
16-letter words containing s, h

  • vaughan williamsRalph, 1872–1958, English composer.
  • vauxhall gardens — a public garden at Vauxhall, laid out in 1661; a fashionable meeting place and site of lavish entertainments. Closed in 1859
  • vestibule school — a school in an industrial establishment where new employees are given specific training in the jobs they are to perform.
  • visiting teacher — a teacher in a public school system, assigned to give home instruction to sick or disabled pupils.
  • voluntary school — a school that promotes specific religious beliefs and which is funded by a local education authority but was not established by the authority
  • walk the streets — to be a prostitute
  • walrus moustache — a long thick moustache drooping at the ends
  • ward christensen — (person)   The inventor of XMODEM and of the BBS. Ward did physics in college and programmed mainframes for IBM. Ward and friend Randy Suess set up their BBS on first on 1978-02-16 in Chicago. It ran on an S-100 computer with 64k RAM and two single-sided 8" 250kB diskettes.
  • wash one's hands — to go to the lavatory
  • washing-up water — water used for washing dishes
  • washington state — the state of Washington, especially as distinguished from Washington, D.C.
  • washington thorn — a dense tree, Crataegus phaenopyrum, of the rose family, native to the eastern coast of the U.S., having triangular leaves, small clusters of white flowers, and clusters of bright red fruit.
  • washington, d. c — Booker T(aliaferro) [boo k-er tol-uh-ver] /ˈbʊk ər ˈtɒl ə vər/ (Show IPA), 1856–1915, U.S. reformer, educator, author, and lecturer.
  • washington, d.c. — Booker T(aliaferro) [boo k-er tol-uh-ver] /ˈbʊk ər ˈtɒl ə vər/ (Show IPA), 1856–1915, U.S. reformer, educator, author, and lecturer.
  • watch one's step — a movement made by lifting the foot and setting it down again in a new position, accompanied by a shifting of the weight of the body in the direction of the new position, as in walking, running, or dancing.
  • watch this space — Journalists write 'Watch this space' in order to indicate in an informal way that they will be giving more information about something in the future.
  • watson-wentworth — Charles, 2nd Marquis of Rockingham [rok-ing-uh m] /ˈrɒk ɪŋ əm/ (Show IPA), 1730–82, British statesman: prime minister 1765–66, 1782.
  • way of all flesh — a novel (1903) by Samuel Butler.
  • way of the cross — stations of the cross.
  • weather advisory — advisory (def 5).
  • weather forecast — meteorological prediction
  • weatherstripping — A piece of weatherstrip material.
  • well-established — permanently founded; settled; firmly set: a well-established business; a well-established habit.
  • well-upholstered — (of a person) fat
  • western sandwich — a sandwich with a western omelet for a filling.
  • what's the odds? — what difference does it make?
  • whatchamacallits — Plural form of whatchamacallit.
  • whatever sb does — You say whatever you do when giving advice or warning someone about something.
  • when it comes to — with regard to
  • whirling dervish — a member of a Turkish order of dervishes, or Sufis, whose ritual consists in part of a highly stylized whirling dance.
  • white as a sheet — pale: from shock, fright, etc.
  • white rhinoceros — an African rhinoceros, Diceros simus, having two horns on the nose
  • white sandalwood — the fragrant heartwood of any of certain Asian trees of the genus Santalum, used for ornamental carving and burned as incense.
  • white settlement — a town in N Texas.
  • white wood aster — a composite plant, Aster divaricatus, of North America, having flat-topped clusters of white ray flowers and growing in dry woods.
  • whited sepulcher — an evil person who feigns goodness; hypocrite. Matt. 23:27.
  • whited sepulchre — hypocrite
  • whole nine yards — a common unit of linear measure in English-speaking countries, equal to 3 feet or 36 inches, and equivalent to 0.9144 meter.
  • whole-tone scale — a scale progressing entirely by whole tones, as C, D, E, F♯, G♯, A♯, C.
  • wholeheartedness — fully or completely sincere, enthusiastic, energetic, etc.; hearty; earnest: a wholehearted attempt to comply.
  • wiener schnitzel — Viennese Cookery. a breaded veal cutlet, variously seasoned or garnished.
  • wild goose chase — a wild or absurd search for something nonexistent or unobtainable: a wild-goose chase looking for a building long demolished.
  • wild honeysuckle — pinxter flower.
  • wild-goose chase — a wild or absurd search for something nonexistent or unobtainable: a wild-goose chase looking for a building long demolished.
  • will-o'-the-wisp — ignis fatuus (def 1).
  • winchester rifle — a type of magazine rifle, first made in about 1866.
  • windowpane shell — capiz.
  • windshield wiper — an electrically or pneumatically operated device consisting of a squeegee connected to a mechanical arm designed to wipe off rain, snow, etc., from a windshield or rear window.
  • wish fulfillment — gratification of desires.
  • wishful thinking — interpretation of facts, actions, words, etc., as one would like them to be rather than as they really are; imagining as actual what is not.
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