
9-letter words containing s, a, n, t

  • seriation — the arrangement of a collection of artifacts into a chronological sequence.
  • serjeanty — a form of land tenure in which a tenant holding of the king rendered him exclusive services in a status below that of a knight.
  • serotinal — pertaining to or occurring in late summer.
  • serrating — Chiefly Biology. notched on the edge like a saw: a serrate leaf.
  • serration — serrated condition or form.
  • servantry — servants collectively, esp the servants of a particular establishment as a body
  • sextantal — pertaining to the weight standard that determined the worth of Roman coins
  • sexvalent — hexavalent or having a valency of six
  • shantyman — a logger or lumberman
  • shark net — a net for catching sharks
  • sheathing — the act of a person who sheathes.
  • shirtband — a band of material sewn into a shirt for stiffening, finishing, or the like, as a neckband to which the collar is sewn or buttoned.
  • shogunate — the office or rule of a shogun.
  • shorthand — a method of rapid handwriting using simple strokes, abbreviations, or symbols that designate letters, words, or phrases (distinguished from longhand).
  • sightsman — a tourist guide
  • sigmatron — a machine for generating X-rays
  • signatory — having signed, or joined in signing, a document: the signatory powers to a treaty.
  • signature — a person's name, or a mark representing it, as signed personally or by deputy, as in subscribing a letter or other document.
  • siltation — earthy matter, fine sand, or the like carried by moving or running water and deposited as a sediment.
  • simionato — Giulietta [joo-lyet-tah] /dʒuˈlyɛt tɑ/ (Show IPA), 1910–2010, Italian mezzo-soprano.
  • simmental — one of a large breed of cattle, yellowish-brown to red and white, originally of Switzerland, used for milk and beef and as a draft animal.
  • sinistral — of, relating to, or on the left side; left (opposed to dextral).
  • sinuation — a winding; sinuosity.
  • siphonate — (of molluscs) having a syphon
  • sitatunga — an antelope, Tragelaphus spekei, inhabiting marshy regions of central and eastern Africa.
  • sitomania — abnormal craving for food.
  • situation — manner of being situated; location or position with reference to environment: The situation of the house allowed for a beautiful view.
  • situtunga — an antelope, Tragelaphus spekei, inhabiting marshy regions of central and eastern Africa.
  • sixth man — a team's best substitute.
  • ski pants — pants worn for skiing, having the legs tapered to fit snugly at the ankles and sometimes having a strap going under the arch, often made of a stretch or waterproof fabric.
  • sky train — elevated railway system
  • slabstone — a paving stone in the form of a slab; flagstone
  • slant-top — (especially of a desk) having a slant front.
  • slantways — aslant; obliquely.
  • slantwise — aslant; obliquely.
  • slave ant — an ant taken as a larva or pupa by ants of another species and becoming a working member of the captor colony.
  • smartness — to be a source of sharp, local, and usually superficial pain, as a wound.
  • snake pit — a mental hospital marked by squalor and inhumane or indifferent care for the patients.
  • snakebite — the bite of a snake, especially of one that is venomous.
  • snakeroot — any of various plants whose roots have been regarded as a remedy for snakebites, as the herb Aristolochia serpentaria (Virginia snakeroot) having a medicinal rhizome and rootlets, and the white-flowered Polygala senega (Seneca snakeroot) having a medicinal root.
  • snap shot — an informal photograph, especially one taken quickly by a handheld camera.
  • snapshoot — to take a snapshot of (a subject).
  • snatching — to make a sudden effort to seize something, as with the hand; grab (usually followed by at).
  • sneeze at — to emit air or breath suddenly, forcibly, and audibly through the nose and mouth by involuntary, spasmodic action.
  • soapstone — a massive variety of talc with a soapy or greasy feel, used for hearths, washtubs, tabletops, carved ornaments, etc.
  • sociation — an association
  • soft loan — A soft loan is a loan with a very low interest rate. Soft loans are usually made to developing countries or to businesses in developing countries.
  • soft-land — to cause to land slowly and without jarring impact: to soft-land the module on the planet's surface.
  • solutrean — Archaeology. of or designating an Upper Paleolithic European culture c18,000–16,000 b.c., characterized by the making of stone projectile points and low-relief stone sculptures.
  • solvation — a compound formed by the interaction of a solvent and a solute.
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