
9-letter words containing s, a, n, t

  • teachings — the act or profession of a person who teaches.
  • tearstain — a mark or wet streak left by tears.
  • teasingly — to irritate or provoke with persistent petty distractions, trifling raillery, or other annoyance, often in sport.
  • tenacious — holding fast; characterized by keeping a firm hold (often followed by of): a tenacious grip on my arm; tenacious of old habits.
  • tenon saw — a small fine-toothed saw with a strong back, used esp for cutting tenons
  • tensional — the act of stretching or straining.
  • testacean — having a shell or test.
  • testament — Law. a will, especially one that relates to the disposition of one's personal property. will2 (def 8).
  • testation — witness or evidence
  • than most — than most others
  • thanatism — the belief that the soul ceases to exist when the body dies
  • thanatist — a person who believes in thanatism, the doctrine that the soul ceases to exist after death
  • thaneship — thanage.
  • thankings — expressions of gratitude or acts of thanking
  • thankless — not likely to be appreciated or rewarded; unappreciated: a thankless job.
  • thanks to — to express gratitude, appreciation, or acknowledgment to: She thanked them for their hospitality.
  • the hanse — a medieval league of free towns in N Germany and adjoining countries, formed to promote and protect their economic interests: the leading members were Bremen, Lübeck, and Hamburg
  • the mains — the main distribution network for water, gas, or electricity
  • the rains — the season of heavy rainfall, esp in the tropics
  • the stans — a region in Central Asia that consists of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan
  • the sudan — a region stretching across Africa south of the Sahara and north of the tropical zone: inhabited chiefly by Negroid tribes rather than Arabs
  • the swanz — the women's international soccer team of New Zealand
  • thirdsman — an intermediary or arbitrator; the third person
  • thomasina — a female given name.
  • thorshavn — a city in and the capital of the Faeroe Islands, in the N Atlantic.
  • thousands — a cardinal number, 10 times 100.
  • thrashing — an act or instance of thrashing; beating; blow.
  • tian shan — Tien Shan.
  • tien shan — a mountain range in central Asia, in China and Kirghizia. Highest peak, Pobeda Peak, 24,406 feet (7439 meters).
  • time span — duration, period
  • timespans — a span of time; time frame.
  • tin pants — heavy waterproof trousers, usually of paraffin-soaked canvas, worn by loggers and fishermen.
  • toadstone — any of various stones or stonelike objects, formerly supposed to have been formed in the head or body of a toad, worn as jewels or amulets.
  • toamasina — a port in E Madagascar, on the Indian Ocean: the country's chief commercial centre. Pop: 198 000 (2005 est)
  • tocantins — a river in E Brazil, flowing N to the Pará River. 1700 miles (2735 km) long.
  • tolstoyan — Leo or Lev Nikolaevich [lev nik-uh-lahy-uh-vich;; Russian lyef nyi-kuh-lah-yi-vyich] /lɛv ˌnɪk əˈlaɪ əˌvɪtʃ;; Russian ˈlyɛf nyɪ kʌˈlɑ yɪ vyɪtʃ/ (Show IPA), Count, 1828–1910, Russian novelist and social critic.
  • tommasini — Vicenzo [vee-chen-dzaw] /viˈtʃɛn dzɔ/ (Show IPA), 1880–1950, Italian composer.
  • tonle sap — a lake in W Cambodia, draining into the Mekong River.
  • tonoplast — a membrane separating a vacuole from the surrounding cytoplasm in a plant cell.
  • tonsillar — a prominent oval mass of lymphoid tissue on each side of the throat.
  • tonsorial — of or relating to a barber or barbering: the tonsorial shop.
  • tornadoes — a localized, violently destructive windstorm occurring over land, especially in the Middle West, and characterized by a long, funnel-shaped cloud extending toward the ground and made visible by condensation and debris. Compare waterspout (def 3).
  • torsional — the act of twisting.
  • toscanini — Arturo [ahr-too r-oh;; Italian ahr-too-raw] /ɑrˈtʊər oʊ;; Italian ɑrˈtu rɔ/ (Show IPA), 1867–1957, Italian orchestra conductor, in the U.S. after 1928.
  • townscape — a scene or view, either pictorial or natural, of a town or city.
  • trachinus — a weever fish
  • tradesman — a person engaged in trade.
  • trailsman — a person who follows a trail.
  • train set — a toy train, together with the track that it runs on, toy station, etc
  • trainings — the education, instruction, or discipline of a person or thing that is being trained: He's in training for the Olympics.
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