
14-letter words containing s, n, o, p, e

  • recessionproof — not susceptible to an economic recession: a recessionproof economy; He wants a long-term contract to make his job recessionproof.
  • recompensatory — serving to compensate, as for loss, lack, or injury.
  • rejection slip — a notification of rejection, attached by a publisher to a manuscript before returning the work to its author.
  • repeat oneself — to say or do the same thing more than once, esp so as to be tedious
  • repositionable — to put in a new or different position; shift: to reposition the artwork on the advertising layout.
  • representation — the act of representing.
  • repristination — the restoration of something to its original condition; the act of making something pristine again
  • reprovisioning — a clause in a legal instrument, a law, etc., providing for a particular matter; stipulation; proviso.
  • repudiationist — someone who believes that a given thing should be repudiated
  • responsibility — the state or fact of being responsible, answerable, or accountable for something within one's power, control, or management.
  • responsiveness — the quality or state of being responsive.
  • resubscription — a sum of money given or pledged as a contribution, payment, investment, etc.
  • rite of spring — French Le Sacre du Printemps. a ballet suite (1913) for orchestra by Igor Stravinsky.
  • rna polymerase — an enzyme that synthesizes the formation of RNA from a DNA template during transcription.
  • roanoke rapids — a city in NE North Carolina.
  • roentgenoscope — a fluoroscope.
  • rsa encryption — (cryptography, algorithm)   A public-key cryptosystem for both encryption and authentication, invented in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman. Its name comes from their initials. The RSA algorithm works as follows. Take two large prime numbers, p and q, and find their product n = pq; n is called the modulus. Choose a number, e, less than n and relatively prime to (p-1)(q-1), and find its reciprocal mod (p-1)(q-1), and call this d. Thus ed = 1 mod (p-1)(q-1); e and d are called the public and private exponents, respectively. The public key is the pair (n, e); the private key is d. The factors p and q must be kept secret, or destroyed. It is difficult (presumably) to obtain the private key d from the public key (n, e). If one could factor n into p and q, however, then one could obtain the private key d. Thus the entire security of RSA depends on the difficulty of factoring; an easy method for factoring products of large prime numbers would break RSA.
  • runcible spoon — a forklike utensil with two broad prongs and one sharp, curved prong, as used for serving hors d'oeuvres.
  • sable antelope — a large antelope, Hippotragus niger, of Africa, with long, saberlike horns and, in the male, a black coat: an endangered species.
  • saffron powder — the dried stigmas of the saffron crushed into powder, used to flavour or colour food
  • sample section — a section of sth, intended as representative of the whole
  • san pedro sula — a city in NW Honduras.
  • saphenous vein — either of two large veins near the surface of the foot, leg, and thigh, one on the inner side and the other on the outer and posterior sides.
  • sauropterygian — any of various Mesozoic marine reptiles of the superorder Sauropterygia, including the suborder Plesiosauria.
  • schizo-phrenic — Psychiatry. of or relating to schizophrenia: Not all of these patients are schizophrenic.
  • screen popping — (communications)   The use of CTI to make customer data appear on a call centre terminal at the same time as the customer call is transferred.
  • screen process — a method of printing using a fine mesh of silk, nylon, etc, treated with an impermeable coating except in the areas through which ink is subsequently forced onto the paper behind
  • second opinion — view of another expert
  • self-appointed — chosen by oneself to act in a certain capacity or to fulfill a certain function, especially pompously or self-righteously: a self-appointed guardian of the public's morals.
  • self-deception — the act or fact of deceiving oneself.
  • self-important — having or showing an exaggerated opinion of one's own importance; pompously conceited or haughty.
  • self-operating — automatic.
  • self-ownership — the state or fact of being an owner.
  • self-parodying — given to or involving self-parody
  • self-poisoning — illness due to the taking of poison
  • self-promotion — advancement in rank or position.
  • self-provision — a clause in a legal instrument, a law, etc., providing for a particular matter; stipulation; proviso.
  • semipolar bond — type of chemical bond
  • senior partner — high-ranking firm partner
  • serra junipero — Miguel José [mee-gel haw-se] /miˈgɛl hɔˈsɛ/ (Show IPA), 1713–84, Spanish Roman Catholic missionary to the Indians in California and Mexico.
  • sheep-worrying — the act (of a dog, sheepdog, wolf, etc) of chasing a flock of sheep and biting or injuring the sheep
  • shoe repairing — the trade of mending shoes
  • shooting spree — a series of shootings by a mad person
  • shopping spree — frenzied, indulgent buying
  • shortleaf pine — a pine, Pinus echinata, of the southern U.S., having short, flexible leaves.
  • shove-ha'penny — a shuffleboard game played with coins or brass disks that are pushed by the hand and thumb down a board toward a scoring pit.
  • silver protein — any of several colloidal silver solutions containing silver and a protein, as albumin: formerly used in treating inflammation of mucous membranes
  • silver-spooned — born into, of, or relating to a wealthy upper-class family
  • simple protein — a protein that yields only amino acids and no other major products when hydrolyzed (contrasted with conjugated protein).
  • simpson desert — an uninhabited arid region in central Australia, mainly in the Northern Territory. Area: about 145 000 sq km (56 000 sq miles)
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