
15-letter words containing s, o, r, d, a

  • romblon islands — a group of islands of the Philippines in the Sibuyan Sea and Tablas Strait, part of the Visayan Islands.
  • roundheadedness — the state of having a round head
  • rowland heights — a city in SW California, near Los Angeles.
  • sacred mushroom — any of various hallucinogenic mushrooms, esp species of Psilocybe and Amanita, that have been eaten in rituals in various parts of the world
  • saffron strands — the dried stigmas of the saffron, which are then crushed into powder to flavour or colour food
  • sale of produce — the selling of something that is produced, esp agricultural products
  • sandwich course — A sandwich course is an educational course in which you have periods of study between periods of being at work.
  • sanitary cordon — cordon sanitaire.
  • sargon of akkad — 24th to 23rd century bc, semilegendary Mesopotamian ruler whose empire extended from the Gulf to the Mediterranean
  • satin bowerbird — the largest Australian bowerbird, Ptilonorhynchus violaceus, the male of which has lustrous blue plumage
  • saturated vapor — a vapor whose temperature and pressure are such that any compression of its volume at constant temperature causes it to condense to liquid at a rate sufficient to maintain a constant pressure.
  • say a few words — to give a brief speech
  • scala cordonata — a ramp having the form of broad, slightly inclined steps.
  • scared to death — terrified
  • sclerodermatous — Zoology. covered with a hardened tissue, as scales.
  • scrounge around — to borrow (a small amount or item) with no intention of repaying or returning it: to scrounge a cigarette.
  • seafood platter — a plate of assorted seafood, served in a restaurant
  • seaside sparrow — a species of sparrow, Ammospiza maritima, existing in two subspecies, one (Cape Sable seaside sparrow) having dark olive-drab plumage with a lighter breast and underbelly, and the other (dusky seaside sparrow) having bold black and white markings on the breast and underbelly: the dusky seaside sparrow is almost extinct.
  • second mortgage — a mortgage the lien of which is next in priority to a first mortgage.
  • secondary cause — a cause which is not the primary or ultimate cause
  • secondary color — a color, as orange, green, or violet, produced by mixing two primary colors.
  • secondary group — a group of people with whom one's contacts are detached and impersonal.
  • secondary metal — metal derived wholly or in part from scrap.
  • secondary xylem — xylem derived from the cambium during secondary growth.
  • securicor guard — a guard who works for Securicor
  • self-admiration — a feeling of wonder, pleasure, or approval.
  • self-authorized — given or endowed with authority: an authorized agent.
  • self-proclaimed — to announce or declare in an official or formal manner: to proclaim war.
  • semidocumentary — a film or television programme that is fictional but includes many factual events or details
  • shadow minister — a member of the main opposition party in Parliament who would hold ministerial office if their party were in power
  • shopping arcade — a place where a number of shops are connected together under one roof
  • short and sweet — having little length; not long.
  • short-eared owl — a streaked, buffy brown, cosmopolitan owl, Asio flammeus, having very short tufts of feathers on each side of the head.
  • shorthand notes — notes written in shorthand
  • shortwave radio — a radio that transmits or receives shortwaves.
  • shoulder charge — an instance of a player charging into another so that there is contact between their shoulders (permissible in some circumstances)
  • shoulder season — a travel season between peak and off-peak seasons, especially spring and fall, when fares tend to be relatively low.
  • shoulder weapon — a firearm that is fired while being held in the hands with the butt of the weapon braced against the shoulder.
  • sidereal period — the period of revolution of a body about another with respect to one or more distant stars
  • silicon carbide — a very hard, insoluble, crystalline compound, SiC, used as an abrasive and as an electrical resistor in objects exposed to high temperatures.
  • silver quandong — an Australian tree, Elaeocarpus grandis: family Elaeocarpaceae
  • sinistrodextral — moving or extending from the left to the right.
  • sinoatrial node — a small mass of tissue in the right atrium functioning as pacemaker of the heart by giving rise to the electric impulses that initiate heart contractions.
  • sled cultivator — go-devil (def 5).
  • smoking-related — (of a disease, illness, etc) caused by smoking tobacco, etc
  • social democrat — a person who advocates a gradual transition to socialism or a modified form of socialism by and under democratic political processes.
  • social drinking — the practice of drinking alcohol occasionally and usually only in social situations
  • social-drinking — a person who drinks alcoholic beverages usually in the company of others and is in control of his or her drinking.
  • socratic method — the use of questions, as employed by Socrates, to develop a latent idea, as in the mind of a pupil, or to elicit admissions, as from an opponent, tending to establish a proposition.
  • sodium arsenite — a white or grayish-white, water-soluble, poisonous powder, NaAsO 2 , used chiefly in arsenical soaps for hides, as an insecticide, and as a weed-killer.
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