
20-letter words containing s, e, t, i, n

  • scientific socialism — Marxist socialism
  • season ticket holder — a person who has a season ticket
  • seating arrangements — the seating plan for a formal occasion
  • second international — an international association formed in 1889 in Paris, uniting socialistic groups or parties of various countries and holding international congresses from time to time: in 1923 it joined with the Vienna International to form the Labor and Socialist International. Compare international (def 6).
  • second law of motion — any of three laws of classical mechanics, either the law that a body remains at rest or in motion with a constant velocity unless an external force acts on the body (first law of motion) the law that the sum of the forces acting on a body is equal to the product of the mass of the body and the acceleration produced by the forces, with motion in the direction of the resultant of the forces (second law of motion) or the law that for every force acting on a body, the body exerts a force having equal magnitude and the opposite direction along the same line of action as the original force (third law of motion or law of action and reaction)
  • second-class citizen — a citizen, especially a member of a minority group, who is denied the social, political, and economic benefits of citizenship.
  • secure accommodation — an institution where young offenders are kept in custody
  • security association — (networking)   The relationship between two or more entities (typically, a computer, but could be a user on a computer, or software component) which describes how the entities will use security services, such as encryption, to communicate. See RFC 1825.
  • see with half an eye — the organ of sight, in vertebrates typically one of a pair of spherical bodies contained in an orbit of the skull and in humans appearing externally as a dense, white, curved membrane, or sclera, surrounding a circular, colored portion, or iris, that is covered by a clear, curved membrane, or cornea, and in the center of which is an opening, or pupil, through which light passes to the retina.
  • self-belaying system — (in climbing) equipment used to pay out rope as required and thus enable a climber to self-belay
  • self-differentiating — to form or mark differently from other such things; distinguish.
  • senior aircraftwoman — a rank in the Royal Air Force comparable to that of a private in the army, though not the lowest rank in the Royal Air Force
  • sensitivity training — a form of group therapy designed to develop understanding of oneself and others through free, unstructured discussion.
  • separation allowance — an allowance paid to a member of the military when they are forced to be apart from their family due to their military duties
  • separation of powers — the principle or system of vesting in separate branches the executive, legislative, and judicial powers of a government.
  • sergeant first class — a noncommissioned officer ranking next above a staff sergeant and below a first or master sergeant.
  • serpentine stretcher — an X -stretcher having curved lines.
  • serra da mantiqueira — a mountain range in SE Brazil, running parallel to the coast. Highest point, 9140 feet (2785 meters).
  • serve a person right — to pay a person back, esp for wrongful or foolish treatment or behaviour
  • service access point — (networking)   (SAP) The OSI term for the component of a network address which identifies the individual application on a host which is sending or receiving a packet. Different SAPs distinguish between different services or applications on a host, e.g. electronic mail, FTP, HTTP.
  • set the ball rolling — to open or initiate (an action, discussion, movement, etc)
  • setting-up exercises — gymnastic exercises for better posture, suppleness, etc
  • settle accounts with — to pay or receive a balance due
  • seven against thebes — (used with a plural verb) Classical Mythology. seven heroes, Amphiaraus, Capaneus, Eteoclus, Hippomedon, Parthenopaeus, Polynices, and Tydeus, who led an expedition against Thebes to depose Eteocles in favor of his brother Polynices: the expedition failed, but the Epigoni, the sons of the Seven against Thebes, conquered the city ten years later.
  • sex change operation — a surgical operation designed to change a person's physical sexual characteristics to those of the opposite sex
  • shank of the evening — the latter part of the afternoon
  • shear transformation — a map of a coordinate space in which one coordinate is held fixed and the other coordinate or coordinates are shifted.
  • short back and sides — If a man has a short back and sides, his hair is cut very short at the back and sides with slightly thicker, longer hair on the top of the head.
  • shoulder-length hair — hair that reaches a person's shoulders
  • silicon tetrahydride — silane (def 1).
  • sinfonia concertante — a type of concerto for two or more solo instruments accompanied by an orchestra
  • single point mooring — monobuoy.
  • size-weight illusion — a standard sense illusion that a small object is heavier than a large object of the same weight
  • slip through the net — If criminals slip through the net, they avoid being caught by the system or trap that was meant to catch them.
  • slow-scan television — a technique or system in which an image is scanned electronically more slowly than is normally done in order to produce images, especially of still pictures, that can be transmitted economically, as over a telephone line, and displayed on a television screen.
  • snow-on-the-mountain — a North American euphorbiaceous plant, Euphorbia marginata, having white-edged leaves and showy white bracts surrounding small flowers
  • snowflake generation — the generation of people who became adults in the 2010s, viewed as being less resilient and more prone to taking offence than previous generations
  • societal development — the formation and transformation of social life, customs, institutions, etc.
  • sodium meta-arsenite — sodium arsenite.
  • soft gelatin capsule — A soft gelatin capsule is a type of capsule that is usually used to contain medicine in the form of liquid or powder, and which dissolves more quickly than a hard gelatin capsule.
  • software engineering — the process of writing computer programs
  • solitary confinement — the confinement of a prisoner in a cell or other place in which he or she is completely isolated from others.
  • sound motion picture — a motion picture with a soundtrack.
  • south american plate — a major tectonic division of the earth's crust, comprising the continent of South America and several ocean basins and bounded on the north by the Caribbean Plate, on the east by the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, on the west by a submarine trench that borders the western coast of the continent, and on the south by the Antarctic Plate.
  • south atlantic ocean — the part of the Atlantic Ocean extending S from the Equator to the Antarctic continent.
  • south orkney islands — an uninhabited group of islands in the S Atlantic, southeast of Cape Horn: formerly a dependency of the Falkland Islands; part of the British Antarctic Territory since 1962 (claims are suspended under the Antarctic Treaty). Area: 621 sq km (240 sq miles)
  • southern oscillation — a low-latitude fluctuation of atmospheric pressure closely linked with El Niño events, specifically the periods of El Niño warming and La Niña cooling.
  • space-time continuum — Also called space-time continuum. the four-dimensional continuum, having three spatial coordinates and one temporal coordinate, in which all physical quantities may be located.
  • spanish oyster plant — a composite plant, Scolymus hispanicus, of southern Europe, having spiny, thistlelike leaf margins, small yellow flowers, and an edible root.
  • spanish west african — of or relating to the former Spanish overseas territory of Spanish West Africa (now the overseas provinces of Ifni and Spanish Sahara) or its inhabitants
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