
15-letter words containing s, c, h, i, a

  • fischer-dieskau — Dietrich [dee-trik;; German dee-trikh] /ˈdi trɪk;; German ˈdi trɪx/ (Show IPA), 1925–2012, German baritone.
  • fishhook cactus — a large cactus, Ferocactus wislizenii, of the southwestern U.S. and Mexico, having hooked spines and red or yellow flowers.
  • fluid mechanics — an applied science dealing with the basic principles of gaseous and liquid matter.
  • fluorochemicals — Plural form of fluorochemical.
  • francis bushman — Francis X(avier) 1883–1966, U.S. film actor.
  • freight charges — the price charged for conveying goods by freight
  • french guianese — an overseas department of France, on the NE coast of South America: formerly a French colony. 35,135 sq. mi. (91,000 sq. km). Capital: Cayenne.
  • french tamarisk — a shrub or small tree, Tamarix gallica, of the Mediterranean region, having bluish foliage and white or pinkish flowers.
  • french-speaking — able to speak French
  • friedrichshafen — a city in Baden-Württemberg, S Germany, on Lake Constance.
  • fusospirochetal — Relating to fusospirochetes.
  • geodemographics — the study and grouping of the people in a geographical area according to socioeconomic criteria, esp for market research
  • geostrophically — By means of, or in terms of, geostrophy.
  • giant schnauzer — one of a German breed of large working dogs, resembling a larger and more powerful version of the standard schnauzer, having a pepper-and-salt or pure black, wiry coat, bushy eyebrows and beard, and a docked tail set moderately high, originally developed as a cattle herder but now often used in police work.
  • gigantopithecus — a genus of extinct ape of southern Asia existing during the Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs, known only from very large fossil jaws and teeth and believed to be perhaps the biggest hominoid that ever lived.
  • glanville-hicksPeggy, 1912–1990, U.S. composer and music critic, born in Australia.
  • glass harmonica — a musical instrument composed of a set of graduated, revolving glass bowls, the rims of which are moistened and set in vibration by friction from the fingertips.
  • gleichschaltung — the enforcement of standardization and the elimination of all opposition within the political, economic, and cultural institutions of a state
  • glossographical — relating to glossography
  • go the distance — the extent or amount of space between two things, points, lines, etc.
  • graphic display — the way in which line drawings and text are displayed
  • hair specialist — an expert in the treatment and care of human hair
  • hamamelidaceous — belonging to the Hamamelidaceae, the witch hazel family of plants.
  • hardship clause — a clause in a contract which covers unforeseen events that would make it more difficult for one party to complete the contract, and in which case offers alternative terms
  • harmonic series — a series in which the reciprocals of the terms form an arithmetic progression.
  • have one's pick — If you have your pick of a group of things, you are able to choose any of them that you want.
  • haversian canal — a microscopic channel in bone, through which a blood vessel runs.
  • heart-searching — a thorough examination of one's feelings and motives; a self-examination of one's conscience.
  • hedonic damages — compensation based on what the victim of a crime might have earned in the future
  • heliacal rising — rising of a celestial object at approximately the same time as the rising of the sun
  • hemangiosarcoma — A fast-growing, highly invasive variety of cancer, a sarcoma arising from the lining of blood vessels, occurring almost exclusively in dogs and rarely in cats.
  • hemochromatosis — a rare metabolic disorder characterized by a bronzed skin, cirrhosis, and severe diabetes, caused by the deposit in tissue, especially of the liver and pancreas, of hemosiderin and other pigments containing iron.
  • hendecasyllabic — having 11 syllables.
  • henry cavendishHenry, 1731–1810, English chemist and physicist.
  • heralds' office — the official heraldic authority of Scotland.
  • heteroscedastic — (of several distributions) having different variances
  • histochemically — In a histochemical manner.
  • histopathologic — the science dealing with the histological structure of abnormal or diseased tissue; pathological histology.
  • historical cost — The historical cost of an asset is its original cost when it was first acquired by a company.
  • historicization — Act or process of historicizing.
  • historiographic — the body of literature dealing with historical matters; histories collectively.
  • holiday clothes — the clothes worn and bought for travelling on holiday, such as swimwear, skiwear, or clothes for hot or cold weather, etc
  • holocrystalline — (of igneous rocks) having only crystalline components and no glass
  • homeostatically — the tendency of a system, especially the physiological system of higher animals, to maintain internal stability, owing to the coordinated response of its parts to any situation or stimulus that would tend to disturb its normal condition or function.
  • hoosier cabinet — a tall kitchen cabinet mass-produced during the early part of the 20th century, usually of oak, featuring an enameled work surface, storage bins, a flour sifter, etc.
  • horatius cocles — a legendary Roman hero of the 6th century bc, who defended a bridge over the Tiber against Lars Porsena
  • hospital corner — a fold on a bed sheet or blanket made by tucking the foot or head of the sheet straight under the mattress with the ends protruding and then making a diagonal fold at the side corner of the sheet and tucking this under to produce a triangular corner.
  • hospital doctor — a hospital doctor works in a hospital, rather than as a general practitioner, in the army, etc
  • house physician — a house officer working in a medical as opposed to a surgical discipline
  • humidifications — Plural form of humidification.
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