
12-letter words containing s, c, h, i, a

  • octastrophic — having or containing eight verses or strophes
  • oligochaetes — Plural form of oligochaete.
  • optic chiasm — a site at the base of the forebrain where the inner half of the fibers of the left and right optic nerves cross to the opposite side of the brain.
  • orchidaceous — belonging to the plant family Orchidaceae.
  • orichalceous — relating to or resembling orichalc
  • orthoclastic — (of a crystal) having cleavages at right angles to each other.
  • orthopaedics — (used with a singular verb) the medical specialty concerned with correction of deformities or functional impairments of the skeletal system, especially the extremities and the spine, and associated structures, as muscles and ligaments.
  • oscillograph — a device for recording the wave-forms of changing currents, voltages, or any other quantity that can be translated into electric energy, as sound waves.
  • packinghouse — a building where foodstuffs are packed
  • parachronism — a chronological error in which a person, event, etc., is assigned a date later than the actual one.
  • paraesthetic — paresthesia.
  • paraphrastic — having the nature of a paraphrase.
  • parapsychism — the experience of mental phenomena that are beyond the scope of normal physical explanation
  • parish clerk — an official designated to carry out various duties, either for a church parish or a parish council
  • parochialise — to make parochial.
  • parochialism — a parochial character, spirit, or tendency; excessive narrowness of interests or view; provincialism.
  • parochialist — a parochial character, spirit, or tendency; excessive narrowness of interests or view; provincialism.
  • periphrastic — circumlocutory; roundabout.
  • phagocytosis — Physiology. the ingestion of a smaller cell or cell fragment, a microorganism, or foreign particles by means of the local infolding of a cell's membrane and the protrusion of its cytoplasm around the fold until the material has been surrounded and engulfed by closure of the membrane and formation of a vacuole: characteristic of amebas and some types of white blood cells.
  • phantasmatic — pertaining to or of the nature of a phantasm; unreal; illusory; spectral: phantasmal creatures of nightmare.
  • phantasmical — pertaining to or of the nature of a phantasm; unreal; illusory; spectral: phantasmal creatures of nightmare.
  • phonotactics — the patterns in which the phonemes of a language may combine to form sequences.
  • phosphatidic — of or relating to a phosphatide
  • photoelastic — displaying photoelasticity; of or relating to photoelasticity
  • phylacteries — Judaism. either of two small, black, leather cubes containing a piece of parchment inscribed with verses 4–9 of Deut. 6, 13–21 of Deut. 11, and 1–16 of Ex. 13: one is attached with straps to the left arm and the other to the forehead during weekday morning prayers by Orthodox and Conservative Jewish men.
  • physicalness — of or relating to the body: physical exercise.
  • physogastric — pertaining to the swollen, membranous abdomen of certain insects, especially termite and ant queens.
  • picture sash — a large window sash, as for a picture window.
  • plainclothes — Plainclothes police officers wear ordinary clothes instead of a police uniform.
  • pleiochasium — a flowering system in which several buds come out at the same time
  • postbrachial — belonging to the arm, foreleg, wing, pectoral fin, or other forelimb of a vertebrate.
  • preachership — the office of a preacher
  • predischarge — of or pertaining to the period prior to discharge, esp prior to discharge from hospital or from employment
  • psammophytic — relating to psammophytes
  • psychiatrist — a physician who practices psychiatry.
  • psychoactive — of or relating to a substance having a profound or significant effect on mental processes: a psychoactive drug.
  • psychomachia — conflict of the soul
  • psychopathic — of, relating to, or affected with psychopathy.
  • psychosocial — of or relating to the interaction between social and psychological factors.
  • quackishness — The state or condition of being quackish.
  • quitch grass — any of various grasses, especially Agropyron repens, known chiefly as troublesome weeds and characterized by creeping rootstocks that spread rapidly.
  • rachiotomies — Plural form of rachiotomy.
  • rachischisis — A developmental birth defect in which the neural tube fails to close completely, leading to motor and sensory deficits, chronic infections, and disturbances in bladder function.
  • radiesthetic — of or relating to radiesthesia
  • raised beach — a wave-cut platform raised above the shoreline by a relative fall in the water level
  • ramapithecus — a genus of extinct Miocene ape known from fossils found in India and Pakistan and formerly thought to be a possible human ancestor.
  • reichsthaler — a silver thaler of Germany, originally issued in 1566; rix-dollar.
  • rhizocarpous — having the root perennial but the stem annual, as perennial herbs.
  • ring changes — to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone: to change one's name; to change one's opinion; to change the course of history.
  • saccharinely — of the nature of or resembling that of sugar: a powdery substance with a saccharine taste.
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