
11-letter words containing s, t, a, n

  • transpadane — on the farther side, especially the northern side of the Po River.
  • transparent — having the property of transmitting rays of light through its substance so that bodies situated beyond or behind can be distinctly seen.
  • transphobia — unreasoning hostility, aversion, etc., toward transgender people.
  • transpierce — to pierce through; penetrate; pass through.
  • transpiring — to occur; happen; take place.
  • transponder — a radio, radar, or sonar transceiver that automatically transmits a signal upon reception of a designated incoming signal.
  • transportal — an act of transporting
  • transported — emotionally moved; ecstatic: transported by the music.
  • transporter — a person or thing that transports, especially a very large truck for large or heavy loads, as missiles or automobiles.
  • transposing — the act of transposing
  • transracial — involving or between two or more racial groups: transracial adoptions.
  • transsexual — a person having a strong desire to assume the physical characteristics and gender role of the opposite sex.
  • transuranic — any element having an atomic number greater than 92, the atomic number of uranium. All such elements are radioactive and can be synthesized by bombarding a heavy element with a light particle or element. See also transactinide element.
  • transvaaler — a province in the NE Republic of South Africa. 110,450 sq. mi. (286,066 sq. km). Capital: Pretoria.
  • transversal — transverse.
  • transverses — lying or extending across or in a cross direction; cross.
  • transverter — a piece of equipment attached to a radio transceiver to enable it to transmit and receive on additional frequencies
  • treasonable — of the nature of treason.
  • tribeswoman — a female member of a tribe.
  • trio sonata — a type of baroque composition in several movements scored for two upper parts and a bass part
  • tripersonal — consisting of or existing in three persons, as the Godhead.
  • tritagonist — (in ancient Greece) the third member of an acting troupe, which always consisted of three actors. Compare protagonist (def 4), deuteragonist.
  • trypanosoma — trypanosome.
  • trypanosome — any minute, flagellate protozoan of the genus Trypanosoma, parasitic in the blood or tissues of humans and other vertebrates, usually transmitted by insects, often causing serious diseases, as African sleeping sickness in humans, and many diseases in domestic animals.
  • tselinograd — a former name of Akmola.
  • tunableness — the quality of being melodious or tuneful
  • tundra swan — a swan, Cygnus columbianus, nesting in tundra regions of both the New and Old Worlds, having a black bill with a yellow spot at the base.
  • turkish van — a breed of cat with soft white semi-long hair and coloured markings on the head and tail
  • turn signal — A car's turn signals are the flashing lights that tell you it is going to turn left or right.
  • turntablist — a DJ who is skilled in using turntables to obtain distinctive effects from records
  • typecasting — the practice of casting an actor repeatedly in the same kind of role, esp because of his or physical appearance or previous success in such roles
  • typicalness — of the nature of or serving as a type or representative specimen.
  • tyrannosaur — a large, carnivorous dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus rex, from the Late Cretaceous Epoch of North America, that walked erect on its hind feet.
  • tyrosinemia — an inherited disorder of tyrosine metabolism that can lead to liver and kidney disease and mental retardation unless controlled by a special diet.
  • ultrasonics — the branch of science that deals with the effects of sound waves above human perception.
  • un-standard — something considered by an authority or by general consent as a basis of comparison; an approved model.
  • unabsorbent — (of fabric, material, etc) not able to soak up liquid
  • unaesthetic — offensive to the aesthetic sense; lacking in beauty or sensory appeal; unpleasant, as an object, design, arrangement, etc.: an unaesthetic combination of colors.
  • unambitious — having ambition; eagerly desirous of achieving or obtaining success, power, wealth, a specific goal, etc.: ambitious students.
  • unapostolic — not apostolic; not related to or characteristic of the early Christian apostles or their subsequent apostles
  • unaspirated — Phonetics. to articulate (a speech sound, especially a stop) so as to produce an audible puff of breath, as with the first t of total, the second t being unaspirated. to articulate (the beginning of a word or syllable) with an h -sound, as in which, pronounced (hwich), or hitch as opposed to witch or itch.
  • unassertive — confidently aggressive or self-assured; positive: aggressive; dogmatic: He is too assertive as a salesman.
  • unassisting — providing no help or assistance
  • unballasted — not fitted with or carrying ballast.
  • uncastrated — to remove the testes of; emasculate; geld.
  • unchastened — to inflict suffering upon for purposes of moral improvement; chastise.
  • unchastised — not chastised or reprimanded
  • unchristian — not conforming to Christian teaching or principles: unchristian selfishness.
  • unclarities — clearness or lucidity as to perception or understanding; freedom from indistinctness or ambiguity.
  • uncustomary — according to or depending on custom; usual; habitual.
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