
9-letter words containing s, e, p, o

  • panderous — resembling a pander
  • panegoism — a form of scepticism; subjective idealism
  • pantihose — (used with a plural verb) a one-piece, skintight garment worn by women, combining panties and stockings.
  • pantofles — a slipper.
  • pantyhose — (used with a plural verb) a one-piece, skintight garment worn by women, combining panties and stockings.
  • papillose — full of papillae.
  • parasoled — having a parasol
  • parcourse — an outdoor exercise track or course, especially for joggers, equipped with a series of stations along the way where one is to stop and perform a specific exercise.
  • parecious — paroicous.
  • parsonage — the residence of a member of the clergy, as provided by the parish or church.
  • parthenos — an epithet of Athena, meaning “virgin.”.
  • pasodoble — fast modern ballroom dance
  • pass over — to move past; go by: to pass another car on the road.
  • pastedown — the leaf of an endpaper that is pasted to the inside of the front or back cover of a book.
  • pastorage — pastorate.
  • pastorale — an opera, cantata, or the like, with a pastoral subject.
  • pastorate — the office or term of office of a pastor.
  • pathogens — any disease-producing agent, especially a virus, bacterium, or other microorganism.
  • patroness — a woman who protects, supports, or sponsors someone or something.
  • patronise — to give (a store, restaurant, hotel, etc.) one's regular patronage; trade with.
  • pattersonEleanor Medill ("Cissy") 1884–1948, U.S. newspaper editor and publisher.
  • peasouper — Chiefly British Informal. pea soup (def 2).
  • peat moss — Also called bog moss. any moss, especially of the genus Sphagnum, from which peat may form.
  • pectinose — arabinose.
  • pectorals — of, in, on, or pertaining to the chest or breast; thoracic.
  • pecunious — having plenty of money; wealthy
  • peep show — a display of objects or pictures viewed through a small opening that is usually fitted with a magnifying lens.
  • peep-show — a display of objects or pictures viewed through a small opening that is usually fitted with a magnifying lens.
  • pelopidas — died 364 b.c, Greek general and statesman of Thebes.
  • pelorised — affected by peloria
  • pendulous — hanging down loosely: pendulous blossoms.
  • penistone — a coarse woollen cloth formerly used to make clothes
  • penobscot — a river flowing S from N Maine into Penobscot Bay. 350 miles (565 km) long.
  • pensacola — a seaport in NW Florida, on Pensacola Bay.
  • penseroso — a pensive, brooding, or thoughtful person
  • pensioner — a person who receives or lives on a pension.
  • penstemon — any of numerous chiefly North American plants belonging to the genus Penstemon, of the figwort family, some species of which are cultivated for their showy, variously colored flowers.
  • pentecost — a Christian festival celebrated on the seventh Sunday after Easter, commemorating the descent of the Holy Ghost upon the apostles; Whitsunday.
  • penthouse — an apartment or dwelling on the roof of a building, usually set back from the outer walls.
  • pentosans — any of a class of polysaccharides that occur in plants, humus, etc., and form pentoses upon hydrolysis.
  • pentoside — a glycoside that, upon hydrolysis, yields a pentose
  • penurious — extremely stingy; parsimonious; miserly.
  • percussor — plexor.
  • perforans — (of nerves, muscles, or blood vessels) perforating or penetrating other anatomical structures
  • perfusion — the act of perfusing.
  • pergolesi — Giovanni Battista [jaw-vahn-nee baht-tees-tah] /dʒɔˈvɑn ni bɑtˈtis tɑ/ (Show IPA), 1710–36, Italian composer.
  • periaktos — an ancient device used for changing theatre scenery, usually consisting of a revolving triangular prism with different scenes painted on each face; the device was heavily used in the Renaissance
  • peribolos — a colonnade or wall surrounding a Classical temple
  • periscope — an optical instrument for viewing objects that are above the level of direct sight or in an otherwise obstructed field of vision, consisting essentially of a tube with an arrangement of prisms or mirrors and, usually, lenses: used especially in submarines.
  • perispore — a membrane surrounding a spore.
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