
14-letter words containing s, o, c, i, p, a

  • operating cash — the amount of cash or money that a business generates
  • operating cost — The operating cost of a business, or a piece of equipment or machinery is the amount of money that it costs to run it.
  • opisthobranchs — Plural form of opisthobranch.
  • opisthographic — written on the front and back of a parchment or papyrus
  • optical isomer — any of two or more isomers exhibiting optical isomerism.
  • optimistically — disposed to take a favorable view of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome.
  • oscillographic — Of or pertaining to an oscillograph.
  • overspecialize — to specialize to an excessive degree
  • pacific oyster — Japanese oyster.
  • pacific salmon — any salmon of the genus Oncorhynchus, especially the chinook salmon, O. tshawytscha.
  • palacio valdes — Armando [ahr-mahn-daw] /ɑrˈmɑn dɔ/ (Show IPA), 1853–1938, Spanish novelist and critic.
  • paleoecologist — the branch of ecology dealing with the relations and interactions between ancient life forms and their environment.
  • panic disorder — a disorder in which inappropriate, intense apprehension and physical symptoms of fear occur so frequently as to produce significant impairment.
  • panic stations — a state of alarm; panicky reaction
  • papilionaceous — having an irregular corolla shaped somewhat like a butterfly, as the pea and other leguminous plants.
  • parish council — local administrative body
  • parish records — historical documents of a district
  • party politics — politics based on strict adherence to the policies and principles of a political party regardless of the public interest; partisan loyalism.
  • peacock's tail — a handsome brown seaweed, Padina pavonia (though coloured yellow-olive, red, and green) whose fan-shaped fronds have concentric bands of iridescent hairs
  • pentecostarion — a service book of offices for the period from Easter to the Sunday after Pentecost.
  • percussion cap — a small metallic cap or cup containing fulminating powder, formerly exploded by percussion to fire the charge of small arms.
  • personal chair — a professorship awarded in recognition of academic achievement
  • pertinaciously — holding tenaciously to a purpose, course of action, or opinion; resolute.
  • petrochemicals — substances, such as acetone or ethanol, obtained from petroleum or natural gas
  • phallic symbol — any object, as a cigar or skyscraper, that may broadly resemble or represent the penis, especially such an object that symbolizes power, as an automobile.
  • phallocentrism — a doctrine or belief centered on the phallus, especially a belief in the superiority of the male sex.
  • phantasmagoric — having a fantastic or deceptive appearance, as something in a dream or created by the imagination.
  • pharmacologist — the science dealing with the preparation, uses, and especially the effects of drugs.
  • pharmacopolist — a person who sells pharmaceutical products
  • phase velocity — the velocity with which a simple harmonic wave is propagated, equal to the wavelength divided by the period of vibration.
  • photocatalysis — the acceleration or retardation of the reaction rate in chemical reactions by light.
  • photorealistic — a style of painting flourishing in the 1970s, especially in the U.S., England, and France, and depicting commonplace scenes or ordinary people, with a meticulously detailed realism, flat images, and barely discernible brushwork that suggests and often is based on or incorporates an actual photograph.
  • phraseological — manner or style of verbal expression; characteristic language: legal phraseology.
  • phyllosilicate — any silicate mineral having the tetrahedral silicate groups linked in sheets, each group containing four oxygen atoms, three of which are shared with other groups so that the ratio of silicon atoms to oxygen atoms is two to five.
  • pick one's way — to choose or select from among a group: to pick a contestant from the audience.
  • pitch invasion — If there is a pitch invasion during or after a football, rugby, or cricket match, fans run on to the pitch.
  • pitch-and-toss — a game in which players toss coins at a mark, the person whose coin hits closest to the mark tossing all the coins in the air and winning all those that come down heads up.
  • placido's disk — a device marked with concentric black rings, used to detect corneal irregularities.
  • plastic memory — the tendency of certain plastics after being deformed to resume their original form when heated
  • plastic police — a collective term for several classes of public officer (including community support officers) authorized to perform certain tasks and duties in support of the police force, but having lesser powers than the police
  • plasticization — Plasticization is the process of changing the structure of a polymer to make it easier to bend.
  • platonic solid — one of the five regular polyhedrons: tetrahedron, octahedron, hexahedron, icosahedron, or dodecahedron.
  • pneumobacillus — a bacterium, Klebsiella pneumoniae, causing a type of pneumonia and associated with certain other diseases, especially of the respiratory tract.
  • pneumodynamics — Physics. pneumatics.
  • poikiloblastic — (of metamorphic rocks) having small grains of one mineral embedded in metacrysts of another mineral.
  • polar distance — codeclination.
  • polemoniaceous — belonging to the Polemoniaceae, the phlox family of plants.
  • police station — police headquarters for a particular district, from which police officers are dispatched and to which persons under arrest are brought.
  • policy adviser — a person who provides ideas or plans that are used by an organization or government as a basis for making decisions
  • polysaccharide — a carbohydrate, as starch, inulin, or cellulose, containing more than three monosaccharide units per molecule, the units being attached to each other in the manner of acetals, and therefore capable of hydrolysis by acids or enzymes to monosaccharides.
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