
13-letter words containing s, t, a, l, m

  • malabsorption — faulty absorption of nutritive material from the intestine.
  • malacostracan — belonging or pertaining to the crustacean subclass Malacostraca, which includes the lobsters, shrimps, crabs, etc.
  • maladjustment — bad or unsatisfactory adjustment.
  • maladminister — to administer or manage badly or inefficiently: The mayor was a bungler who maladministered the city budget.
  • maladroitness — lacking in adroitness; unskillful; awkward; bungling; tactless: to handle a diplomatic crisis in a very maladroit way.
  • malapropistic — an act or habit of misusing words ridiculously, especially by the confusion of words that are similar in sound.
  • malariologist — An expert in malaria.
  • malformations — Plural form of malformation.
  • malinvestment — An incorrect or unwise investment.
  • maltese cross — a cross having four equal arms that expand in width outward.
  • malthusianism — of or relating to the theories of T. R. Malthus, which state that population tends to increase faster, at a geometrical ratio, than the means of subsistence, which increases at an arithmetical ratio, and that this will result in an inadequate supply of the goods supporting life unless war, famine, or disease reduces the population or the increase of population is checked.
  • mammoplasties — Plural form of mammoplasty.
  • manipulations — Plural form of manipulation.
  • manipulatives — influencing or attempting to influence the behavior or emotions of others for one’s own purposes: a manipulative boss.
  • manon lescaut — a novel (1731) by Antoine François Prévost.
  • mansplanation — Also called mansplanation [man-spluh-ney-shuh n] /ˌmæn spləˈneɪ ʃən/ (Show IPA). such an explanation given to someone, usually a woman.
  • mantelshelves — Plural form of mantelshelf.
  • maple heights — a city in NE Ohio.
  • mare australe — (Southern Sea) an area near the south pole of Mars, appearing as a dark region when viewed telescopically from the earth.
  • marginal cost — the cost of one additional unit of any item produced or bought in quantity.
  • marginal seat — a seat in which elections tend to be won by small margins
  • mariculturist — One who engages in mariculture.
  • maritime alps — a range of the W Alps in SE France and NW Italy. Highest peak: Argentera, 3297 m (10 817 ft)
  • marsh trefoil — buck bean.
  • martyrologies — Plural form of martyrology.
  • masculinities — Plural form of masculinity.
  • mass affluent — the large number of individuals with liquid assets of around £250,000
  • master policy — a single policy covering a group of people, typically employees of a company, issued to an employer.
  • masterclasses — Plural form of masterclass.
  • masterfulness — The quality of being masterful.
  • matchlessness — The state or condition of being matchless.
  • materfamilias — the mother of a family.
  • materialistic — excessively concerned with physical comforts or the acquisition of wealth and material possessions, rather than with spiritual, intellectual, or cultural values.
  • maternalistic — of, pertaining to, having the qualities of, or befitting a mother: maternal instincts.
  • matripotestal — of or relating to the authority exercised by a mother or a mother's blood relatives.
  • matt emulsion — a water-based paint which is not shiny when it dries
  • measurability — capable of being measured.
  • megaloblastic — an abnormally large, immature, and dysfunctional red blood cell found in the blood of persons with pernicious anemia or certain other disorders.
  • melodramatics — Melodramatic behavior, action, or writing.
  • melodramatist — A writer of melodramas.
  • memorabiliast — a person who collects mementos or souvenirs, as postcards or playbills.
  • mensurability — The quality of being mensurable.
  • mental strain — a state of worry and tension caused by a situation
  • mesaticephaly — the state or condition of being mesaticephalic or mesocephalic
  • mescal button — one of the dried, buttonlike tops of a mescal of the genus Lophophora, used as a hallucinogen, especially by certain Indians of Mexico and the southwestern U.S. during religious ceremonies; peyote.
  • mesotheliomas — Plural form of mesothelioma.
  • meta-analysis — a research study that combines and analyzes statistics gathered from multiple independent studies
  • metabisulfite — (inorganic chemistry) The oxyanion of sulfur S2O52- or any salt containing this ion.
  • metalanguages — Plural form of metalanguage.
  • metallic lens — an arrangement of louvres used to direct and focus electromagnetic or sound waves
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