
16-letter words containing s, h, e, a, b

  • chuvash republic — a constituent republic of W central Russia, in the middle Volga valley: generally low-lying with undulating plains and large areas of forest. Capital: Cheboksary. Pop: 1 313 900 (2002). Area: 18 300 sq km (7064 sq miles)
  • close by/at hand — Something that is close by or close at hand is near to you.
  • columbia heights — a city in SE Minnesota, near Minneapolis.
  • corned beef hash — a dish consisting of corned beef chopped and mixed together with mashed potatoes and various other ingredients, then fried
  • crossbow archery — the sport of shooting with a crossbow
  • database machine — (hardware)   A computer or special hardware that stores and retrieves data from a database. It is specially designed for database access and is coupled to the main (front-end) computer(s) by a high-speed channel. This contrasts with a database server, which is a computer in a local area network that holds a database. The database machine is tightly coupled to the main CPU, whereas the database server is loosely coupled via the network.
  • dearborn heights — city in SE Mich.: suburb of Detroit: pop. 58,000
  • dehydroascorbate — (organic compound) Any salt or ester of dehydroascorbic acid.
  • derbyshire chair — a chair of the mid-17th century, made of oak, usually without arms, and having a back of two carved rails between square uprights.
  • disestablishment — to deprive of the character of being established; cancel; abolish.
  • dishonorableness — The property of being dishonorable.
  • drop a bombshell — If someone drops a bombshell, they give you a sudden piece of bad or unexpected news.
  • eastern whipbird — an Australian whipbird, Psophodes olivaceus
  • erythroblastosis — A medical condition in which erythroblasts are abnormally found in the blood.
  • false beechdrops — either of two parasitic or saprophytic plants of the genus Monotropa, especially the tawny or reddish M. hypopithys (false beechdrops) of eastern North America.
  • fashion business — the business dealing with style in clothes, cosmetics, behaviour, etc, esp the latest or most admired style
  • fisherman's bend — a knot made by taking a round turn on the object to which the rope is to be fastened, passing the end of the rope around the standing part and under the round turn, and securing the end.
  • flashbulb memory — the clear recollections that a person may have of the circumstances associated with a dramatic event
  • forbid the banns — to raise an objection to a marriage announced in this way
  • forbush decrease — the sudden decrease in the intensity of cosmic rays after an increase in solar activity.
  • growth substance — any substance, produced naturally by a plant or manufactured commercially, that, in very low concentrations, affects plant growth; a plant hormone
  • have no business — an occupation, profession, or trade: His business is poultry farming.
  • have sb to thank — If you say that you have someone to thank for something, you mean that you are grateful to them because they caused it to happen.
  • hawksbill turtle — a sea turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata, the shell of which is the source of tortoise shell: an endangered species.
  • hayes-compatible — (communications)   A description of a modem which understands the same set of commands as one made by Hayes.
  • hemangioblastoma — (medicine) Any of several benign neoplasm tumours of the brain.
  • hendecasyllables — Plural form of hendecasyllable.
  • heterometabolism — insect development in which the young hatch in a form very similar to the adult and then mature without a pupal stage
  • heterometabolous — undergoing development in which the young are born adultlike in form, often maturing without a pupal stage.
  • horseback riding — activity: riding a horse
  • horsehead nebula — a dark nebula in the constellation Orion, composed of opaque cosmic dust and resembling the head of a horse.
  • humanly possible — feasible, practical
  • imperishableness — The characteristic or property of being imperishable.
  • in the same boat — a vessel for transport by water, constructed to provide buoyancy by excluding water and shaped to give stability and permit propulsion.
  • inexhaustibility — not exhaustible; incapable of being depleted: an inexhaustible supply.
  • inextinguishable — not extinguishable: an inextinguishable fire.
  • inextinguishably — In a way that cannot be extinguished; immortally.
  • inhospitableness — The quality of being inhospitable.
  • invisible shadow — (in architectural shades and shadows) a three-dimensional space occupied by the shadow projected by a solid and within which a surface is in shadow.
  • jacques bonhomme — the contemptuous title given by the nobles to the peasants in the revolt of the Jacquerie in 1358 and adopted by the peasants in subsequent revolts.
  • john the baptist — the forerunner and baptizer of Jesus. Matt. 3.
  • khakass republic — a constituent republic of S central Russia, formerly in Krasnoyarsk Territory: formed in 1930. Capital: Abakan. Pop: 546 100 (2002). Area: 61 900 sq km (23 855 sq miles)
  • lead by the nose — the part of the face or facial region in humans and certain animals that contains the nostrils and the organs of smell and functions as the usual passageway for air in respiration: in humans it is a prominence in the center of the face formed of bone and cartilage, serving also to modify or modulate the voice.
  • long-established — having a long history; old
  • lumberjack shirt — a thick checked shirt, as worn by lumberjacks
  • machine washable — suitable for washing in a washing machine
  • make the best of — do what you can
  • man on horseback — a military leader who presents himself as the savior of the country during a period of crisis and either assumes or threatens to assume dictatorial powers.
  • mesembryanthemum — any of various chiefly Old World plants of the genus Mesembryanthemum, having thick, fleshy leaves and often showy flowers.
  • nash equilibrium — (in game theory) a stable state of a system involving the interaction of two or more players in which no player can gain by a unilateral change of strategy if the strategies of the other players remain unchanged
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