
10-letter words containing s, h, a

  • shell star — a type of star showing bright emission lines superimposed on its normal absorption spectrum, presumably caused by a gaseous shell around the star.
  • shellacked — lac that has been purified and formed into thin sheets, used for making varnish.
  • shellycoat — a mythical creature dressed in shells who haunts rivers and streams
  • shenandoah — a river flowing NE from N Virginia to the Potomac at Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. About 200 miles (322 km) long.
  • shenanigan — Usually, shenanigans. mischief; prankishness: Halloween shenanigans. deceit; trickery.
  • sherardize — to coat (steel) with a thin cladding of zinc by heating in a mixture of sand and powdered zinc.
  • shetlander — a native or inhabitant of Shetland
  • shield law — a law protecting journalists from forced disclosure of confidential sources of information.
  • shieldwall — a protective wall formed by interlocking the shields of foot soldiers
  • shillelagh — a cudgel, traditionally of blackthorn or oak.
  • shin guard — a protective covering, usually of leather or plastic and often padded, for the shins and sometimes the knees, worn chiefly by catchers in baseball and goalkeepers in ice hockey.
  • ship canal — a canal navigable by ships.
  • ship-bread — hardtack.
  • shiplapped — of, related to, or resembling shiplap
  • shipmaster — a person who commands a ship; master; captain.
  • shirt-tail — the part of a shirt below the waistline.
  • shirtmaker — a person who makes shirts.
  • shirtwaist — a tailored blouse or shirt worn by women.
  • shit-faced — very drunk.
  • shock wave — a region of abrupt change of pressure and density moving as a wave front at or above the velocity of sound, caused by an intense explosion or supersonic flow over a body.
  • shockstall — the loss of lift and increase of drag experienced by transonic aircraft when strong shock waves on the wings cause the airflow to separate from the wing surfaces
  • shoe cream — cream for polishing shoes
  • shopaholic — a frequent shopper, especially one who is unable to control his or her spending.
  • shopwalker — a floorwalker.
  • shore crab — any of numerous crabs that live along the shoreline between the tidemarks, as Hemigrapsus nudus (purple shore crab) of the Pacific coast of North America.
  • shore lark — a bird: Eremophila alpestris
  • short game — the aspect of golf considered in relation to the ability of a player to hit medium or short shots, as chip shots, pitch shots, and putts, with accuracy. Compare long game (def 1).
  • short head — a distance shorter than the length of a horse's head
  • short rate — a charge, proportionately higher than the annual rate, made for insurance issued or continued in force by the insured for less than one year.
  • short ream — 480 sheets of paper
  • short sale — an act or instance of selling short.
  • short wave — Electricity. a radio wave, shorter than that used in AM broadcasting, corresponding to frequencies of over 1600 kilohertz: used for long-distance reception or transmission.
  • short-arse — a small man
  • short-hand — a method of rapid handwriting using simple strokes, abbreviations, or symbols that designate letters, words, or phrases (distinguished from longhand).
  • short-haul — of, relating to, or engaged in transportation over short distances: a short-haul trucking firm.
  • short-laid — hard-laid.
  • short-stay — available or valid for a limited time
  • short-wave — Electricity. a radio wave, shorter than that used in AM broadcasting, corresponding to frequencies of over 1600 kilohertz: used for long-distance reception or transmission.
  • shortboard — a type of surfboard that is shorter than standard
  • shortbread — a butter cookie commonly made in thick, pie-shaped wheels or rolled and cut in fancy shapes.
  • shortgrass — any of several range grasses of short stature, as buffalo grass, prevalent in semiarid regions of the Great Plains.
  • shosholoza — a popular Zulu choral song
  • shoshonean — (in some, especially earlier, classifications) a grouping of four branches of the Uto-Aztecan language family including Numic, Hopi, and several languages of southern California.
  • shot angle — the angle from which a shot is taken
  • shot glass — a small, heavy glass for serving a shot of whiskey or liquor.
  • shot metal — lead hardened with antimony and arsenic, used to manufacture shot for cartridges.
  • shotmaking — the playing of good shots (by a sports player)
  • shovel hat — a hat with a broad brim turned up at the sides and projecting with a shovellike curve in front and behind; worn by some ecclesiastics, chiefly in England.
  • shovelhead — bonnethead.
  • show a leg — to get up in the morning
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