
Words containing s, t, a, v

4 letter words containing s, t, a, v

  • tavs — the 23rd letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
  • vast — of very great area or extent; immense: the vast reaches of outer space.

5 letter words containing s, t, a, v

  • avast — stop! cease!
  • smatv — (originally) small master antenna television; now more commonly, satellite master antenna television: a system for relaying broadcast television signals, embodying a master receiving antenna with distribution by cable to a small group of dwellings, such as a block of flats
  • stave — one of the thin, narrow, shaped pieces of wood that form the sides of a cask, tub, or similar vessel.

6 letter words containing s, t, a, v

  • amvets — American Veterans of World War II, Korea, and Vietnam
  • avesta — a collection of sacred writings of Zoroastrianism, including the Songs of Zoroaster
  • gustav — (Gustaf Adolf) 1882–1973, king of Sweden 1950–73 (son of Gustavus V).
  • javits — Jacob K(oppel) [koh-pel] /koʊˈpɛl/ (Show IPA), 1904–86, U.S. politician: senator 1957–81.
  • navsat — navigational satellite.

7 letter words containing s, t, a, v

  • actives — engaged in action; characterized by energetic work, participation, etc.; busy: an active life.
  • atavism — the recurrence in a plant or animal of certain primitive characteristics that were present in an ancestor but have not occurred in intermediate generations
  • atavist — Biology. the reappearance in an individual of characteristics of some remote ancestor that have been absent in intervening generations. an individual embodying such a reversion.
  • avestan — the oldest recorded language of the Iranian branch of the Indo-European family; the language of the Avesta
  • bravest — possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance.

8 letter words containing s, t, a, v

  • actives' — engaged in action; characterized by energetic work, participation, etc.; busy: an active life.
  • activise — to make active; activate.
  • activism — Activism is the process of campaigning in public or working for an organization in order to bring about political or social change.
  • activist — An activist is a person who works to bring about political or social changes by campaigning in public or working for an organization.
  • aestival — of or occurring in summer

9 letter words containing s, t, a, v

  • absolvent — a person who absolves
  • activates — to make active; cause to function or act.
  • adjustive — allowing for adjustment
  • adventist — a member of any of the Christian groups, such as the Seventh-Day Adventists that hold that the Second Coming of Christ is imminent
  • adversity — an unfortunate event or incident

10 letter words containing s, t, a, v

  • absolutive — the grammatical case in an ergative language that is used for the direct object of a transitive verb and the subject of an intransitive verb
  • absorptive — able or tending to absorb; absorbent.
  • abstersive — a cleansing substance
  • accusative — In the grammar of some languages, the accusative, or the accusative case, is the case used for a noun when it is the direct object of a verb, or the object of some prepositions. In English, only the pronouns 'me', 'him', 'her', 'us', and 'them' are in the accusative. Compare nominative.
  • activeness — engaged in action; characterized by energetic work, participation, etc.; busy: an active life.

11 letter words containing s, t, a, v

  • abstractive — that abstracts or can abstract
  • acclivitous — an upward slope, as of ground; an ascent (opposed to declivity).
  • accusatival — of the accusative case
  • acquisitive — If you describe a person or an organization as acquisitive, you do not approve of them because you think they are too concerned with getting new possessions.
  • adventuress — a woman who seeks adventure, esp one who seeks success or money through daring exploits

12 letter words containing s, t, a, v

  • absorptivity — a measure of the ability of a material to absorb radiation, equal to the internal absorptance of a homogeneous layer of the material under conditions in which the path of the radiation has unit length and the boundaries of the layer have no influence
  • adaptiveness — in a state that has a capacity for adaptation
  • advantageous — If something is advantageous to you, it is likely to benefit you.
  • adventitious — added or appearing accidentally or unexpectedly
  • advertisable — to announce or praise (a product, service, etc.) in some public medium of communication in order to induce people to buy or use it: to advertise a new brand of toothpaste.

13 letter words containing s, t, a, v

  • abbreviations — a shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase, used to represent the whole, as Dr. for Doctor, U.S. for United States, lb. for pound.
  • addictiveness — producing or tending to cause addiction: an addictive drug.
  • adventuresome — Adventuresome means the same as adventurous.
  • adventuristic — relating to adventurism
  • adventurously — inclined or willing to engage in adventures; enjoying adventures.

