
14-letter words containing s, p, o, t, u

  • superstruction — the action of superstructing
  • support buying — buying carried out to support an exchange rate
  • support system — people who provide support: a family support system to help a troubled youth.
  • supportability — capable of being supported; endurable; maintainable.
  • supportiveness — giving support.
  • supposititious — fraudulently substituted or pretended; spurious; not genuine.
  • supra-national — outside or beyond the authority of one national government, as a project or policy that is planned and controlled by a group of nations.
  • supreme soviet — the bicameral legislature, comprising the Soviet of the Union and the Soviet of the Nationalities; officially the highest organ of state power
  • susceptible of — that gives a chance for; admitting; allowing
  • susceptible to — liable to
  • theotocopoulos — Domenikos [th aw-men-ee-kaws] /ðɔˈmɛn i kɔs/ (Show IPA), El Greco.
  • thermophyllous — relating to deciduous plants or trees that bear leaves only during the warmer times of the year
  • thysanopterous — of or relating to the Thysanoptera genus of insects which are characterized by fringed wings
  • to sleep rough — When people sleep or live rough, they sleep out of doors, usually because they have no home.
  • to the purpose — relevant; pertinent
  • topsy-turvydom — a state of affairs or a region in which everything is topsy-turvy.
  • torque spanner — a spanner having a torque-limiting mechanism which can be set to a predetermined value
  • total pressure — Total pressure is the total of static pressure p, dynamic pressure q, and gravitational head.
  • trachyspermous — having seeds with a rough coat.
  • transpulmonary — of or relating to the lungs.
  • trepidatiously — tremulous fear, alarm, or agitation; perturbation.
  • trophoneurosis — a disorder caused by defective functioning of the trophic nerves
  • trouser pocket — a pocket in a pair of trousers
  • trust hospital — a hospital that is run by an NHS trust which competes with other trusts for government funding
  • turn of phrase — expression, wording
  • ultraprecision — extreme accuracy or precision
  • unionist party — (formerly, in Northern Ireland) the major Protestant political party, closely identified with union with Britain. It formed the Northern Ireland Government from 1920 to 1972
  • unit separator — (character)   (US) ASCII character 31.
  • unpoeticalness — the quality, state, or characteristic of being unpoetic
  • unpraiseworthy — not worthy of praise
  • unpresumptuous — not presumptuous; modest
  • unpropitiously — in an unfavourable or inauspicious manner
  • unsophisticate — not sophisticated
  • up to the ears — very deeply
  • up-to-dateness — (of persons, buildings, etc.) keeping up with the times, as in outlook, information, ideas, appearance, or style.
  • upton sinclairHarry Ford, 1876–1956, U.S. oil businessman: a major figure in the Teapot Dome scandal.
  • upwards of sth — A quantity that is upwards of a particular number is more than that number.
  • uti possidetis — the principle that vests in either of the belligerents at the end of a war all territory actually occupied and controlled by them.
  • vapour density — the ratio of the density of a gas or vapour to that of hydrogen at the same temperature and pressure
  • vegetable soup — soup made with vegetables
  • victim support — Victim support is the giving of help and advice to people who are victims of crime.
  • waste products — the useless products of bodily processes
  • well-supported — to bear or hold up (a load, mass, structure, part, etc.); serve as a foundation for.
  • western europe — countries in the west of Europe
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