
17-letter words containing s, t, a, l, m

  • manganese sulfate — a pink, water-soluble, usually tetrahydrate salt, MnSO 4 ⋅4H 2 O, used chiefly in fertilizers, paints, and varnishes.
  • manitoulin island — an island in N Lake Huron belonging to Canada. 80 miles (130 km) long.
  • marital relations — a euphemistic term for sexual intercourse between married partners
  • materialistically — excessively concerned with physical comforts or the acquisition of wealth and material possessions, rather than with spiritual, intellectual, or cultural values.
  • materials science — the study of the characteristics and uses of various materials, as glass, plastics, and metals.
  • maternal instinct — motherly urge to protect and nurture
  • maxwell equations — equations developed by James Clerk Maxwell (1831–79) upon which classical electromagnetic theory is based
  • may/might as well — If you say that you might as well do something, or that you may as well do it, you mean that you will do it although you do not have a strong desire to do it and may even feel slightly unwilling to do it.
  • mechanical tissue — a plant tissue made up of hard, thick-walled cells that add strength to an organ
  • mensural notation — a system of musical notation of the 13th to the late 16th centuries, marked by the use of note symbols such as the longa and brevis, the absence of bar lines and ties, and the equivalence in value of one note to either two or three of the next smaller degree.
  • mental disability — a general or specific intellectual handicap, resulting directly or indirectly from injury to the brain or from abnormal neurological development
  • mercantile system — a system of political and economic policy, evolving with the modern national state and seeking to secure a nation's political and economic supremacy in its rivalry with other states. According to this system, money was regarded as a store of wealth, and the goal of a state was the accumulation of precious metals, by exporting the largest possible quantity of its products and importing as little as possible, thus establishing a favorable balance of trade.
  • messier catalogue — a catalogue of 103 nonstellar objects, such as nebulae and galaxies, prepared in 1781–86. An object is referred to by its number in this catalogue, for example the Andromeda Galaxy is referred to as M31
  • meta class system — (language)   (MCS) A portable object-oriented extension of Common Lisp from GMD. It integrates the functionality of CLOS and TELOS.
  • metallofullerenes — Plural form of metallofullerene.
  • metalloproteinase — (enzyme) Any of several proteinases that have a metal atom (often zinc) at their active centre.
  • methyl isocyanate — Chemistry. a highly toxic, flammable, colorless liquid, CH 3 NCO, used as an intermediate in the manufacture of pesticides: in 1984, the accidental release of a cloud of this gas in Bhopal, India, killed more than 1700 people and injured over 200,000.
  • methyl salicylate — a colorless, water-soluble liquid, C 8 H 8 O 3 , produced synthetically or by maceration and subsequent distillation from birch or gaultheria: used chiefly in perfumery and flavoring, and in medicine as a counterirritant in external preparations.
  • methyltransferase — any of a class of enzymes that catalyze the transfer of methyl groups from one molecule to another.
  • microdistillation — the distillation of minute quantities of material.
  • microencapsulated — Encapsulated using microencapsulation.
  • micromanipulators — Plural form of micromanipulator.
  • midsagittal plane — a plane passing through the nasion when the skull is oriented in the Frankfurt horizontal.
  • ministering angel — a spirit who is believed to look after the needs of a particular person or group
  • miss lonelyhearts — a novel (1933) by Nathanael West.
  • mississippi delta — an area between the Mississippi and Yazoo rivers in the northwest of the state of Mississippi; it is very flat and fertile
  • misunderstandable — Capable of being misunderstood.
  • monolith catalyst — A monolith catalyst is a type of catalyst whose surface is flat.
  • mont-saint-michel — a rocky islet near the coast of NW France, in an inlet of the Gulf of St. Malo: famous abbey and fortress.
  • more than usually — You use more than usually to show that something shows even more of a particular quality than it normally does.
  • movable-do system — a system of solmization in which the syllable do can be transposed to the tonic of any key.
  • multi-nationalism — a large corporation with operations and subsidiaries in several countries.
  • multidisciplinary — composed of or combining several usually separate branches of learning or fields of expertise: a multidisciplinary study of the 18th century.
  • multimedia system — multimedia
  • multimillionaires — Plural form of multimillionaire.
  • mundane astrology — the astrology of worldly events, in contrast to the astrology of the individual: used especially in interpretations and forecasts involving politics, the stock market, weather, and disasters.
  • muscae volitantes — floater (def 6).
  • musical interlude — an interval in a play, event or occasion during which music is played
  • mystical theology — the branch of theology dealing with mysticism and mystical experiences.
  • nasolacrimal duct — a membranous canal extending from the lacrimal sac to the nasal cavity, through which tears are discharged into the nose.
  • national assembly — the body constituted by the French Third Estate in June 1789 after the calling of the Estates General. It was dissolved in Sept 1791 to be replaced by the new Legislative Assembly
  • natural harmonics — harmonics of a note produced on a stringed instrument by lightly touching an open or unstopped sounded string.
  • neo-malthusianism — a view or doctrine advocating population control, especially by contraception.
  • neo-scholasticism — a contemporary application of Scholasticism to modern problems and life.
  • nial systems ltd. — Distributors of Q'NIAL. Address: Ottawa Canada. Telephone: Canada (613) 234 4188.
  • nightshade family — the plant family Solanaceae, characterized by herbaceous plants, trees, shrubs, and vines having alternate, simple or pinnate leaves, conspicuous flowers, and fruit in the form of a berry or capsule, and including belladonna, eggplant, nightshade, peppers of the genus Capsicum, petunia, potato, tobacco, and tomato.
  • non-materialistic — excessively concerned with physical comforts or the acquisition of wealth and material possessions, rather than with spiritual, intellectual, or cultural values.
  • non-thermoplastic — soft and pliable when heated, as some plastics, without any change of the inherent properties.
  • nonaccomplishment — Something that does not achieve the intended goal.
  • nuclear chemistry — the branch of chemistry concerned with nuclear reactions
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