
10-letter words containing s, e, p, o

  • suspensoid — a sol having a solid disperse phase.
  • suspensory — a supporting bandage, muscle, ligament, etc.
  • swamp rose — a shrub, Rosa palustris, of eastern North America, having pink flowers nearly 2 inches (5 cm) wide.
  • sweat-shop — a shop employing workers at low wages, for long hours, and under poor conditions.
  • sweet shop — a store that sells candy.
  • sweet spot — Sports. the spot on a club, racket, bat, etc., where a ball is most effectively hit.
  • sweet-shop — a store that sells candy.
  • symphonize — to play or sound together harmoniously.
  • symptomize — to be a symptom or sign of.
  • synaloepha — the blending of two successive vowels into one, especially the coalescence of a vowel at the end of one word with a vowel at the beginning of the next.
  • syncopated — marked by syncopation: syncopated rhythm.
  • synopsises — to make a synopsis of; summarize.
  • tablespoon — a spoon larger than a teaspoon or a dessert spoon, used in serving food at the table and as a standard measuring unit in recipes.
  • team sport — a sport in which teams play against each other
  • teichopsia — a temporary visual impairment associated with migraine
  • teinoscope — an optical device employing prisms to correct the chromatic aberration of light
  • teleport's — a regional telecommunications network that provides access to communications satellites and other long distance media; telecommunications hub.
  • telescopic — of, relating to, or of the nature of a telescope.
  • teliospore — a spore of certain rust fungi, which carries the fungus through the winter and which, on germination, produces the promycelium.
  • test pilot — a pilot employed to test-fly newly-built aircraft.
  • tetrapolis — a conglomeration of four cities
  • tetraspore — one of the four asexual spores produced within a tetrasporangium.
  • theophilus — a walled plain in the 4th quadrant of the face of the moon: about 65 miles (105 km) in diameter.
  • theopneust — inspired by God or a god
  • thesprotia — an ancient coastal district in SW Epirus.
  • three-spot — a playing card, an upward face of a die, or a domino half bearing three pips.
  • toolpusher — a foreman who supervises drilling operations on an oil rig
  • toothpaste — a dentifrice in the form of paste.
  • top secret — highly confidential, restricted
  • top-secret — bearing the classification top-secret, the highest level of classified information.
  • tophaceous — a calcareous concretion formed in the soft tissue about a joint, in the pinna of the ear, etc., especially in gout; a gouty deposit.
  • torpedoist — a person in favour of the use of torpedoes or a person knowledgeable about torpedoes
  • torpescent — becoming torpid
  • trap house — a shelter from which the clay pigeons are released in trapshooting.
  • triniscope — an early television with three tubes projecting the three primary colours
  • tripterous — three-winged; having three wings or winglike expansions.
  • trophesial — involving or relating to trophesy
  • trophosome — an organ in deep-sea tube worms that is colonized by bacteria supplying the host worm with food and energy.
  • tropopause — the boundary, or transitional layer, between the troposphere and the stratosphere.
  • typhaceous — belonging to the family of flowering plants Typhaceae
  • typhlosole — (in annelids and many bivalve mollusks) an infolding along the inner wall of the intestine.
  • unbespoken — not bespoken or arranged for
  • uncomposed — calm; tranquil; serene: His composed face reassured the nervous passengers.
  • undisposed — not disposed of.
  • unperilous — not hazardous or dangerous
  • unpolished — made smooth and glossy: a figurine of polished mahogany.
  • unpossible — impossible
  • unprecious — of high price or great value; very valuable or costly: precious metals.
  • unpromised — not engaged or promised in marriage
  • unproposed — not proposed, put forward, or offered
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