
13-letter words containing s, p, i, n, m

  • piers plowman — (The Vision Concerning Piers Plowman) an alliterative poem written in three versions (1360–99), ascribed to William Langland.
  • plasma engine — an engine that generates thrust by reaction to the emission of a jet of plasma
  • plastic money — credit cards, used instead of cash
  • platinum disc — (in Britain) an album certified to have sold 300 000 copies or a single certified to have sold 600 000 copies
  • playing games — If you say that someone is playing games or playing silly games, you mean that they are not treating a situation seriously and you are annoyed with them.
  • plimsoll line — load line (def 1).
  • plus or minus — You use plus or minus to give the amount by which a particular number may vary.
  • pneumatolysis — the process by which rocks are altered or minerals and ores are formed by the action of vapors given off by magma.
  • pneumogastric — of or relating to the lungs and stomach.
  • pococurantism — a careless or indifferent person.
  • points system — a system used to assess applicants' eligibility for local authority housing, based on (points awarded for) such factors as the length of time the applicant has lived in the area, how many children are in the family, etc
  • poison sumach — an anacardiaceous swamp shrub, Rhus (or Toxicodendron) vernix of the southeastern US, that has greenish-white berries and causes an itching rash on contact with the skin
  • polydaemonism — the belief in many evil spirits.
  • polynomialism — a polynomial naming system
  • pons asinorum — a geometric proposition that if a triangle has two of its sides equal, the angles opposite these sides are also equal: so named from the difficulty experienced by beginners in mastering it. Euclid, 1:5.
  • post feminist — relating to or occurring in the period after the feminist movement of the 1970s.
  • post-cambrian — Geology. noting or pertaining to a period of the Paleozoic Era, occurring from 570 million to 500 million years ago, when algae and marine invertebrates were the predominant form of life.
  • post-feminism — a way of thinking that develops, or reacts to or against previous feminist ideology
  • post-feminist — relating to or occurring in the period after the feminist movement of the 1970s.
  • post-midnight — the middle of the night; twelve o'clock at night.
  • postcommunion — the part of a communion service that follows after the congregation has received communion.
  • postembryonic — occurring after the embryonic phase.
  • postliminious — subsequently undertaken
  • postmodernism — (sometimes initial capital letter) any of a number of trends or movements in the arts and literature developing in the 1970s in reaction to or rejection of the dogma, principles, or practices of established modernism, especially a movement in architecture and the decorative arts running counter to the practice and influence of the International Style and encouraging the use of elements from historical vernacular styles and often playful illusion, decoration, and complexity.
  • postmodernist — relating to late 20th-century art movement
  • praetorianism — the control of a society by force or fraud, especially when exercised through titular officials and by a powerful minority.
  • precombustion — of or relating to the period immediately before combustion
  • preliminaries — preceding and leading up to the main part, matter, or business; introductory; preparatory: preliminary examinations.
  • premium bonds — (in Britain) bonds issued by the Treasury since 1956 for purchase by the public. No interest is paid but there is a monthly draw for cash prizes of various sums
  • premonishment — a forewarning
  • presubmission — an act or instance of submitting.
  • pretermission — to let pass without notice; disregard.
  • primary tense — in Latin, Greek, and Sanskrit, a tense referring to present or future time
  • primitiveness — being the first or earliest of the kind or in existence, especially in an early age of the world: primitive forms of life.
  • prison inmate — a person who is confined in a prison
  • privateersman — an officer or sailor of a privateer.
  • pro-communist — (initial capital letter) a member of the Communist Party or movement.
  • promised land — Heaven.
  • promonarchist — the principles of monarchy.
  • protectionism — Economics. the theory, practice, or system of fostering or developing domestic industries by protecting them from foreign competition through duties or quotas imposed on importations.
  • protestantism — the religion of Protestants.
  • provincialism — narrowness of mind, ignorance, or the like, considered as resulting from lack of exposure to cultural or intellectual activity.
  • prudentialism — a regard for prudential, rather than moral, considerations
  • psychodynamic — Psychology. any clinical approach to personality, as Freud's, that sees personality as the result of a dynamic interplay of conscious and unconscious factors.
  • pusillanimity — the state or condition of being pusillanimous; timidity; cowardliness.
  • pusillanimous — lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted; timid.
  • pythian games — (in ancient Greece) the second most important Panhellenic festival, celebrated in the third year of each Olympiad near Delphi. The four-year period between celebrations was known as a Pythiad (ˈpɪθɪˌæd )
  • recomposition — to compose again; reconstitute; rearrange.
  • recompression — the act or process of compressing something again
  • replenishment — to make full or complete again, as by supplying what is lacking, used up, etc.: to replenish one's stock of food.
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