
20-letter words containing s, e, y, o

  • schizoid personality — sb with identity disorder
  • scream bloody murder — Law. the killing of another human being under conditions specifically covered in law. In the U.S., special statutory definitions include murder committed with malice aforethought, characterized by deliberation or premeditation or occurring during the commission of another serious crime, as robbery or arson (first-degree murder) and murder by intent but without deliberation or premeditation (second-degree murder)
  • secure sockets layer — (networking, security)   (SSL) A protocol designed by Netscape Communications Corporation to provide secure communications over the Internet using asymmetric key encryption. SSL is layered beneath application protocols such as HTTP, SMTP, Telnet, FTP, Gopher and NNTP and is layered above the connection protocol TCP/IP. It is used by the HTTPS access method.
  • security association — (networking)   The relationship between two or more entities (typically, a computer, but could be a user on a computer, or software component) which describes how the entities will use security services, such as encryption, to communicate. See RFC 1825.
  • see the light of day — come into being
  • shaken baby syndrome — a usually fatal condition of abused infants brought on by violent shaking by the arms or shoulders that causes severe internal bleeding, especially around the brain and in the eyes.
  • shareholders' equity — Shareholders' equity is the total amount of ownership investment in a company.
  • short message system — A short message system is a way of sending short written messages from one mobile phone to another. The abbreviation SMS is also used.
  • silicon tetrahydride — silane (def 1).
  • sing for your supper — If someone has to sing for their supper, they have to do a job before they are allowed to do something they want to do.
  • social security card — a card that contains details of a person's social security number
  • software methodology — (programming)   The study of how to navigate through each phase of the software process model (determining data, control, or uses hierarchies, partitioning functions, and allocating requirements) and how to represent phase products (structure charts, stimulus-response threads, and state transition diagrams).
  • solitary confinement — the confinement of a prisoner in a cell or other place in which he or she is completely isolated from others.
  • south orkney islands — an uninhabited group of islands in the S Atlantic, southeast of Cape Horn: formerly a dependency of the Falkland Islands; part of the British Antarctic Territory since 1962 (claims are suspended under the Antarctic Treaty). Area: 621 sq km (240 sq miles)
  • spanish oyster plant — a composite plant, Scolymus hispanicus, of southern Europe, having spiny, thistlelike leaf margins, small yellow flowers, and an edible root.
  • spectroscopic binary — a binary star having components that are not sufficiently separated to be resolved by a telescope, known to be a binary only bythe variations in wavelength of emitted light that are detected by a spectroscope.
  • spontaneous recovery — the reappearance of a response after its extinction has been followed by a period of rest
  • spotted joe-pye weed — joe-pye weed (def 2).
  • squatter sovereignty — (used contemptuously by its opponents) popular sovereignty (def 2).
  • state highway patrol — a state's road traffic police
  • stockholders' equity — the net assets of a corporation as owned by stockholders in capital stock, capital surplus, and undistributed earnings.
  • stony-iron meteorite — a meteorite of roughly equal proportions of metallic iron and stony matter.
  • sunday-go-to-meeting — most presentable; best: Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes.
  • surveillance society — a society where surveillance technology is widely used to monitor people's everyday activities
  • synchronized skating — the art or sport of teams of up to twenty skaters holding onto each other and moving in patterns in time to music
  • synoptic meteorology — a branch of meteorology analyzing data collected simultaneously over a wide region, for the purpose of weather forecasting.
  • synthetic philosophy — the philosophy of Herbert Spencer, intended as a synthesis of all the sciences.
  • system international — Système International d'Unités
  • systemic circulation — the circulatory system in general.
  • take pity on someone — If you take pity on someone, you feel sorry for them and help them.
  • tetrahydrogestrinone — a synthetic anabolic steroid. Formula: C21H28O2
  • the eye of the storm — If you say that someone or something is at the eye of the storm, you mean they are the main subject of a public disagreement.
  • the way of the cross — a series of images in a church or along a road to a church etc depicting the last hours of Christ
  • the whole nine yards — everything that is required; the whole thing
  • the-comedy-of-errors — an early comedy (1594) by Shakespeare.
  • theosophical society — a society founded by Madame Blavatsky and others, in New York in 1875, advocating a worldwide eclectic religion based largely on Brahmanic and Buddhistic teachings.
  • thermodynamic system — a system whose states of equilibrium can be specified by a few macroscopic properties.
  • third-party software — software created by programmers or publishers independent of the manufacturer of the hardware for which it is intended.
  • three-dimensionality — having, or seeming to have, the dimension of depth as well as width and height.
  • to cry your eyes out — If you cry your eyes out, you cry very hard.
  • to do your damnedest — If you say that you will do your damnedest to achieve something, you mean that you will try as hard as you can to do it, even though you think that it will take a lot of effort.
  • to flex your muscles — If a group, organization, or country flexes its muscles, it does something to impress or frighten people, in order to show them that it has power and is considering using it.
  • to get your bearings — to find out where one is or to find out what one should do next
  • to line your pockets — If you say that someone is lining their own or someone else's pockets, you disapprove of them because they are making money dishonestly or unfairly.
  • to pull your punches — If you say that someone does not pull their punches when they are criticizing a person or thing, you mean that they say exactly what they think, even though this might upset or offend people.
  • to spread your wings — If you spread your wings, you do something new and rather difficult or move to a new place, because you feel more confident in your abilities than you used to and you want to gain wider experience.
  • to take years off sb — if you say that something such as an experience or a way of dressing has taken years off someone, you mean that it has made them look or feel much younger
  • to waste your breath — If someone says you are wasting your breath, they mean that the person you are talking to will not take any notice and so there is no point saying anything to them.
  • toxic shock syndrome — a rapidly developing, sometimes fatal infection characterized by sudden onset of fever, gastrointestinal upsets, a sunburnlike rash, and a drop in blood pressure: caused by a Staphylococcus aureus toxin and occurring especially in menstruating women using high-absorbency tampons. Abbreviation: TSS.
  • transmission density — a measure of the extent to which a substance transmits light or other electromagnetic radiation, equal to the logarithm to base ten of the reciprocal of the transmittance
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