
12-letter words containing s, o, y, e, r

  • reality show — A reality show is a type of television program that aims to show how ordinary people behave in everyday life, or in situations, often created by the program makers, which are intended to represent everyday life.
  • reasonlessly — in a reasonless manner
  • rebelliously — defying or resisting some established authority, government, or tradition; insubordinate; inclined to rebel.
  • recessionary — of, relating to, or causing recession, especially economic recession: recessionary market pressures.
  • red nose day — a fund-raising day on behalf of the British charity organization Comic Relief, which culminates in a live telethon on BBC One
  • refuse lorry — a lorry used to collect and dispose of rubbish and waste from homes, etc
  • reg-symbolic — An early system on the IBM 704.
  • release copy — an article, notice, announcement, or the like, issued in advance for publication or broadcast, bearing a release date.
  • resoundingly — making an echoing sound: a resounding thud.
  • respirometry — the branch of medical science dealing with the measurement and analysis of respiration.
  • responsively — responding especially readily and sympathetically to appeals, efforts, influences, etc.: a responsive government.
  • responsivity — the quality or state of being responsive.
  • reupholstery — the materials used to cushion and cover furniture.
  • reversionary — of, relating to, or involving a reversion.
  • reynoldsburg — a town in central Ohio.
  • rogue's yarn — a yarn of distinctive color, material, or twist, laid in a strand or strands of a rope to identify the owner or the maker.
  • romney marsh — one of an English breed of hardy sheep, having coarse, long wool.
  • rotary press — a printing press in which the type or plates to be printed are fastened upon a rotating cylinder and are impressed on a continuous roll of moving paper.
  • route survey — a survey for determining the route, grades, etc., of a railroad, highway, or power line.
  • royal assent — (in Britain) the formal signing of an act of Parliament by the sovereign, by which it becomes law
  • royal tennis — court tennis.
  • rusty memory — (storage, humour)   Mass-storage that uses iron-oxide-based magnetic media (especially magnetic tape and the pre-Winchester removable disk packs used in washing machines). Compare donuts.
  • safety razor — a razor with a guard to prevent the blade from cutting the skin.
  • say the word — If someone says the word, they give their approval as a sign that something should start to happen.
  • sclerophylly — the normal development of much sclerenchyma in the leaves of certain plants, as some desert plants, resulting in thickened, hardened foliage that resists loss of moisture.
  • second-story — of or located on the second story or floor.
  • seed oysters — oyster spat; very young oysters, esp. at the stage suitable for transplanting
  • seismography — the scientific measuring and recording of the shock and vibrations of earthquakes.
  • selenography — the branch of astronomy that deals with the charting of the moon's surface.
  • self-mockery — gentle humour at one's own expense
  • sensitometry — the science of determining the sensitivity of photographic materials.
  • sensory root — a nerve fiber bundle that emerges from either side of the spinal cord and joins with a complementary bundle to form each spinal nerve in the series of spinal nerves: the root at the rear of the spinal cord (dorsal root or sensory root) conveys sensations to the central nervous system, and the root at the front (ventral root or motor root) conveys impulses to the muscles.
  • serotaxonomy — the study of the taxonomy of proteins using serological methods
  • servo system — a system using a servomechanism.
  • set store by — an establishment where merchandise is sold, usually on a retail basis.
  • seventy-four — a cardinal number, 70 plus 4.
  • seymour cray — (person)   The founder of Cray Research and designer of several of their supercomputers. Cray has been a charismatic yet somewhat reclusive figure. He began Cray Research in Minnesota in 1972. In 1988, Cray moved his Cray-3 project to Colorado Springs. The next year, Cray Research spun it off to create Cray Computer. In 1989, Cray left Cray Research and started Cray Computer Corporation in Colorado Springs. His quest to build a faster computer using new-generation materials failed in 1995, and his bankruptcy cost half a billion dollars and more than 400 jobs. The company was unable to raise $20 million needed to finish the Cray-4 and filed for bankruptcy in March 1995. In the summer of 1996, Cray started a Colorado Springs-based company called SRC Computers, Inc. "We think we'll build computers, but who knows what kind or how," Cray said at the time. "We'll talk it over and see if we can come up with a plan." On 1996-09-22, aged 70, Cray broke his neck in a car accident. Surgery for massive head injuries and swelling of the brain leaving him in a critical and unstable condition.
  • shepherd boy — male child who herds sheep
  • shovel-ready — of or relating to a construction project that is ready to start immediately
  • siderography — the art or technique of engraving on steel.
  • silky cornel — a cornel, Cornus amomum, of the eastern U.S., having leaves covered with short, silky hairs on the underside and bearing blue berries.
  • six-year-old — being six years in age
  • sleeper goby — any gobioid fish of the family Eleotridae, of brackish or fresh tropical waters, resembling the gobies but lacking a ventral sucker
  • smotheringly — in a smothering manner
  • snollygoster — a clever, unscrupulous person.
  • snowy plover — a small plover, Charadrius alexandrinus, mainly of the U.S. and Mexico, having a white breast and sand-colored upper parts.
  • solar energy — energy derived from the sun in the form of solar radiation.
  • solar system — the sun together with all the planets and other bodies that revolve around it.
  • solitary bee — any of numerous bees, as the leaf-cutting bees, that do not live in a community.
  • sooty grouse — blue grouse.
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