
11-letter words containing s, t, a, n

  • procrustean — pertaining to or suggestive of Procrustes.
  • prognathism — having protrusive jaws; having a gnathic index over 103.
  • prognathous — having protrusive jaws; having a gnathic index over 103.
  • pronatalism — the policy or practice of encouraging the bearing of children, especially government support of a higher birthrate.
  • pronatalist — the policy or practice of encouraging the bearing of children, especially government support of a higher birthrate.
  • prostrating — to cast (oneself) face down on the ground in humility, submission, or adoration.
  • prostration — the act of prostrating.
  • protagonism — the leading character, hero, or heroine of a drama or other literary work.
  • protagonist — the leading character, hero, or heroine of a drama or other literary work.
  • protandrous — (of hermaphrodite or monoecious plants) maturing the anthers before the stigma
  • pumpstation — A pumpstation is a place with pumps and equipment for pumping fluids from one place to another.
  • punctualist — a person who is concerned with points of conduct
  • punji stake — a sharp bamboo stake concealed in high grass at an angle so as to gash the feet and legs of enemy soldiers and often coated with excrement so as to cause an infected wound.
  • pursuant to — legal: in accordance with
  • pustulation — the formation or breaking out of pustules.
  • put down as — If you put someone or something down as a particular type of person or thing, you consider that they are that thing.
  • put on airs — a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and minute amounts of other gases that surrounds the earth and forms its atmosphere.
  • quadrantids — a collection of meteors comprising a meteor shower (Quadran·tid me·teor show·er) visible around January 31 and having its apparent origin in the constellation Boötes.
  • quantasomes — any of numerous particles in a chloroplast, part of the thylakoid and functioning in photosynthesis.
  • quantifiers — Logic. an expression, as “all” or “some,” that indicates the quantity of a proposition. Compare existential quantifier, universal quantifier.
  • quarantines — Plural form of quarantine.
  • quasi-latin — an Italic language spoken in ancient Rome, fixed in the 2nd or 1st century b.c., and established as the official language of the Roman Empire. Abbreviation: L.
  • quaternions — Plural form of quaternion.
  • questionary — a questionnaire.
  • rain forest — a tropical forest, usually of tall, densely growing, broad-leaved evergreen trees in an area of high annual rainfall.
  • rangemaster — a person in charge of a firing range.
  • rankshifted — that has been shifted from one linguistic rank to another
  • rastafarian — a follower of Rastafarianism.
  • raster burn — 1. (Or terminal illness) Eyestrain brought on by too many hours of looking at low-resolution, poorly tuned, or glare-ridden monitors, especially graphics monitors. 2. The "burn-in" condition your CRT tends to get if you don't use a screen saver.
  • raster font — bitmap font
  • rasterising — (algorithm)   A transformation that can be applied to an image to prepare it for printing. Rasterising reduces resolution by a factor of typically four to eight. It also reduces sensitivity to paper properties. Rasterising can be combined with dithering.
  • rasterizing — rasterising
  • rat islands — a group of islands in SW Alaska, in the W Aleutian Islands.
  • ratings war — a situation in which each of two or more channels makes a particular effort to attract more viewers or listeners than its rival
  • rationalise — to ascribe (one's acts, opinions, etc.) to causes that superficially seem reasonable and valid but that actually are unrelated to the true, possibly unconscious and often less creditable or agreeable causes.
  • rationalism — the principle or habit of accepting reason as the supreme authority in matters of opinion, belief, or conduct.
  • rationalist — the principle or habit of accepting reason as the supreme authority in matters of opinion, belief, or conduct.
  • rattlesnake — any of several New World pit vipers of the genera Crotalus and Sistrurus, having a rattle composed of a series of horny, interlocking elements at the end of the tail.
  • ray casting — (graphics)   A simplified form of ray tracing. A ray is fired from each pixel in the view plane, and information is accumulated from all the voxels in the volume data it intersects. Each voxel is first given an associated colour and opacity. The ray is sampled at a fixed number of evenly spaced locations and the colour and opacity are trilinearly interpolated from the eight nearest voxels. These are then composed linearly back to front to give a single colour for the pixel. Ray casting was invented by John Carmack for the game Wolfenstein 3D. It is faster and lower quality than ray tracing, and is ideal for interactive applications. It parallelises well, although random access is needed to the voxels.
  • reactionism — of, pertaining to, marked by, or favoring reaction, especially extreme conservatism or rightism in politics; opposing political or social change.
  • reactionist — of, pertaining to, marked by, or favoring reaction, especially extreme conservatism or rightism in politics; opposing political or social change.
  • real tennis — an ancient form of tennis played in a four-walled indoor court with various openings, a sloping-roofed corridor along three sides, and a buttress on the fourth side
  • reason with — If you try to reason with someone, you try to persuade them to do or accept something by using sensible arguments.
  • reassertion — a positive statement or declaration, often without support or reason: a mere assertion; an unwarranted assertion.
  • recalescent — a brightening exhibited by cooling iron as latent heat of transformation is liberated.
  • redesignate — to mark or point out; indicate; show; specify.
  • regimentals — of or relating to a regiment.
  • reinstation — to put back or establish again, as in a former position or state: to reinstate the ousted chairman.
  • relatedness — associated; connected.
  • relationism — a doctrine maintaining the existence of relations between things
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