
11-letter words containing s, e, p, o

  • suppression — the act of suppressing.
  • surgeonship — the position or responsibility of a surgeon
  • swarm spore — zoospore
  • sympetalous — gamopetalous.
  • symphonette — a small symphony orchestra that usually specializes in playing short, familiar classical works or salon music.
  • symptomless — having or showing no symptoms.
  • synaptosome — a saclike structure at an isolated nerve ending
  • syncopative — relating to syncopation
  • synsepalous — gamosepalous.
  • taboparesis — the occurrence of two conditions (general paresis and tabes dorsalis) at the same time
  • teaspoonful — the amount a teaspoon can hold.
  • technopolis — a society with a concentration of technology-based businesses or an emphasis on technology
  • technospeak — any abstruse technical jargon
  • telephonist — a telephone switchboard operator.
  • telescoping — an optical instrument for making distant objects appear larger and therefore nearer. One of the two principal forms (refracting telescope) consists essentially of an objective lens set into one end of a tube and an adjustable eyepiece or combination of lenses set into the other end of a tube that slides into the first and through which the enlarged object is viewed directly; the other form (reflecting telescope) has a concave mirror that gathers light from the object and focuses it into an adjustable eyepiece or combination of lenses through which the reflection of the object is enlarged and viewed. Compare radio telescope.
  • telescopist — someone who is adept with a telescope
  • telescopium — an inconspicuous constellation in the S hemisphere, close to Sagittarius and Ara
  • telesphorus — pope a.d. 125?–136?.
  • tempestuous — stormy, tumultuous
  • temptatious — enticing or illicitly desirable
  • terpsichore — Classical Mythology. the Muse of dancing and choral song.
  • tetrapodous — of or related to a tetrapod
  • the proteas — the national cricket team of South Africa
  • the support — an actor or group of actors playing subordinate roles
  • the tropics — that part of the earth's surface between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn; the Torrid Zone
  • the vapours — a depressed mental condition believed originally to be the result of vaporous exhalations from the stomach
  • theophagous — relating to theophagy or the practice of symbolically consuming the body of God or a god
  • theophanous — a manifestation or appearance of God or a god to a person.
  • theophobist — a person who fears or despises God or religion
  • theopneusty — divine inspiration; the influence of God's spirit enabling humans to receive a divine truth
  • theosophist — any of various forms of philosophical or religious thought based on a mystical insight into the divine nature.
  • theosophize — to practise theosophy or to think theosophically
  • thermoscope — a device that indicates a change in temperature, esp one that does not measure the actual temperature
  • to speak of — to utter words or articulate sounds with the ordinary voice; talk: He was too ill to speak.
  • toilet soap — a mild and usually perfumed soap for washing the hands and face and for bathing.
  • tool pusher — A tool pusher is someone who supervises drilling operations on an oil rig.
  • topdressing — an application of fertiliser to soil
  • topless bar — a bar in which barmaids or waitresses work naked from the waist up
  • torpedinous — of, relating to, or resembling a torpedo
  • torpescence — the state or quality of being torpescent or torpid
  • townspeople — residents of a town
  • transponder — a radio, radar, or sonar transceiver that automatically transmits a signal upon reception of a designated incoming signal.
  • transported — emotionally moved; ecstatic: transported by the music.
  • transporter — a person or thing that transports, especially a very large truck for large or heavy loads, as missiles or automobiles.
  • triceratops — any of various dinosaurs of the genus Triceratops, of the late Cretaceous Period, having a bony crest on the neck, a long horn over each eye, and a shorter horn on the nose.
  • tripersonal — consisting of or existing in three persons, as the Godhead.
  • tripetalous — having three petals.
  • triptolemus — a favorite of Demeter and the inventor of the plow and patron of agriculture, connected with the Eleusinian mysteries.
  • trisepalous — having three sepals.
  • trispermous — having three seeds.
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