
21-letter words containing s, a, r, m, e, n

  • reading comprehension — a text that students use to help them improve their reading skills, by reading it and answering questions relating to the text. Sometimes used as a test or examination of reading skills. A reading comprehension can be in the student's own or another language
  • real operating system — (operating system, abuse)   The sort the speaker is used to. People from the BSDophilic academic community are likely to issue comments like "System V? Why don't you use a *real* operating system?", people from the commercial/industrial Unix sector are known to complain "BSD? Why don't you use a *real* operating system?", and people from IBM object "Unix? Why don't you use a *real* operating system?" See holy wars, religious issues, proprietary, Get a real computer!.
  • reckless endangerment — a crime whereby a person behaves in a reckless manner which creates a substantial risk of serious physical injury to another person
  • recompression chamber — hyperbaric chamber.
  • reduced circumstances — If you say that someone is living in reduced circumstances, you mean that they do not have as much money as they used to have.
  • registration document — a document giving identification details of a motor vehicle, including its manufacturer, date of registration, engine and chassis numbers, and owner's name
  • requirements analysis — (project)   The process of reviewing a business's processes to determine the business needs and functional requirements that a system must meet.
  • residual unemployment — the unemployment that remains in periods of full employment, as a result of those mentally, physically, or emotionally unfit to work
  • rocky mountain oyster — mountain oyster.
  • s-k reduction machine — An abstract machine defined by Professor David Turner to evaluate combinator expressions represented as binary graphs. Named after the two basic combinators, S and K.
  • saint martin's summer — mild, warm weather similar to Indian summer, occurring in November.
  • saint-maur-des-fosses — a town in N central France, near Paris, on the Marne River.
  • salam-weinberg theory — the electroweak theory.
  • san gabriel mountains — a mountain range in S California, N of Los Angeles. Highest peak, San Antonio Peak, 10,080 feet (3072 meters).
  • sanitation department — the department of local government responsible for collecting and disposing of refuse
  • sao bernardo do campo — a city in SE Brazil, SE of São Paulo.
  • sao tome and principeDemocratic Republic of, a republic in W Africa, comprising the islands of São Tomé and Príncipe, in the Gulf of Guinea, N of the equator: a former overseas province of Portugal; gained independence in 1975. 372 sq. mi. (964 sq. km). Capital: São Tomé.
  • saponification number — the number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide required to saponify one gram of a given ester, especially a glyceride.
  • scarlet monkey flower — any of various plants belonging to the genus Mimulus, of the figwort family, as M. cardinalis (scarlet monkey flower) having spotted flowers that resemble a face.
  • secondary containment — Secondary containment is a system for dealing with hazardous spills.
  • sedimentary sequences — Sedimentary sequences are layers of rock which are derived from weathered rocks, biogenic (= of living organisms) activity, or precipitation from solution.
  • semantic differential — a technique for measuring the connotative meaning of concepts by having an individual rate each concept on a series of graduated scales, each scale defined by a pair of polar adjectives, as good–bad or strong–weak.
  • serbia and montenegro — a former country in SE Europe, consisting of the republics of Serbia and Montenegro; replaced the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 2003, and dissolved in 2006 following Montenegro’s decision to secede
  • sherman antitrust act — an act of Congress (1890) prohibiting any contract, conspiracy, or combination of business interests in restraint of foreign or interstate trade.
  • sierra madre oriental — the system of mountains in the east of Mexico
  • simple actor language — (language)   (SAL) A minimal actor language, used for teaching in:
  • sir william alexander — Sir William (Alexander) 1867–1957, Scottish lexicographer and philologist.
  • slatwall merchandiser — A slatwall merchandiser is a three-dimensional display unit with grooves cut into its surface into which metal hanging rails can be fixed at various heights.
  • somatization disorder — a mental illness, usually beginning before age 20, characterized by multiple physical complaints for which no physical causes can be found and often leading to unnecessary treatment or surgery and to severe disability.
  • somatotrophic-hormone — a hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland, that stimulates growth in humans.
  • spin angular momentum — to make (yarn) by drawing out, twisting, and winding fibers: Pioneer women spun yarn on spinning wheels.
  • splice the main brace — to join together or unite (two ropes or parts of a rope) by the interweaving of strands.
  • steal someone's heart — to cause someone to feel love or affection
  • stem-and-leaf diagram — a histogram in which the data points falling within each class interval are listed in order
  • step-down transformer — a device that transfers an alternating current from one circuit to one or more other circuits with a decrease of voltage
  • stock list department — (in an American stock exchange) the department dealing with monitoring compliance with its listing requirements and rules
  • stokes-adams syndrome — unconsciousness accompanying atrioventricular heart block, sometimes characterized by weakness, irregular pulse, and intermittent convulsive or nonconvulsive seizures.
  • strategic air command — a U.S. Air Force command charged with intercontinental air strikes, especially nuclear attacks.
  • subliminal perception — perception of or reaction to a stimulus that occurs without awareness or consciousness
  • submerged arc welding — a type of heavy electric-arc welding using mechanically fed bare wire with the arc submerged in powdered flux to keep out oxygen
  • supplementary benefit — (formerly) an extra amount of money that is paid to someone by the government, in addition to their normal income. Replaced by income support in 1988
  • sympathetic vibration — a vibration induced by resonance.
  • systeme international — Système International d'Unités
  • take someone prisoner — to capture and hold someone as a prisoner, esp as a prisoner of war
  • take under advisement — to consider carefully
  • tape operating system — (operating system)   (TOS) An IBM operating system for System 360, used in the early days around 1965 to support the IBM 360 model 30 et al. TOS was a predecessor to IBM's Disk Operating System. TOS died out really early as disks such as the 2311 and 2314 became common with the IBM 360 whereas thet had been a real luxury on the IBM 7090.
  • temperature inversion — inversion (def 12).
  • tetrabromofluorescein — eosin (def 1).
  • the (norman) conquest — the conquering of England by the Normans under William the Conqueror in 1066
  • the comrades marathon — an annual long-distance race run every year on the 16th of June from Durban to Pietermaritzburg, a distance of approximately 90 kilometres (56 miles)
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