14 letter words containing s, t, a, v

  • administrative — Administrative work involves organizing and supervising an organization or institution.
  • advantageously — providing an advantage; furnishing convenience or opportunity; favorable; profitable; useful; beneficial: an advantageous position; an advantageous treaty.
  • adventitiously — associated with something by chance rather than as an integral part; extrinsic.
  • anti-bolshevik — a person who is opposed to Bolshevism
  • anticonvulsant — any of a class of drugs used to prevent or abolish convulsions

15 letter words containing s, t, a, v

  • acquisitiveness — tending or seeking to acquire and own, often greedily; eager to get wealth, possessions, etc.: our acquisitive impulses; acquisitive societies.
  • adventurousness — the quality of being adventurous
  • antivivisection — opposed to the act or practice or performing experiments on living animals, involving cutting into or dissecting the body
  • astronavigation — celestial navigation
  • brillat-savarin — Anthelme (ɑ̃tɛlm). 1755–1826, French lawyer and gourmet; author of Physiologie du Goût (1825)

16 letter words containing s, t, a, v

  • administratively — pertaining to administration; executive: administrative ability.
  • anti-calvinistic — the doctrines and teachings of John Calvin or his followers, emphasizing predestination, the sovereignty of God, the supreme authority of the Scriptures, and the irresistibility of grace. Compare Arminianism.
  • anti-progressive — favoring or advocating progress, change, improvement, or reform, as opposed to wishing to maintain things as they are, especially in political matters: a progressive mayor.
  • antihypertensive — able to inhibit or control hypertension
  • archconservative — consistently holding extremely conservative views: publisher of the city's archconservative newspaper.

17 letter words containing s, t, a, v

  • aircraft-observer — someone or something that observes.
  • anti-conservatism — the disposition to preserve or restore what is established and traditional and to limit change.
  • anti-conservative — disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.
  • argumentativeness — fond of or given to argument and dispute; disputatious; contentious: The law students were an unusually argumentative group.
  • authoritativeness — having due authority; having the sanction or weight of authority: an authoritative opinion.

18 letter words containing s, t, a, v

  • antivivisectionist — a person who is opposed to vivisection
  • biodiversification — the process by which the diversity of plants or animals develops or is increased within a particular region or group of organisms.
  • neovascularization — the development of new blood vessels, especially in tissues where circulation has been impaired by trauma or disease.
  • nominative-address — a noun naming the person to whom one is speaking.
  • non-conversational — able or ready to converse; given to conversation.

19 letter words containing s, t, a, v

  • anti-vivisectionist — a person who opposes vivisection.
  • castelnuovo-tedesco — Mario [mah-ryaw] /ˈmɑ ryɔ/ (Show IPA), 1895–1968, U.S. composer, born in Italy.
  • counter-advertising — the act or practice of calling public attention to one's product, service, need, etc., especially by paid announcements in newspapers and magazines, over radio or television, on billboards, etc.: to get more customers by advertising.
  • cultural-relativism — a concept that cultural norms and values derive their meaning within a specific social context. Also called cultural relativism. Compare ethnocentrism (def 2).
  • individualistically — a person who shows great independence or individuality in thought or action.

20 letter words containing s, t, a, v

21 letter words containing s, t, a, v

22 letter words containing s, t, a, v

  • over-industrialization — the large-scale introduction of manufacturing, advanced technical enterprises, and other productive economic activity into an area, society, country, etc.

23 letter words containing s, t, a, v

  • alpes-de-haute-provence — a department of SE France in Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur region. Capital: Digne. Pop: 144 508 (2003 est). Area: 6988 sq km (2725 sq miles)

24 letter words containing s, t, a, v

25 letter words containing s, t, a, v

26 letter words containing s, t, a, v

  • compassionate-conservatism — a political conservative who is motivated by concern for the needy but supports policies based on personal responsibility and limited government: George W. Bush ran for president as a compassionate conservative.

27 letter words containing s, t, a, v

  • introgressive-hybridization — the introduction of genes from one species into the gene pool of another species, occurring when matings between the two produce fertile hybrids.

45 letter words containing s, t, a, v

On this page, we collect all words with S, T, A, V. To make easier to find the right word we have divided all 4690 words to groups according to their length. So you should go to appropriate page if can’t find the word that contains S, T, A, V that you are searching. Also you can use this page in Scrabble.

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