
16-letter words containing s, e, p, o

  • exemplifications — Plural form of exemplification.
  • exemption clause — a clause in a contract that exempts one party from liability for something
  • expansion bottle — a tank collecting coolant from a radiator while an engine is heated, and from which the coolant returns to the radiator when the engine cools
  • experimentations — Plural form of experimentation.
  • explosive device — a device, such as a bomb, that explodes or bursts loudly and with great force
  • expressionlessly — Without expression; in an expressionless way.
  • extemporaneously — In an extemporaneous manner; without prior preparation or planning.
  • false beechdrops — either of two parasitic or saprophytic plants of the genus Monotropa, especially the tawny or reddish M. hypopithys (false beechdrops) of eastern North America.
  • fellow passenger — a person travelling on the same vehicle, plane, ship etc as you
  • ferrous sulphate — an iron salt with a saline taste, usually obtained as greenish crystals of the heptahydrate, which are converted to the white monohydrate above 100°C: used in inks, tanning, water purification, and in the treatment of anaemia. Formula: FeSO4
  • figure of speech — any expressive use of language, as a metaphor, simile, personification, or antithesis, in which words are used in other than their literal sense, or in other than their ordinary locutions, in order to suggest a picture or image or for other special effect. Compare trope (def 1).
  • file composition — A typesetting language.
  • file compression — (algorithm)   The compression of data in a file, usually to reduce storage requirements.
  • finished product — the product that emerges at the end of a manufacturing process
  • finless porpoise — a porpoise Neophocaena phocaenoides of the Indian and pacific Oceans that completely lacks a dorsal fin
  • firework display — a public event at which fireworks are set alight
  • fissure eruption — the emergence of lava from a fissure in the ground rather than from a volcanic cone or vent
  • fluorescent lamp — a tubular electric discharge lamp in which light is produced by the fluorescence of phosphors coating the inside of the tube.
  • follicular phase — a stage of the menstrual cycle, from onset of menstruation to ovulation.
  • football special — a train service provided specially to transport football supporters to and from a match
  • footsteps editor — the technician who adds sound effects, such as doors closing, rain falling, etc, during the postproduction sound-dubbing process
  • for pete's sake! — an expression of frustration, exasperation or annoyance
  • four-star petrol — petrol containing lead, formerly sold in the UK
  • francis joseph i — 1830–1916, emperor of Austria 1848–1916; king of Hungary 1867–1916.
  • french polynesia — a French overseas territory in the S Pacific, including the Society Islands, Marquesas Islands, and other scattered island groups. 1544 sq. mi. (4000 sq. km). Capital: Papeete.
  • frontier dispute — a conflict concerning a frontier between countries and which usually involves those countries
  • fuel consumption — use of a material to generate power
  • full court press — Basketball. a tactic of harassing, close-guarding defense in which the team without the ball pressures the opponent man-to-man the entire length of the court in order to disrupt dribbling or passing and force a turnover: Suddenly behind by eighteen points, they went to a full-court press.
  • full-court press — Basketball. a tactic of harassing, close-guarding defense in which the team without the ball pressures the opponent man-to-man the entire length of the court in order to disrupt dribbling or passing and force a turnover: Suddenly behind by eighteen points, they went to a full-court press.
  • furniture polish — product: shines wood
  • garbage disposal — A garbage disposal or a garbage disposal unit is a small machine in the kitchen sink that breaks down waste matter so that it does not block the sink.
  • gasoline-powered — using gasoline as fuel
  • gastroesophageal — Of or relating to the stomach and to the esophagus.
  • gemini telescope — either of two identical 8-metre telescopes for optical and near-infrared observations built by an international consortium. Gemini North is in Hawaii at an altitude of 4200 m on Mauna Kea and Gemini South is in Chile at 2715 m on Cerro Pachón
  • gender dysphoria — a psychological condition marked by significant emotional distress and impairment in life functioning, caused by a lack of congruence between gender identity and biological sex assigned at birth.
  • general hospital — A general hospital is a hospital that does not specialize in the treatment of particular illnesses or patients.
  • geostrophic wind — a wind whose velocity and direction are mathematically defined by the balanced relationship of the pressure gradient force and the Coriolis force: conceived as blowing parallel to isobars.
  • gerontomorphosis — Biology. evolutionary specialization of a species to a degree that decreases its capability for further adaptation and eventually leads to its extinction.
  • get up sb's nose — If you say that someone or something gets up your nose, you mean that they annoy you.
  • glossopharyngeal — of or relating to the tongue and pharynx.
  • go-faster stripe — a decorative line, intended to be suggestive of high speed, on the bodywork of a car
  • gold-of-pleasure — a yellow-flowered Eurasian plant, Camelina sativa, widespread as a weed, esp in flax fields, and formerly cultivated for its oil-rich seeds: family Brassicaceae (crucifers)
  • good housekeeper — a person who is an efficient and thrifty domestic manager
  • grade separation — separation of the levels at which roads, railroads, paths, etc., cross one another in order to prevent conflicting rows of traffic or the possibility of accidents.
  • great depression — the economic crisis and period of low business activity in the U.S. and other countries, roughly beginning with the stock-market crash in October, 1929, and continuing through most of the 1930s.
  • great soil group — according to a system of classification that originated in Russia, any of several broad groups of soils with common characteristics usually associated with particular climates and vegetation types.
  • gregory's powder — a formulation of rhubarb powder used as a laxative or purgative
  • gum up the works — exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; labor; toil.
  • hard-packed snow — snow which becomes very firmly packed as it becomes refrozen due to cold weather conditions rather than melting
  • hayes-compatible — (communications)   A description of a modem which understands the same set of commands as one made by Hayes.
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