of diseases.
  • patientless — a person who is under medical care or treatment.
  • patsy clinePatsy (Virginia Patterson Hensley) 1932–63, U.S. country singer.
  • pay dispute — a disagreement between workers and employers concerning salary
  • pear thrips — a minute, slender-bodied insect, Taeniothrips inconsequens, that eats the blossoms of flowering plants and is a common pest of pear, maple, almond, apple, and other trees in the eastern U.S.
  • pedanticise — to be pedantic
  • pedanticism — pedantry.
  • pedobaptism — the baptism of infants.
  • pedobaptist — a person who advocates or practices pedobaptism.
  • pedodontics — the branch of dentistry dealing with the care and treatment of children's teeth.
  • pedodontist — a specialist in pedodontics.
  • pendulosity — the state or quality of being pendulous
  • peninsulate — to cause (land) to become peninsular
  • pentastomid — tongue worm.
  • pentatonism — the use of a five-tone scale.
  • perceptions — the act or faculty of perceiving, or apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding.
  • perestroika — Russian. the program of economic and political reform in the Soviet Union initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1986.
  • perigastric — located near or around the gastric system (predominantly the stomach)
  • periostitis — inflammation of the periosteum.
  • peristalith — a group of stones encircling a mound, dolmen, or the like.
  • peristalsis — the progressive wave of contraction and relaxation of a tubular muscular system, especially the alimentary canal, by which the contents are forced through the system.
  • peristaltic — of, relating to, or resembling peristalsis.
  • peristerite — a whitish, iridescent variety of albite, used as a gem.
  • peristylium — a peristyle.
  • peritonitis — inflammation of the peritoneum, often accompanied by pain and tenderness in the abdomen, vomiting, constipation, and moderate fever.
  • perquisitor — the first person to own property that has subsequently been handed down to his heirs
  • persecution — the act of persecuting.
  • persecutive — to pursue with harassing or oppressive treatment, especially because of religious or political beliefs, ethnic or racial origin, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
  • persian cat — a long-haired variety of the domestic cat, originally raised in Persia and Afghanistan.
  • persichettiVincent, 1915–87, U.S. composer.
  • persistence — the act or fact of persisting.
  • persistency — the act or fact of persisting.
  • persnickety — overparticular; fussy.
  • personalist — Also called personal idealism. a modern philosophical movement locating ultimate value and reality in persons, human or divine.
  • personality — the visible aspect of one's character as it impresses others: He has a pleasing personality.
  • personation — to act or portray (a character in a play, a part, etc.).
  • persorption — the deep penetration of a liquid into a highly porous solid, resulting in an intimate mixture.
  • perspective — a technique of depicting volumes and spatial relationships on a flat surface. Compare aerial perspective, linear perspective.
  • perspicuity — clearness or lucidity, as of a statement.
  • pescatarian — a person whose diet is mostly vegetarian but includes fish and seafood.
  • pescetarian — a person whose diet is mostly vegetarian but includes fish and seafood.
  • pessimistic — pertaining to or characterized by pessimism or the tendency to expect only bad outcomes; gloomy; joyless; unhopeful: His pessimistic outlook kept him from applying for jobs for which he was perfectly qualified.
  • pestiferous — bringing or bearing disease.
  • pestologist — a person who analyses and researches pests and how to get rid of them
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