
Words containing s, e, t, l, w

5 letter words containing s, e, t, l, w

  • swelt — to perish
  • welts — a ridge or wale on the surface of the body, as from a blow of a stick or whip.

6 letter words containing s, e, t, l, w

  • lowest — situated, placed, or occurring not far above the ground, floor, or base: a low shelf.
  • wastel — (obsolete) A kind of fine white bread or cake.

7 letter words containing s, e, t, l, w

  • blewits — an edible saprotroph agaricaceous fungus, Tricholoma saevum, having a pale brown cap and bluish stalk
  • sitwellDame Edith, 1887–1964, English poet and critic.
  • slowest — moving or proceeding with little or less than usual speed or velocity: a slow train.
  • swallet — an underground stream.
  • sweetly — having the taste or flavor characteristic of sugar, honey, etc.

8 letter words containing s, e, t, l, w

  • awfulest — Superlative form of awful.
  • bestowal — to present as a gift; give; confer (usually followed by on or upon): The trophy was bestowed upon the winner.
  • fewtrils — trifles; things of little value
  • flatwise — with the flat side, rather than the edge, foremost or in contact.
  • jowliest — Superlative form of jowly.

9 letter words containing s, e, t, l, w

10 letter words containing s, e, t, l, w

  • afterglows — Plural form of afterglow.
  • basaltware — hard fine-grained black stoneware, made in Europe, esp in England, in the late 18th century
  • birtwistle — Sir Harrison. born 1934, English composer, whose works include the operas Punch and Judy (1967), The Mask of Orpheus (1984), Gawain (1991), Exody (1998), and The Minotaur (2008)
  • breastplow — a cultivator moved forward by a person pressing the chest against a crossbar.
  • cartwheels — Plural form of cartwheel.

11 letter words containing s, e, t, l, w

  • afterworlds — Plural form of afterworld.
  • arm-wrestle — (of two people) to sit facing each other with the elbows resting on a table and clasping hands with each other, each trying to force the other's arm flat onto the table while keeping his or her own elbow touching the table
  • belowstairs — (formerly) at or in the basement of a large house, considered as the place where the servants live and work
  • birtwhistleHarrison, born 1934, English composer.
  • charlestown — oldest part of Boston, at the mouth of the Charles River: site of the battle of Bunker Hill

12 letter words containing s, e, t, l, w

13 letter words containing s, e, t, l, w

  • answerability — liable to be asked to give account; responsible: He is answerable to a committee for all his decisions.
  • anticlockwise — If something is moving anticlockwise, it is moving in the opposite direction to the direction in which the hands of a clock move.
  • betweenwhiles — betweentimes.
  • bittersweetly — in a bittersweet manner
  • bottle-washer — a menial or factotum

14 letter words containing s, e, t, l, w

  • disembowelment — to remove the bowels or entrails from; eviscerate.
  • indian-wrestle — to engage in Indian wrestling: to Indian-wrestle for the city championship.
  • low-resolution — of or relating to CRTs, printers, or other visual output devices that produce images that are not sharply defined (opposed to high-resolution).
  • north-westerly — A north-westerly point, area, or direction is to the north-west or towards the north-west.
  • parents-in-law — the father or mother of one's wife or husband.

15 letter words containing s, e, t, l, w

  • acknowledgments — a section of text containing an author’s statement acknowledging his or her use of the works of other authors and thanking the people who have helped him or her, usually printed at the front of a book
  • contraclockwise — Counterclockwise.
  • intertwistingly — by intertwisting
  • low-cholesterol — containing little dietary cholesterol
  • northeastwardly — Towards the northeast.

16 letter words containing s, e, t, l, w

  • acknowledgements — Plural form of acknowledgement.
  • counselor-at-law — a lawyer, esp one who conducts cases in court; attorney
  • counterclockwise — If something is moving counterclockwise, it is moving in the opposite direction to the direction in which the hands of a clock move.
  • otherworldliness — The quality of being otherworldly.
  • this-worldliness — concern or preoccupation with worldly things and values.

17 letter words containing s, e, t, l, w

  • down-at-the-heels — of a shabby, run-down appearance; seedy: He is rapidly becoming a down-at-heel drifter and a drunk.
  • glory-of-the-snow — any of several plants belonging to the genus Chionodoxa, of the lily family, native to the Old World, having showy, blue, white, or pink flowers that bloom early in the spring.
  • ladies-in-waiting — plural of lady-in-waiting.
  • well-demonstrated — to make evident or establish by arguments or reasoning; prove: to demonstrate a philosophical principle.
  • well-investigated — to examine, study, or inquire into systematically; search or examine into the particulars of; examine in detail.

18 letter words containing s, e, t, l, w

  • farewell-to-spring — a slender, showy plant, Clarkia amoena, of the evening primrose family, native to western North America, having satiny, cup-shaped, lilac-crimson or reddish-pink flowers and roundish fruit.
  • flame-of-the-woods — an Indian evergreen shrub, Ixora coccinea, of the madder family, having red, tubular flowers in dense clusters.
  • schleswig-holstein — two contiguous duchies of Denmark that were a center of international tension in the 19th century: Prussia annexed Schleswig 1864 and Holstein 1866.

19 letter words containing s, e, t, l, w

20 letter words containing s, e, t, l, w

  • climbing-bittersweet — Also called woody nightshade. a climbing or trailing plant, Solanum dulcamara, of the nightshade family, having small, violet, star-shaped flowers with a protruding yellow center and scarlet berries.
  • model-view-presenter — (programming)   (MVP) A user interface architectural pattern where functions are separated between the model, view and presenter. The model defines the data to be displayed or otherwise acted upon in the user interface. The view displays data from the model and routes user commands (events) to the presenter to act upon that data. The presenter retrieves data from the model and displays it in the view. The implementation of MVP can vary as to how much presentation logic is handled by the presenter and the view. In a web application most presentation logic is usually in the view which runs in the web browser. MVP is one of the MV* variations of the MVC pattern.
  • newcastle-under-lyme — a town in W central England, in Staffordshire. Pop: 74 427 (2001)

21 letter words containing s, e, t, l, w

  • devil's-walking-stick — Hercules-club (def 2).
  • lotus-of-the-true-law — a Mahayana sutra, forming with its references to Amida and the Bodhisattvas the basis for the doctrine that there is something of Buddha in everyone, so that salvation is universally available: a central text of Mahayana Buddhism.
  • watenstedt-salzgitter — former name of Salzgitter.

22 letter words containing s, e, t, l, w

  • the-leaning-tower-pisa — a round, marble campanile in Pisa, Italy, begun in 1174 and now 17 feet (5.2 meters) out of the perpendicular in its height of 179 feet (54 meters).
  • whitchurch-stouffville — a town in SW Ontario, in S Canada, N of Toronto.

On this page, we collect all words with S, E, T, L, W. To make easier to find the right word we have divided all 2058 words to groups according to their length. So you should go to appropriate page if can’t find the word that contains S, E, T, L, W that you are searching. Also you can use this page in Scrabble.

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