
23-letter words containing s, c, a, r, e, u

  • rectangular coordinates — Usually, rectangular coordinates. either of two Cartesian coordinates in which the axes meet at right angles.
  • refuse disposal service — a place or facility where rubbish and waste can be disposed
  • relative molecular mass — the sum of all the relative atomic masses of the atoms in a molecule; the ratio of the average mass per molecule of a specified isotopic composition of a substance to one-twelfth the mass of an atom of carbon-12
  • residual current device — a circuit-breaking device installed in electrical equipment to protect the operator from electrocution
  • residual debt insurance — Residual debt insurance is a type of risk insurance that banks often require when granting a loan, which is used to guarantee that the loan is repaid in the event of death or disability.
  • rheumatic heart disease — damage to the heart, especially to the valves, as a result of rheumatic fever, characterized by inflammation of the myocardium or scarring and malfunction of the heart valves.
  • rsa data security, inc. — (cryptography, company)   (After Rivest, Shamir, Adleman - see RSA) A recognised world leader in cryptography, with millions of copies of its software encryption and authentication installed and in use worldwide. RSA's technologies are the global de facto standard for public key cryptography and digital signatures, and are part of existing and proposed standards for the Internet, ITU-T, ISO, ANSI, PKCS, IEEE and business and financial networks around the world.
  • securities exchange act — a law passed in 1934 establishing the SEC.
  • security association id — (networking)   (SAID) A 32-bit field added to packet headers for encryption and authentication in the proposed Internet Protocol Version 6.
  • slum clearance campaign — a campaign to rehouse those people who live in a slum area, and to prepare the area for demolition and rebuilding
  • social education centre — a daycentre, run by a local authority, for people with learning disabilities and sometimes also for people who have physical disabilities or are mentally ill
  • social insurance number — a nine-digit number used by the federal government to identify a citizen
  • social security payment — a payment of social security made to an individual
  • squamous cell carcinoma — a carcinoma that arises from squamous epithelium in the skin and sometimes in the mucous membranes.
  • state-trading countries — countries whose export and import trading is government controlled
  • strategic business unit — an autonomous division or section with its own mission within a larger organization
  • stream of consciousness — unpunctuated prose
  • stream-of-consciousness — of, relating to, or characterized by a manner of writing in which a character's thoughts or perceptions are presented as occurring in random form, without regard for logical sequences, syntactic structure, distinctions between various levels of reality, or the like: a stream-of-consciousness novel; a stream-of-consciousness technique.
  • structural unemployment — unemployment caused by basic changes in the overall economy, as in demographics, technology, or industrial organization.
  • sub specie aeternitatis — from the standpoint of eternity; from a universal perspective
  • supplementary insurance — Supplementary insurance is insurance coverage that is purchased in addition to an insurance policy to provide additional benefits or coverage.
  • sustainable agriculture — any of a number of environmentally friendly farming methods that preserve an ecological balance by avoiding depletion of natural resources.
  • swine vesicular disease — a viral disease of swine characterized by vesicular lesions on the feet, legs, snout, and tongue
  • system control language — (language)   (SCL) The command language for the VME/B operating system on the ICL2900. SCL was block structured and supported strings, lists of strings ("superstrings"), integer, Boolean, and array types. You could trigger a block whenever a condition on a variable value occured. It supported macros and default arguments. Commands were treated like procedure calls.
  • tangible user interface — (interface)   An attempt to give physical form to digital information, making bits directly manipulable and perceptible by people. Tangible Interfaces will make bits accessible through augmented physical surfaces (e.g. walls, desktops, ceilings, windows), graspable objects (e.g. building blocks, models, instruments) and ambient media (e.g. light, sound, airflow, water-flow, kinetic sculpture) within physical environments.
  • terminal user interface — Textual User Interface
  • thank one's lucky stars — any of the heavenly bodies, except the moon, appearing as fixed luminous points in the sky at night.
  • the chamber of deputies — the lower legislative assembly in some parliaments
  • the numbers game/racket — If you refer to the numbers game, the numbers racket, or the numbers, you are referring to an illegal lottery or illegal betting.
  • to keep your nose clean — If you keep your nose clean, you behave well and stay out of trouble.
  • to make your skin crawl — If something makes your skin crawl or makes your flesh crawl, it makes you feel shocked or disgusted.
  • to outstay your welcome — If you say that someone outstays their welcome or overstays their welcome, you mean that they stay somewhere longer than they are wanted or expected to.
  • to your heart's content — as much as you please
  • transcendental argument — an argument designed to make explicit the conditions under which a certain kind of knowledge is possible, esp those of Kant
  • transcendental equation — an equation that involves transcendental functions.
  • transcendental function — a function that is not an algebraic function.
  • trellis code modulation — (TCM) A modulation technique with hardware error detection and correction.
  • turn a cold shoulder to — to treat with disdain; snub
  • unconditional discharge — the release of a defendant without having to spend time on parole or probation
  • unconstitutional strike — a stoppage of work which violates the dispute procedure agreed between the employer and the trade union or trade unions concerned
  • under the circumstances — a condition, detail, part, or attribute, with respect to time, place, manner,agent, etc., that accompanies, determines, or modifies a fact or event; a modifying or influencing factor: Do not judge his behavior without considering every circumstance.
  • unincorporated business — a privately owned business, often owned by one person who has unlimited liability as the business is not legally registered as a company
  • unipress software, inc. — (company)   A developer and distributor of Unix software. They produce PC-UNIX connectivity software, development tools and applications and provide technical support and maintenance, porting services, training and consulting.
  • united states air force — the permanent or regular military air force of the United States, established in 1947 as a separate service under the authority of the Department of Defense: a branch of the U.S. Army before 1947. Abbreviation: USAF.
  • universal character set — (character, standard)   (UCS, ISO/IEC 10646) A 1993 ISO and IEC standard character set, also known as "Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set". UCS comes in a 16-bit variant called UCS-2 and a 32-bit variant called UCS-4, which is composed of 16-bit UCS-2 "planes". So far only one 16-bit plane has been defined, which is known as the Basic Multilingual Plane. The implementation of UCS is still in its infancy, though some moves, such as the Java language defining a character to be 16 bits, are suggestive.
  • urban conservation area — an urban area that is protected, preserved and carefully managed
  • user interface language — (language, graphics)   (UIL) A language for specifying widget hierarchies etc. in OSF/Motif and DECwindows.
  • variable life insurance — an insurance policy whose annuity payments or payment to the beneficiary are not fixed but depend on the income earned by the investment of the premiums.
  • vestibulocochlear nerve — either one of the eight pairs of cranial nerves that supply the cochlea and semicircular canals of the internal ear and contribute to the sense of hearing
  • viscount horatio nelsonViscount Horatio, 1758–1805, British admiral.
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