
11-letter words containing s, e, p, o

  • pipe smoker — a person who smokes a tobacco pipe
  • piperaceous — belonging to the Piperacae, the pepper family of plants.
  • pitchperson — a pitchman or pitchwoman
  • plagioclase — any of the feldspar minerals varying in composition from acidic albite, NaAlSi 3 O 8 , to basic anorthite, CaAl 2 Si 2 O 8 , found in most igneous rocks: shows twinning striations on good cleavage surfaces.
  • plagiostome — (of fish) belonging to the genus Plagiostomi, which includes sharks and rays, characterized by a transverse mouth with the jaw suspended from the skull
  • plainstones — the pavement or a paved area in a town or city
  • plant louse — aphid.
  • plasmalogen — any of the class of phosphatides that contain an aldehyde of a fatty acid, found in heart and skeletal muscle, the brain, the liver, and in eggs.
  • plasminogen — the blood substance that when activated forms plasmin.
  • plasmodesma — any of many minute strands of cytoplasm that extend through plant cell walls and connect adjoining cells.
  • plasterwork — finish or ornamental work done in plaster.
  • plastometer — an instrument for measuring the plasticity of a substance.
  • pleiomerous — (of a flower) having a greater than normal number of parts
  • pleistocene — noting or pertaining to the epoch forming the earlier half of the Quaternary Period, beginning about two million years ago and ending 10,000 years ago, characterized by widespread glacial ice and the advent of modern humans.
  • pleochroism — the property of certain crystals of exhibiting different colors when viewed from different directions under transmitted light. Compare dichroism (def 1), trichroism.
  • ploughshare — the horizontal pointed cutting blade of a mouldboard plough
  • plumigerous — wearing or possessing feathers
  • plyometrics — a system of exercise in which the muscles are repeatedly stretched and suddenly contracted
  • pneumonitis — inflammation of the lung caused by a virus or exposure to irritating substances.
  • pneumostome — a breathing hole in the mantle of a gastropod.
  • pocket-size — small enough to fit conveniently into one's pocket.
  • poetry slam — a violent and noisy closing, dashing, or impact.
  • poison bean — Also called bladderpod. a tall plant, Glottidium vesicaria, of the legume family, native to the southeastern U.S., having clusters of yellow flowers and pods containing highly poisonous seeds.
  • polariscope — an instrument for measuring or exhibiting the polarization of light or for examining substances in polarized light, often to determine stress and strain in glass and other substances.
  • poles apart — each of the extremities of the axis of the earth or of any spherical body.
  • poltergeist — a ghost or spirit supposed to manifest its presence by noises, knockings, etc.
  • polyestrous — having several estrus cycles annually or during a breeding season.
  • polygenesis — origin from more than one ancestral species or line.
  • polymerizes — to subject to polymerization.
  • polysorbate — any of a class of emulsifying and dispersing agents used in various foods and pharmaceutical preparations.
  • polyspermia — the secretion of an excessive amount of semen.
  • polystyrene — a clear plastic or stiff foam, a polymer of styrene, used chiefly as an insulator in refrigerators and air conditioners.
  • polysulfide — a sulfide whose molecules contain two or more atoms of sulfur.
  • pompelmouse — a large citrus fruit
  • pond-skater — any of various heteropterous insects of the family Gerrididae, esp Gerris lacustris (common pond-skater), having a slender hairy body and long hairy legs with which they skim about on the surface of ponds
  • ponderosity — of great weight; heavy; massive.
  • ponderously — of great weight; heavy; massive.
  • pope's nose — the fleshy protuberance at the posterior end of a dressed fowl, especially the tailpiece of a cooked chicken.
  • pore fungus — any fungus of the families Boletacea and Polyporaceae, bearing spores in tubes or pores.
  • port neches — a town in SE Texas.
  • porterhouse — Also called porterhouse steak. a choice cut of beef from between the prime ribs and the sirloin.
  • possessable — capable of being possessed
  • possessedly — in a possessed manner
  • possessions — wealth or property
  • post chaise — a four-wheeled coach for rapid transportation of passengers and mail, used in the 18th and early 19th centuries.
  • post office — an office or station of a government postal system at which mail is received and sorted, from which it is dispatched and distributed, and at which stamps are sold or other services rendered.
  • post-bellum — of or during the period after a war, esp the American Civil War
  • post-holder — a person who has a particular job or position
  • post-modern — noting or pertaining to architecture of the late 20th century, appearing in the 1960s, that consciously uses complex forms, fantasy, and allusions to historic styles, in contrast to the austere forms and emphasis on utility of standard modern architecture.
  • post-mortem — discussion of recent event
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