
17-letter words containing s, o, a

  • supreme commander — the military officer commanding all allied forces in a theater of war.
  • surface condenser — a device condensing steam or vapor by passing it over a cool surface.
  • surrender to bail — to present oneself at court at the appointed time after having been on bail
  • sustentation fund — a fund, esp in the Church of Scotland, to augment the support of ministers
  • swaddling clothes — cloth for wrapping around a baby
  • swainson's thrush — a North American thrush, Catharus ustulatus, having olive upper parts and wintering south to Argentina.
  • swash plate motor — a collar or face plate on a shaft that is inclined at an oblique angle to the axis of rotation and converts reciprocating motion to rotation
  • sweet mock orange — the syringa, Philadelphus coronarius.
  • switching station — A switching station is equipment used to tie together two or more electric circuits through switches.
  • sword and sorcery — a genre of literature and film, usually set in days of old with magic as well as sword fighting
  • sword of damocles — Damocles (def 2).
  • sydenham's chorea — a form of chorea affecting children, often associated with rheumatic fever
  • symbolic assembly — (language)   An early system on the IBM 705.
  • symbolic language — a specialized language dependent upon the use of symbols for communication and created for the purpose of achieving greater exactitude, as in symbolic logic or mathematics.
  • synchronistically — coincidence in time; contemporaneousness; simultaneousness.
  • synovial membrane — anatomy: connective tissue
  • taconic mountains — a mountain range in SE New York, W Massachusetts, and SW Vermont, a highly eroded part of the Appalachian system. Highest peak, Mount Equinox, in Vermont 3816 feet (1163 meters).
  • tactile corpuscle — an oval sense organ made of flattened cells and encapsulated nerve endings, occurring in hairless skin, as the tips of the fingers and toes, and functioning as a touch receptor.
  • take into custody — to arrest
  • take no prisoners — to be uncompromising and resolute in one's actions
  • take second place — If one thing takes second place to another, it is considered to be less important and is given less attention than the other thing.
  • take some beating — to be difficult to improve upon
  • take sth by storm — If someone or something takes a place by storm, they are extremely successful.
  • take sth on trust — If you take something on trust after having heard or read it, you believe it completely without checking it.
  • take sth to heart — If you take something to heart, for example someone's behaviour, you are deeply affected and upset by it.
  • take to one's bed — to remain in bed, esp because of illness
  • take upon oneself — to take the responsibility for; accept as a charge
  • take years off sb — If you say that something such as an experience or a way of dressing has taken years off someone, you mean that it has made them look or feel much younger.
  • take-no-prisoners — wholeheartedly aggressive; zealous; gung-ho: a businessman with a take-no-prisoners attitude toward dealmaking.
  • teachers' college — a college, usually having a four-year curriculum and granting a bachelor's degree, for training teachers for elementary and secondary schools
  • teaching hospital — a hospital associated with a medical college and offering clinical and other facilities to those in various areas of medical study, as students, interns, and residents.
  • teaching software — computer software for use in providing online education
  • technical support — an advising and troubleshooting service provided by a manufacturer, typically a software or hardware developer, to its customers, often online or on the telephone.
  • telephone message — a message that is transmitted by telephone
  • telescopic damper — a device with telescopic parts that reduce vibration in a motor vehicle
  • tell its own tale — to be self-evident
  • temple of artemis — the temple at Ephesus dedicated to Artemis.
  • terrestrial globe — the planet Earth (usually preceded by the).
  • tertiary consumer — a carnivore at the topmost level in a food chain that feeds on other carnivores; an animal that feeds only on secondary consumers.
  • the age of reason — the 18th century in W Europe
  • the bag of tricks — every device; everything
  • the barbary coast — a historic name for the Mediterranean coast of North Africa: a centre of piracy against European shipping from the 16th to the 19th centuries
  • the carboniferous — the Carboniferous period or rock system
  • the facts of life — the details of sexual behaviour and reproduction, esp as told to children
  • the good old days — When people refer to the good old days, they are referring to a time in the past when they think that life was better than it is now.
  • the life and soul — a person regarded as the main source of merriment and liveliness
  • the lord's prayerthe, the prayer given by Jesus to His disciples, and beginning with the words Our Father. Matt. 6:9–13; Luke 11:2–4.
  • the lower animals — relatively simple or primitive animals and not mammals or vertebrates
  • the lower mammals — relatively simple or primitive mammals
  • the major leagues — the two main leagues of professional baseball clubs in the U.S., the National League and the American League
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