
9-letter words containing s, i, n, o, r

  • roominess — affording ample room; spacious; large.
  • root sign — the symbol √ placed before a number or quantity to indicate the extraction of a root, esp a square root. The value of a higher root is indicated by a raised digit in front of the symbol, as in 3√
  • rose pink — a light pinkish red color.
  • rosé wine — alcoholic drink: pink wine
  • rosefinch — any of various finches with pink patches
  • rosetting — abnormal leaf formation in a plant due to disease
  • rosin oil — a viscous liquid, colorless to black, distilled from rosin and used in making adhesives, inks, insulation, lacquers, lubricants, plasticizers, and varnish.
  • rosinante — the old, worn horse of Don Quixote.
  • rosinweed — any coarse, North American, composite plant of the genus Silphium, having a resinous juice and stalkless, paired leaves.
  • routinism — adherence to routine.
  • routinist — someone who lives by routine
  • rowdiness — a rough, disorderly person.
  • sailoring — the occupation or duties of a sailor.
  • sanatoria — a hospital for the treatment of chronic diseases, as tuberculosis or various nervous or mental disorders.
  • sanforize — to preshrink (cloth) permanently by a patented process before making garments
  • sangfroid — coolness of mind; calmness; composure: They committed the robbery with complete sang-froid.
  • santorini — a Greek island in the S Aegean, in the Cyclades group. 30 sq. mi. (78 sq. km).
  • sarcodine — belonging or pertaining to the protist phylum Sarcodina, comprising protozoa that move and capture food by forming pseudopodia.
  • sarcosine — a crystalline compound, C 3 H 7 NO 2 , with a sweet taste, soluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol: used in the manufacture of toothpaste, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals.
  • sardonian — a person who flatters with harmful or deadly intent
  • sargon ii — died 705 b.c, king of Assyria 722–705.
  • sarmiento — a city in E Argentina, a suburb of Buenos Aires.
  • satyricon — a satirical novel, interspersed with verse, written in the 1st century a.d. by Petronius, extant in fragments.
  • scenarios — an outline of the plot of a dramatic work, giving particulars as to the scenes, characters, situations, etc.
  • sclerotin — an insoluble protein that serves to stiffen the chitin of the cuticle of arthropods.
  • scorching — burning; very hot.
  • scoreline — sports: intermediate or final score
  • scourging — a whip or lash, especially for the infliction of punishment or torture.
  • scourings — dirt or refuse removed by scouring.
  • scrolling — computing: moving around screen
  • sea robin — any of various gurnards, especially certain American species of the genus Prionotus, having large pectoral fins used to move across the ocean bottom.
  • secretion — (in a cell or gland) the act or process of separating, elaborating, and releasing a substance that fulfills some function within the organism or undergoes excretion.
  • seigniory — the power or authority of a seignior.
  • semiround — having one surface that is round and another that is flat.
  • senhorita — a Portuguese term of address equivalent to miss, used alone or capitalized and prefixed to the name of a girl or unmarried woman. Abbreviation: Srta.
  • seniority — the state of being senior; priority of birth; superior age.
  • sensorial — of or relating to the senses or sensation.
  • sensorily — by (the use of) the senses, by means of the senses, in relation to or in respect of the senses
  • sensorium — a part of the brain or the brain itself regarded as the seat of sensation.
  • serbonian — of, relating to, or designating the large marshy tract of land in the northern part of ancient Egypt in which entire armies are said to have been swallowed up.
  • seriation — the arrangement of a collection of artifacts into a chronological sequence.
  • sermoning — the preaching of sermons
  • sermonise — to deliver or compose a sermon; preach.
  • sermonize — to deliver or compose a sermon; preach.
  • serotinal — pertaining to or occurring in late summer.
  • serotines — a small Eurasian brown bat, Eptesicus serotinus.
  • serotonin — a neurotransmitter, derived from tryptophan, that is involved in sleep, depression, memory, and other neurological processes.
  • serranoid — resembling or related to the sea bass family Serranidae.
  • serration — serrated condition or form.
  • serricorn — a beetle with serrate antennae
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