
19-letter words containing s, p, o, t, u

  • strict counterpoint — the application of the rules of counterpoint as an academic exercise
  • substitution cipher — a cipher that replaces letters of the plain text with another set of letters or symbols.
  • subtractive process — a process of color photography in which the colors are formed by combination of cyan, yellow, and magenta lights.
  • superannuation fund — a fund used for paying pensions
  • superiority complex — an exaggerated feeling of one's own superiority.
  • supplementary story — follow-up (def 3b).
  • suspended animation — a state of temporary cessation of the vital functions.
  • suspension geometry — Suspension geometry is the geometric arrangement of the parts of a suspension system, and the value of the lengths and angles within it.
  • suspensory ligament — any of several tissues that suspend certain organs or parts of the body, especially the transparent, delicate web of fibrous tissue that supports the crystalline lens.
  • tehachapi mountains — a transverse (E–W) mountain range in S central California. Highest peak, Double Mountain, 7982 feet (2433 meters).
  • telescopic umbrella — an umbrella having parts that telescope
  • the buck stops here — the ultimate responsibility lies here
  • the compassion club — (in Canada) a nonprofit organization that provides uncontaminated cannabis for medical purposes and natural therapies in a safe environment
  • the open university — (in Britain) a university founded in 1969 for mature students studying by television and radio lectures, correspondence courses, local counselling, and summer schools
  • to be up shit creek — to be in an extremely bad situation
  • to give sb a leg up — to help with climbing
  • to keep to yourself — If you keep to yourself, you stay on your own most of the time and do not mix socially with other people.
  • to lose your temper — If you lose your temper, you become so angry that you shout at someone or show in some other way that you are no longer in control of yourself.
  • to plumb new depths — If you say that something plumbs new depths, you mean that it is worse than all the things of its kind that have existed before, even though some of them have been very bad.
  • to plumb the depths — If someone plumbs the depths of an unpleasant emotion or quality, they experience it or show it to an extreme degree.
  • to pop the question — If you pop the question, you ask someone to marry you.
  • trisodium phosphate — sodium phosphate (def 3).
  • trumpet honeysuckle — an American honeysuckle, Lonicera sempervirens, having spikes of large, tubular flowers, deep-red outside and yellow within.
  • trusteeship council — a United Nations body that supervises the government of a territory by a foreign country
  • tussock caterpillar — the larva of a tussock moth.
  • under police escort — If you go somewhere or are taken somewhere under police escort, you go there accompanied by a police escort.
  • under the spotlight — If someone or something comes under the spotlight, they are thoroughly examined, especially by journalists and the public.
  • underrepresentation — the act of representing.
  • university hospital — a hospital that is affiliated with a university. University hospitals provide clinical education and training to future and current doctors, nurses, and other health professionals, in addition to delivering medical care to patients
  • up to one's neck in — deeply involved in
  • wage-push inflation — an inflationary trend caused by wage increases that in turn cause rises in production costs and prices.
  • waste disposal unit — an electrically operated fitment in the plughole of a kitchen sink that breaks up food refuse so that it goes down the waste pipe
  • welsh mountain pony — a small sturdy but graceful breed of pony used mostly for riding, originally from Wales
  • what possessed you? — If you ask what possessed someone to do something, you are emphasizing your great surprise that they have done something which you consider foolish or dangerous.
  • what's your poison? — what would you like to drink?
  • with your eyes open — If you say that you did something with your eyes open or with your eyes wide open, you mean that you knew about the problems and difficulties that you were likely to have.
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