
13-letter words containing s, e, r, u

  • great bustard — a large bustard, Otis tarda, of southern and central Europe and western and central Asia, having a wingspread of about 8 feet (2.4 meters).
  • great russian — a member of the main stock of the Russian people, dwelling chiefly in the northern or central parts of the Russian Federation in Europe.
  • greater scaup — any of several diving ducks of the genus Aythya, especially A. marila (greater scaup) of the Northern Hemisphere, having a bluish-gray bill.
  • grey squirrel — a grey-furred squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis, native to E North America but now widely established elsewhere
  • gros de tours — a ribbed silk fabric made with a two- or three-ply warp interlaced with organzine and tram filling.
  • gross premium — A gross premium is the total premium of an insurance contract before brokerage or discounts have been deducted.
  • grotesqueness — odd or unnatural in shape, appearance, or character; fantastically ugly or absurd; bizarre.
  • grotesqueries — Plural form of grotesquery.
  • ground sluice — a trench, cut through a placer or through bedrock, through which a stream is diverted in order to dislodge and wash the gravel.
  • ground stroke — a stroke made by hitting the ball after it has bounced from the ground. Compare volley (def 4b).
  • groundkeepers — Plural form of groundkeeper.
  • groundskeeper — a person who is responsible for the care and maintenance of a particular tract of land, as an estate, a park, or a cemetery.
  • groundstrokes — Plural form of groundstroke.
  • groundworkers — Plural form of groundworker.
  • guernsey lily — a bulbous plant, Nerine sarniensis, of the amaryllis family, native to southern Africa, having clusters of crimson flowers.
  • guinea grains — Usually, grains of paradise. one of the pungent, peppery seeds of an African plant, Aframomum melegueta, of the ginger family, used to strengthen cordials and in veterinary medicine.
  • gunters-chain — a series of objects connected one after the other, usually in the form of a series of metal rings passing through one another, used either for various purposes requiring a flexible tie with high tensile strength, as for hauling, supporting, or confining, or in various ornamental and decorative forms.
  • guttersnipish — Resembling or characteristic of a guttersnipe.
  • gymnospermous — of or relating to a gymnosperm; having exposed or naked seeds.
  • habeas corpus — a writ requiring a person to be brought before a judge or court, especially for investigation of a restraint of the person's liberty, used as a protection against illegal imprisonment.
  • half measures — inadequate measures or actions
  • harbourmaster — (British, Canada, nautical) An official responsible for the enforcement of regulations in a port.
  • hard shoulder — The hard shoulder is the area at the side of a motorway or other road where you are allowed to stop if your car breaks down.
  • harlequinades — Plural form of harlequinade.
  • hart's-tongue — a fern, Phyllitis scolopendrium, having long, leathery, wavy-edged leaves.
  • harvest mouse — an Old World field mouse, Micromys minutus, that builds a spherical nest among the stems of grains and other plants.
  • haskell curry — (person)   Haskell Brooks Curry (1900-09-12 - 1982-09-01). The logician who re-invented and developed combinatory logic. The functional programming language Haskell was named after him.
  • hazardousness — The condition of being hazardous.
  • he's your man — he's the person needed (for a particular task, role, job, etc)
  • heart surgeon — a surgeon who specializes in performing operations on the heart
  • heart surgery — operation to treat cardiac problems
  • heavy cruiser — a naval cruiser having 8-inch (20.3-cm) guns as its main armament.
  • hercules-club — Also called Southern prickly ash. a prickly tree, Zanthoxylum clava-herculis, of the rue family, having a medicinal bark and berries.
  • hermit thrush — a North American thrush, Hylocichla guttata, noted for its complex and appealing song.
  • herpesviruses — Plural form of herpesvirus.
  • heterocarpous — (of a plant) producing more than one type of fruit
  • heteroclitous — heteroclite
  • heterocystous — containing or relating to heterocysts
  • heterogeneous — different in kind; unlike; incongruous.
  • heteropterous — belonging or pertaining to the Heteroptera, in some classifications a suborder of hemipterous insects comprising the true bugs.
  • heterosexuals — Plural form of heterosexual.
  • heterosporous — having more than one kind of spore.
  • heuristically — serving to indicate or point out; stimulating interest as a means of furthering investigation.
  • heusler alloy — any of various alloys of manganese and other nonferromagnetic metals that exhibit ferromagnetism.
  • hiatus hernia — an abnormal condition in which part of the stomach protrudes upward through the esophageal cleft in the diaphragm, sometimes causing a backflow of acid stomach contents into the esophagus.
  • high pressure — intense or stressful situation
  • high-pressure — having or involving a pressure above the normal: high-pressure steam.
  • hilariousness — The characteristic of being hilarious; hilarity.
  • hire purchase — buying sth by instalments
  • hire-purchase — a system of payment for a commodity in regular installments while using it.
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