
15-letter words containing s, e, i, n, t

  • overstimulation — to rouse to action or effort, as by encouragement or pressure; spur on; incite: to stimulate his interest in mathematics.
  • oxidation state — the state of an element or ion in a compound with regard to the electrons gained or lost by the element or ion in the reaction that formed the compound, expressed as a positive or negative number indicating the ionic charge of the element or ion.
  • pachymeningitis — inflammation of the dura mater of the brain and spinal cord
  • packing density — a measure of the amount of data that can be held by unit length of a storage medium, such as magnetic tape
  • painter's colic — Pathology. lead poisoning causing intense intestinal pain.
  • palaeomagnetism — the study of the fossil magnetism in rocks, used to determine the past configurations of the continents and to investigate the past shape and magnitude of the earth's magnetic field
  • palaeomagnetist — a student of or expert in palaeomagnetism
  • parasiticalness — the condition or characteristic of being parasitic
  • pars intermedia — a small, somewhat cherry-shaped double structure attached by a stalk to the base of the brain and constituting the master endocrine gland affecting all hormonal functions in the body, consisting of an anterior region ((anterior pituitary) or (adenohypophysis)) that develops embryonically from the roof of the mouth and that secretes growth hormone, LH, FSH, ACTH, TSH, and MSH, a posterior region ((posterior pituitary) or (neurohypophysis)) that develops from the back of the forebrain and that secretes the hormones vasopressin and oxytocin, and an intermediate part (pars intermedia) derived from the anterior region but joined to the posterior region, that secretes the hormone MSH in lower vertebrates.
  • parthenogenesis — development of an egg without fertilization.
  • passenger train — railway train that carries people
  • pavement artist — sidewalk artist.
  • pearly nautilus — nautilus (def 1).
  • pedestrian mall — A pedestrian mall is the same as a pedestrian precinct.
  • pematangsiantar — a city on NE Sumatra, in Indonesia.
  • penal servitude — imprisonment together with hard labor.
  • penetrativeness — the quality or condition of being penetrative
  • pepin the short — ("Pepin the Short") died a.d. 768, king of the Franks 751–768 (father of Charlemagne).
  • percussion tool — a power driven tool which operates by striking rapid blows: the power may be electricity or compressed air
  • perfectionistic — a person who adheres to or believes in perfectionism.
  • performing arts — dance, drama, music
  • perfunctoriness — performed merely as a routine duty; hasty and superficial: perfunctory courtesy.
  • personalization — to have marked with one's initials, name, or monogram: to personalize stationery.
  • personification — the attribution of human nature or character to animals, inanimate objects, or abstract notions, especially as a rhetorical figure.
  • peter of amiens — c1050–1115, French monk: preacher of the first Crusade 1095–99.
  • petit serjeanty — serjeanty in which the tenant renders services of an impersonal nature to the king, as providing him annually with an implement of war, as a lance or bow.
  • phase-switching — a technique used in radio interferometry in which the signal from one of the two antennae is periodically reversed in phase before being multiplied by the signal from the other antenna
  • phenakistoscope — an early form of a zoetrope in which figures are depicted in different poses around the edge of a disc. When the disc is spun, and the figures observed through the apertures around the edge of the disc, they appear to be moving
  • phenomenalistic — the doctrine that phenomena are the only objects of knowledge or the only form of reality.
  • phenomenologist — the study of phenomena.
  • phosphocreatine — a compound, C 4 H 1 0 O 5 N 3 P, found chiefly in muscle, formed by the enzymatic interaction of an organic phosphate and creatine, the breakdown of which provides energy for muscle contraction.
  • photo-secession — an association of photographers founded in New York City in 1902 by Alfred Stieglitz and Edward Steichen that advocated the development and public recognition of photography as a fine art.
  • photosensitizer — a drug, food, or other chemical that increases sensitivity to light and other visible photons
  • photosynthesize — to produce carbohydrates by photosynthesis: Plants with light green leaves don't photosynthesize as well as those with darker leaves.
  • picturesqueness — visually charming or quaint, as if resembling or suitable for a painting: a picturesque fishing village.
  • pigeon shooting — the act of hunting and shooting live pigeons
  • pine tree state — Maine (used as a nickname).
  • pinkster flower — a wild azalea, Rhododendron periclymenoides, of the U.S., having pink or purplish flowers.
  • pissing contest — Slang: Vulgar. a contentious argument; confrontation.
  • pistachio green — a light or medium shade of yellow green.
  • pitch blackness — extreme darkness; lack of light
  • pithecanthropus — a former genus of extinct hominids whose members have now been assigned to the proposed species Homo erectus.
  • plainclothesman — a police officer, especially a detective, who wears ordinary civilian clothes while on duty.
  • planet-stricken — believed to be adversely affected mentally or physically by the planets
  • plantaginaceous — relating to or belonging to the family Plantaginaceae
  • plastic surgeon — doctor who performs cosmetic surgery
  • plate tectonics — a theory of global tectonics in which the lithosphere is divided into a number of crustal plates, each of which moves on the plastic asthenosphere more or less independently to collide with, slide under, or move past adjacent plates.
  • platform tennis — a variation of tennis played on a wooden platform enclosed with chicken wire in which the players hit a rubber ball with wooden paddles following the same basic rules as tennis except that only one serve is permitted and balls can be played off the back and side fences.
  • platyhelminthes — a phylum of worms having bilateral symmetry and a soft, usually flattened body, comprising the flatworms.
  • pleasant island — former name of Nauru.
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