
16-letter words containing s, h

  • silky flycatcher — any of several passerine birds of the family Ptilogonatidae, of the southwestern U.S. to Panama, related to the waxwings.
  • simeon ben yohai — flourished 2nd century a.d, Palestinian rabbi.
  • simonyi, charles — Charles Simonyi
  • sir herbert readGeorge, 1733–98, American political leader: served in the Continental Congress 1774–77.
  • sit on the fence — to be unable or unwilling to commit oneself
  • situation ethics — a view of ethics that deprecates general moral principles while emphasizing the source of moral judgments in the distinctive characters of specific situations.
  • slap in the face — smack on the cheek
  • slap on the back — to congratulate
  • sleeping draught — any drink containing a drug or agent that induces sleep
  • sling one's hook — to leave
  • smack in the eye — a snub or setback
  • smoke inhalation — poisoning of the lungs caused by inhaling large quantities of toxic fumes from a fire
  • smooth breathing — a symbol (') used in the writing of Greek to indicate that the initial vowel over which it is placed is unaspirated.
  • so help me (god) — I swear
  • social gathering — party, get-together
  • social pathology — a social factor, as poverty, old age, or crime, that tends to increase social disorganization and inhibit personal adjustment.
  • sodium hydroxide — a white, deliquescent, water-soluble solid, NaOH, usually in the form of lumps, sticks, chips, or pellets, that upon solution in water generates heat: used chiefly in the manufacture of other chemicals, rayon, film, soap, as a laboratory reagent, and in medicine as a caustic.
  • sodium methylate — a white, free-flowing, flammable powder, CH 3 ONa, decomposed by water to sodium hydroxide and methyl alcohol: used chiefly in organic synthesis.
  • sodium pentothal — the sodium salt of thiopental sodium.
  • sodium phosphate — Also called monobasic sodium phosphate. a white, crystalline, slightly hygroscopic, water-soluble powder, NaH 2 PO 4 , used chiefly in dyeing and in electroplating.
  • soft furnishings — home fabrics
  • soft in the head — stupid or foolish
  • soft pornography — soft-core pornography.
  • sole stockholder — the only person who holds shares in a business
  • solemn high mass — a Mass sung with the assistance of a deacon and subdeacon.
  • somehow or other — in an undetermined way
  • something fierce — desperately, intensely
  • sonata da chiesa — an instrumental musical form, common in the Baroque period, that usually consists of four movements alternating between slow and fast.
  • sooty shearwater — any of several long-winged seabirds, often used as food, especially Puffinus tenuirostris (short-tailed shearwater) of Australia and Puffinus griseus (sooty shearwater) which breeds in the Southern Hemisphere and winters in the Northern Hemisphere.
  • sounding machine — any of various machines for taking and recording soundings.
  • sour-milk cheese — cottage cheese made from sour milk.
  • south australian — a state in S Australia. 380,070 sq. mi. (984,380 sq. km). Capital: Adelaide.
  • south burlington — a town in NW Vermont.
  • south carolinian — a state in the SE United States, on the Atlantic coast. 31,055 sq. mi. (80,430 sq. km). Capital: Columbia. Abbreviation: SC (for use with zip code), S.C.
  • south charleston — a city in W West Virginia.
  • south huntington — a town in central Long Island, in SE New York.
  • south lake tahoe — a city in E California.
  • south plainfield — a city in N New Jersey.
  • south sea bubble — the financial crash that occurred in 1720 after the South Sea Company had taken over the national debt in return for a monopoly of trade with the South Seas, causing feverish speculation in their stocks
  • south vietnamese — of or relating to the former South Vietnam (now part of Vietnam) or its inhabitants
  • southerly buster — a sudden violent cold wind on the SE coast of Australia causing a rapid drop in temperature
  • southern baptist — a member of the Southern Baptist Convention, founded in Augusta, Georgia, in 1845, that is strictly Calvinistic and active in religious publishing and education.
  • southern uplands — a hilly region extending across S Scotland: includes the Lowther, Moorfoot, and Lammermuir hills
  • spaghetti squash — a variety of a widely cultivated squash, Cucurbita pepo, having edible flesh in the form of spaghettilike strands.
  • spanish bluebell — a bulbous plant, Endymion hispanicus, of the lily family, native to Spain and Portugal, having blue, white, or pink, bell-shaped flowers.
  • spanish chestnut — Castanea sativa
  • spanish mackerel — an American game fish, Scomberomorus maculatus, inhabiting the Atlantic Ocean.
  • spanish moroccan — of or relating to the former Spanish colony of Spanish Morocco (now part of Morocco) or its inhabitants
  • spanish omelette — an omelette made by adding green peppers, onions, tomato, etc, to the eggs
  • spanish windlass — a stick used as a device for twisting and tightening a rope or cable
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