
11-letter words containing s, i, p

  • floodplains — Plural form of floodplain.
  • floppy disc — (spelling)   It's "floppy disk", not like "compact disc".
  • floppy disk — Computers. a thin plastic disk coated with magnetic material, on which computer data and programs can be stored for later retrieval.
  • flying-spot — denoting an electronic system in which a rapidly moving spot of light is used to encode or decode data, for example to obtain a television signal by scanning a photographic film or slide
  • flyspecking — A technique for painting furniture with flicked drops of paint.
  • foetiparous — (of a marsupial) bearing young before they are fully developed.
  • food prices — the prices that consumers are charged for food
  • fools' lisp — A small Scheme interpreter by Jonathan Lee <[email protected]>. Version 1.3.2 is R4RS conformant. It runs on Sun-3, Sun-4, Decstation, VAX (Ultrix), Sequent, Apollo.
  • foppishness — The characteristic or quality of being foppish.
  • forcepslike — Resembling a forceps.
  • foreglimpse — a revelation or glimpse of the future.
  • foremanship — The position of a foreman.
  • foretopsail — (nautical) the sail draped from the foretopmast.
  • fortepianos — Plural form of fortepiano.
  • foundership — The condition of having founded something.
  • frangipanis — Plural form of frangipani.
  • free spirit — a person with a highly individual or unique attitude, lifestyle, or imagination; nonconformist.
  • friendships — Plural form of friendship.
  • frost point — the temperature of the air at which hoarfrost begins to form.
  • funduscopic — Relating to funduscopy.
  • gamotropism — the tendency of gametes to attract each other
  • gemmiparous — producing or reproducing by buds or gemmae.
  • generalship — skill as commander of a large military force or unit.
  • genioplasty — Mentoplasty.
  • geographies — the science dealing with the areal differentiation of the earth's surface, as shown in the character, arrangement, and interrelations over the world of such elements as climate, elevation, soil, vegetation, population, land use, industries, or states, and of the unit areas formed by the complex of these individual elements.
  • geophysical — the branch of geology that deals with the physics of the earth and its atmosphere, including oceanography, seismology, volcanology, and geomagnetism.
  • geopolitics — the study or the application of the influence of political and economic geography on the politics, national power, foreign policy, etc., of a state.
  • geostrophic — of or relating to the balance between the Coriolis force and the horizontal pressure force in the atmosphere.
  • ghostscript — (graphics, tool)   The GNU interpreter for PostScript and PDF, with previewers for serval systems and many fonts. Ghostscript was originally written by L. Peter Deutsch <[email protected]> of Aladdin Enterprises. The first public release was v1.0 on 1988-08-11.
  • giant steps — a children's game in which a leader calls upon individual players to advance toward him or her in a given number and variety of steps, the object being for one person to tag the leader and for all of them to run back to the starting line without being caught by the leader. Any player who is caught becomes the leader.
  • gingersnaps — Plural form of gingersnap.
  • glans penis — the head of the penis (glans penis) or of the clitoris (glans clitoris)
  • glide slope — the angle that the glidepath of an aircraft or spacecraft makes with the horizontal.
  • gloss paint — Gloss paint is paint that forms a shiny surface when it dries.
  • glycolipids — Plural form of glycolipid.
  • gnat's piss — a very weak-tasting and unappetizing drink
  • goddessship — a female god or deity.
  • gonycampsis — abnormal curvature of the knee.
  • goosepimple — Alt form goose pimple.
  • gospel side — (in some Protestant churches) the left side of a church, facing the altar.
  • gossypiboma — (surgery) A gauze or surgical sponge left inside a patient's body during surgery.
  • graian alps — a mountain range in France and Italy, in the W Alps. Highest peak, Gran Paradiso, 13,324 feet (4061 meters).
  • grapefruits — Plural form of grapefruit.
  • graphicness — The quality of being graphic: grotesqueness or vividness.
  • graptolites — Plural form of graptolite.
  • grass snipe — the pectoral sandpiper.
  • gravisphere — the area in which the gravitational force of a celestial body is predominant.
  • greasepaint — an oily mixture of melted tallow or grease and a pigment, used by actors, clowns, etc., for making up their faces.
  • guttersnipe — a person belonging to or characteristic of the lowest social group in a city.
  • gypsiferous — containing gypsum.
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