
16-letter words containing s, i, t, r, o

  • inverse function — the function that replaces another function when the dependent and independent variables of the first function are interchanged for an appropriate set of values of the dependent variable. In y = sin x and x = arc sin y, the inverse function of sine is arc sine.
  • iridochoroiditis — inflammation of the iris and the choroid.
  • irresponsibility — said, done, or characterized by a lack of a sense of responsibility: His refusal to work shows him to be completely irresponsible.
  • isle of portland — a rugged limestone peninsula in SW England, in Dorset, connected to the mainland by a narrow isthmus and by Chesil Bank: the lighthouse of Portland Bill lies at the S tip; famous for the quarrying of Portland stone, a fine building material. Pop (town): 12 000 (latest est)
  • isobutyl nitrite — butyl nitrite.
  • isoplastic graft — syngraft.
  • it's fair to say — You use fair in expressions such as It would be fair to say in order to introduce a statement which you believe to be true and reasonable.
  • joint resolution — a resolution adopted by both branches of a bicameral legislative assembly and requiring the signature of the chief executive to become law.
  • journalistically — of, relating to, or characteristic of journalists or journalism.
  • judaeo-christian — of or relating to the religious writings, beliefs, values, or traditions held in common by Judaism and Christianity.
  • jurisdictionally — In a jurisdictional way.
  • keep on a string — to have control or a hold over (someone), esp emotionally
  • kleptoparasitism — The parasitic theft of captured prey, nest material, etc. from animals of the same or another species.
  • knights of labor — a secret workingmen's organization formed in 1869 to defend the interests of labor.
  • kurdaitcha shoes — (in certain Central Australian Aboriginal tribes) the emu-feather shoes worn by the kurdaitcha on his mission so that his footsteps may not be traced
  • labour relations — Labour relations refers to the relationship between employers and employees in industry, and the political decisions and laws that affect it.
  • labour-intensive — Labour-intensive industries or methods of making things involve a lot of workers. Compare capital-intensive.
  • lactovegetarians — Plural form of lactovegetarian.
  • latissimus dorsi — a broad, flat muscle on each side of the midback, the action of which draws the arm backward and downward and rotates the front of the arm toward the body.
  • lawson criterion — (in a hypothetical nuclear fusion reactor) the requirement that in order for the energy produced by fusion to exceed the energy expended in causing the fusion, the product of the density of the fuel and the time during which it is confined at that density (Lawson product) must be greater than a certain number that depends on the kind of fuel used.
  • legal separation — judicial separation.
  • leptosporangiate — (of ferns) having each sporangium developing from a single cell, rather than from a group, and normally with specialized explosive spore dispersal
  • levallois-perret — a suburb of Paris, in N France, on the Seine.
  • level descriptor — one of a set of criteria used to assess the performance of a pupil in a particular subject
  • libation-bearers — Choëphori.
  • liberal unionist — a Liberal who opposed Gladstone's policy of Irish Home Rule in 1886 and after
  • lick observatory — the astronomical observatory of the University of California, situated on Mount Hamilton, near San Jose, California, and having a 120-inch (3-meter) reflecting telescope and a 36-inch (91-cm) refracting telescope.
  • light microscope — microscope (def 1).
  • lightning stroke — a discharge of lightning between a cloud and the earth, esp one that causes damage
  • listen to reason — be persuaded
  • lloyd's register — a publication, issued annually by Lloyd's, consisting of a list of all of the world's seagoing vessels and including such information as their age, tonnage, and classification.
  • loan translation — the process whereby a compound word or expression is created by literal translation of each of the elements of a compound word or expression in another language, as marriage of convenience from French mariage de convenance.
  • local oscillator — the oscillator in a superheterodyne receiver whose output frequency is mixed with the incoming modulated radio-frequency carrier signal to produce the required intermediate frequency
  • lose one's shirt — a long- or short-sleeved garment for the upper part of the body, usually lightweight and having a collar and a front opening.
  • lost river range — a mountain range in E central Idaho. Highest peak, Borah Peak (also highest in the state), 12,662 feet (3862 meters).
  • macro-linguistic — a field of study concerned with language in its broadest sense and including cultural and behavioral features associated with language.
  • macroinstruction — macro (def 5).
  • macrolinguistics — a field of study concerned with language in its broadest sense and including cultural and behavioral features associated with language.
  • macrorestriction — In physical gene mapping, the digestion of DNA of high molecular weight with a restriction enzyme having a low number of restriction sites.
  • magnesiochromite — (mineral) A chromite species with the formula MgCr2O4.
  • magnetochemistry — the study of magnetic and chemical phenomena in their relation to one another.
  • magnetoresistive — Of or pertaining to magnetoresistance.
  • magnetostriction — a change in dimensions exhibited by ferromagnetic materials when subjected to a magnetic field.
  • magnetostrictive — Of or pertaining to magnetostriction.
  • margin of safety — therapeutic index.
  • marginal costing — a method of cost accounting and decision making used for internal reporting in which only marginal costs are charged to cost units and fixed costs are treated as a lump sum
  • marine biologist — scientist who studies sea life
  • marriage customs — the acts that are traditionally done in connection with a marriage
  • marsupialization — (surgery) The surgical technique of cutting a slit into a cyst and suturing its edges to form a continuous surface from the exterior to the interior of the cyst, allowing it to drain freely.
  • mass destruction — devastation on a large scale
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