
23-letter words containing s, t, e, h, o, m

  • methylisobutenyl ketone — mesityl oxide.
  • mips technologies, inc. — (company)   A company which designs, develops, and licenses reduced instruction set computer (RISC) microprocessors and compilers. MIPS Technologies, Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Silicon Graphics, Inc. and operates as an independent unit. MIPS is the successor to the processor business of MIPS Computer Systems which was founded in 1984 and merged with Silicon Graphics on 29 June 1992. MIPS Technologies developed the world's first RISC VLSI microprocessors (1985) (or was it the ARM?), the first commercial 64-bit microprocessor (MIPS R4000, 1992), announced MIPS R4300i - the first 64-bit RISC processor designed for interactive consumer applications (April 1995). They announced the MIPS R10000 - the next generation general-purpose MIPS microprocessor and the most powerful processor in the world (October 1994). MIPS' semiconductor company partners participate in the design and development of MIPS processors and software and then produce, market, and support the processors. MIPS itself does not fabricate or sell products. MIPS' semiconductor partners are: Integrated Device Technology, LSI Logic Corporation, NEC Corporation, NKK Corporation, Philips Semiconductors, Siemens AG, and Toshiba Corporation. MIPS' products include: R4000 - 100 MHz; 1.35M transistors, primary i/d cache 8KB/8KB, SPECint92 58.3/ SPECfp92 61.4. R4300i - 133 MHZ, 1.35M transistors; primary i/d cache, 16KB/8KB, SPECint92 80, SPECfp92 60. R4400 - 250 MHz, 2.3M transistors, primary i/d cache 16KB/16KB, SPECint92 175.8, SPECfp92 164.4. R4600 - 133 MHz, 1.9M transistors, primary i/d cache 16KB/16KB, SPECint92 85, SPECfp92 75. R8000/R8010 - 90 MHz, 2.6M, .83M transistors, primary i/d cache, 16KB/16KB, SPECint92 132, SPECfp92 396. R10000 - 200 MHz, 6.7M transistors, primary i/d cache 32KB/32KB, SPECint92 >300, SPECfp92 >600. MIPS' processor chips were used in the DEC 3100 series of workstations.
  • more than meets the eye — hidden motives, meaning, or facts
  • on someone's wavelength — having similar views, feelings, or thoughts (as someone else)
  • on the same wave length — Physics. the distance, measured in the direction of propagation of a wave, between two successive points in the wave that are characterized by the same phase of oscillation.
  • parametric polymorphism — Polymorphism was first identified by Christopher Strachey in 1967 and developed by Hindley and Milner. For example we could specify that the argument of the "head" function was a list without specifying a type for the elements of the list. In Haskell we would write: head :: [a] -> a meaning head has type function from "list of a" to "a" where "a" is a type variable). This is known as parametric polymorphism. Polymorphic typing allows strong type checking as well as generic functions. ML in 1976 was the first language with polymorphic typing. See also generic type variable.
  • pat someone on the back — to congratulate or encourage someone
  • pharmaceuticals company — a company specialising in developing and marketing pharmaceuticals
  • planetesimal hypothesis — one of the small celestial bodies that, according to one theory (planetesimal hypothesis) were fused together to form the planets of the solar system.
  • potassium monophosphate — any of the three orthophosphates of potassium ((potassium monophosphate) (K 2 HPO 4), (potassium diphosphate) (KH 2 PO 4), and (tripotassium phosphate) (K 3 PO 4) )
  • psychomotor retardation — a generalized slowing of psychological and physical activity, frequently occurring as a symptom of severe depression.
  • put the bite on someone — to ask someone for money
  • saint george's mushroom — an edible whitish basidiomycetous fungus, Tricholoma gambosum, with a floury smell
  • see someone to the door — If you see someone to the door, you go to the door with a visitor when they leave.
  • sheltered accommodation — housing specially designed to provide a safe environment for the elderly, handicapped, or disabled, often with some shared facilities and a caretaker
  • short-billed marsh wren — sedge wren.
  • shout from the rooftops — to proclaim (something) publicly
  • sodium tripolyphosphate — a white powder, Na 5 P 3 O 1 0 , used as a water softener, sequestering agent, and food additive.
  • someone's night to howl — someone's time for unrestrained pleasure
  • statement of cash flows — A statement of cash flows is a financial statement that shows the amounts of cash that came into and went out of a company over a particular period of time.
  • steal someone's thunder — to strike, drive, inflict, give forth, etc., with loud noise or violent action.
  • suprasegmental phonemes — phonemes or features of speech, as pitch, stress, and juncture, that may extend over and modify series of segmental phonemes
  • talk someone's head off — to communicate or exchange ideas, information, etc., by speaking: to talk about poetry.
  • the chamber of deputies — the lower legislative assembly in some parliaments
  • the department of state — the United States federal department concerned with foreign policy
  • the scottish parliament — the devolved national legislature of Scotland, located in Edinburgh
  • the taming of the shrew — a comedy (1594?) by Shakespeare.
  • there is no holding him — he is so spirited or resolute that he cannot be restrained
  • thompson submachine gun — a portable, .45-caliber, automatic weapon designed to be fired from the shoulder or hip.
  • till the cows come home — the mature female of a bovine animal, especially of the genus Bos.
  • to force someone's hand — If you force someone's hand, you force them to act sooner than they want to, or to act in public when they would prefer to keep their actions secret.
  • to make the best of sth — If you make the best of something, you accept an unsatisfactory situation cheerfully and try to manage as well as you can. In British English, you can also say that you make the best of a bad job.
  • to meet someone halfway — If you meet someone halfway, you accept some of the points they are making so that you can come to an agreement with them.
  • to pass the time of day — If you pass the time of day with someone, you have a short friendly conversation with them.
  • to run someone to earth — If you run someone or something to earth, you find them after searching for them for a long time.
  • to shake someone's hand — If you shake someone's hand or shake someone by the hand, you shake hands with them.
  • united methodist church — the largest denomination of the Methodist church in the U.S., formed in 1939 from the merger of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and the Methodist Protestant Church, with the addition in 1968 of the Evangelical United Brethren.
  • what makes someone tick — the basic drive or motivation of a person
  • when it comes (down) to — You can use the expression when it comes to or when it comes down to in order to introduce a new topic or a new aspect of a topic that you are talking about.
  • whet someone's appetite — If someone or something whets your appetite for a particular thing, they increase your desire to have it or know about it, especially by giving you an idea of what it is like.
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