
9-letter words containing s, e, p, o

  • slop-over — a quantity of liquid carelessly spilled or splashed about.
  • slopewise — in a sloping manner
  • smoke pot — a can of chemicals that produces a great quantity of smoke when ignited.
  • snow pear — a small tree, Pyrus nivalis, of eastern Europe and Asia Minor, having showy flowers and nearly globe-shaped fruit.
  • snowcreep — a continuous, slow, downhill movement of snow.
  • snowscape — landscape covered with snow.
  • soapberry — the fruit of any of certain tropical or subtropical trees of the genus Sapindus, especially S. saponaria, used as a substitute for soap.
  • soapstone — a massive variety of talc with a soapy or greasy feel, used for hearths, washtubs, tabletops, carved ornaments, etc.
  • soften up — make softer
  • soil pipe — a pipe carrying wastes from toilets and sometimes from waste pipes. Compare waste pipe (def 2).
  • soleplate — a plate upon which studding is erected.
  • soleprint — a print of the sole of a foot: often used in hospitals for identifying infants.
  • somascope — a medical instrument used to inspect internal organs for disease
  • someplace — somewhere.
  • soopstake — sweeping up all stakes
  • sophister — a specious, unsound, or fallacious reasoner.
  • sophocles — 495?–406? b.c, Greek dramatist.
  • sophomore — a student in the second year of high school or college.
  • souped up — a liquid food made by boiling or simmering meat, fish, or vegetables with various added ingredients.
  • souped-up — a liquid food made by boiling or simmering meat, fish, or vegetables with various added ingredients.
  • space out — the unlimited or incalculably great three-dimensional realm or expanse in which all material objects are located and all events occur.
  • spaceport — a site at which spacecraft are tested, launched, sheltered, maintained, etc.
  • spaceshot — a launch of a space vehicle beyond the earth's atmosphere.
  • spadefoot — spadefoot toad.
  • spadework — preliminary or initial work, such as the gathering of data, on which further activity is to be based.
  • sparkover — spark1 (def 2).
  • speak for — to utter words or articulate sounds with the ordinary voice; talk: He was too ill to speak.
  • speak out — to utter words or articulate sounds with the ordinary voice; talk: He was too ill to speak.
  • spearwort — any of several buttercups having lance-shaped leaves and small flowers, as Ranunculus ambigens, of the eastern U.S., growing in mud.
  • spectator — a weekly periodical (1711–12, 1714) issued by Joseph Addison and Richard Steele.
  • speed cop — a policeman who rides a motorcycle and who checks the speeds at which motorists are travelling
  • speedboat — a motorboat designed for high speeds.
  • spell out — to name, write, or otherwise give the letters, in order, of (a word, syllable, etc.): Did I spell your name right?
  • spelldown — a spelling competition that begins with all the contestants standing and that ends when all but one, the winner, have been required to sit down due to a specified number of misspellings.
  • sperm oil — a yellow, thin, water-insoluble liquid obtained from the sperm whale, used chiefly as a lubricant in light machinery, as watches, clocks, and scientific apparatus.
  • spermato- — indicating sperm
  • sphendone — an ancient Greek headband
  • sphenodon — tuatara.
  • spicewood — spicebush (def 1).
  • spiel off — to recite by or as if by rote
  • spillover — the act of spilling over.
  • spilosite — a form of slate
  • splendour — brilliant or gorgeous appearance, coloring, etc.; magnificence: the splendor of the palace.
  • splotches — a large, irregular spot; blot; stain; blotch.
  • spodumene — a mineral, lithium aluminum silicate, LiAlSi 2 O 6 , occurring in prismatic crystals, transparent varieties being used as gems.
  • spoilable — able to be spoiled
  • spoilfive — a game played by two to ten persons having five cards each.
  • spoke-dog — a stick used by wheelwrights to force the outer ends of spokes into the rim or felloe.
  • spokeless — one of the bars, rods, or rungs radiating from the hub or nave of a wheel and supporting the rim or felloe.
  • spokesman — a person who speaks for another or for a group.
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