
14-letter words containing s, a, n, l, o, r

  • quarter nelson — a hold in which a wrestler, from a kneeling position beside an opponent, puts one hand on the opponent's head, passes the free arm under the far arm of the opponent, and locks the free arm to the other arm by clasping the wrist.
  • quasi-informal — without formality or ceremony; casual: an informal visit.
  • quasi-personal — of, relating to, or coming as from a particular person; individual; private: a personal opinion.
  • quasi-rational — agreeable to reason; reasonable; sensible: a rational plan for economic development.
  • rabble-rousing — of, relating to, or characteristic of a rabble-rouser.
  • race relations — relationships between races
  • racing colours — the colours painted on a racing car to represent the nation of the car or driver
  • rail transport — the system of taking passengers or goods from one place to another by railway
  • rambunctiously — difficult to control or handle; wildly boisterous: a rambunctious child.
  • ramshorn snail — any of various freshwater snails
  • ranunculaceous — belonging to the Ranunculaceae, the buttercup family of plants.
  • rational dress — long loose trousers gathered at the ankle and worn under a shorter skirt
  • razor-slashing — the action of slashing someone with a razor in order to kill, wound, or disfigure them
  • read-only user — (jargon)   Describes a luser who uses computers almost exclusively for reading Usenet, bulletin boards, and/or electronic mail, rather than writing code or purveying useful information. See twink, terminal junkie, lurker.
  • reasonableness — agreeable to reason or sound judgment; logical: a reasonable choice for chairman.
  • reconsolidated — to bring together (separate parts) into a single or unified whole; unite; combine: They consolidated their three companies.
  • red sandalwood — the fragrant heartwood of any of certain Asian trees of the genus Santalum, used for ornamental carving and burned as incense.
  • rediscountable — able to be rediscounted
  • redistillation — further distillation; purification of liquid through many distillations
  • reinstallation — something installed, as machinery or apparatus placed in position or connected for use.
  • repeat oneself — to say or do the same thing more than once, esp so as to be tedious
  • repositionable — to put in a new or different position; shift: to reposition the artwork on the advertising layout.
  • resolicitation — the act of soliciting.
  • resultant tone — a musical sound sometimes heard when two loud notes are sounded together, either lower in pitch than either (differential tone) or higher (summational tone)
  • retaliationist — a retaliator
  • retinoblastoma — Pathology. an inheritable tumor of the eye.
  • rhode islander — a person born or living in Rhode Island
  • rna polymerase — an enzyme that synthesizes the formation of RNA from a DNA template during transcription.
  • roanoke island — an island off the NE coast of North Carolina, S of Albemarle Sound: site of Raleigh's unsuccessful colonizing attempts 1585, 1587.
  • roller-skating — the act of moving on roller skates
  • roman numerals — one of the numerals in the ancient Roman system of notation, still used for certain limited purposes, as in some pagination, dates on buildings, etc. The common basic symbols are I, (=1), V, (=5), X, (=10), L, (=50), C, (=100), D, (=500), and M, (=1000). The Roman numerals for one to nine are: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX. A bar over a letter multiplies it by 1000; thus, X̅ equals 10,000. Integers are written according to these two rules: If a letter is immediately followed by one of equal or lesser value, the two values are added; thus, XX equals 20, XV equals 15, VI equals 6. If a letter is immediately followed by one of greater value, the first is subtracted from the second; thus, IV equals 4, XL equals 40, CM equals 900. Examples: XLVII(=47), CXVI(=116), MCXX(=1120), MCMXIV(=1914). Roman numerals may be written in lowercase letters, though they appear more commonly in capitals.
  • rostral column — a memorial column having sculptures representing the rams of ancient ships.
  • royal highness — a title used prior to 1917 and designating a brother, sister, child, grandchild, aunt, or uncle belonging to the male line of the royal family. a title used since 1917 and designating a child or grandchild of the sovereign. any person given this title by the Crown.
  • royal standard — a flag bearing the arms of the British sovereign, flown only when she (or he) is present
  • sailing orders — the final orders given to a ship's commander before sailing, concerning matters such as time of departure, destination, etc
  • sale or return — an arrangement by which a retailer pays only for goods sold, returning those that are unsold to the wholesaler or manufacturer
  • salvation army — an international Christian organization founded in England in 1865 by William Booth, organized along quasi-military lines and devoted chiefly to evangelism and to providing social services, especially to the poor.
  • san pedro sula — a city in NW Honduras.
  • sand lovegrass — any grass of the genus Eragrostis, as E. curvula (weeping lovegrass) and E. trichodes (sand lovegrass) cultivated as forage and ground cover.
  • sanford b dole — Robert J(oseph) born 1923, U.S. politician: senator 1969–96.
  • sanitary towel — sanitary napkin.
  • sansculotterie — the characteristics of sansculottes
  • saone-et-loire — a department in E France. 3331 sq. mi. (8625 sq. km). Capital: Mâcon.
  • sclerotization — the state of being sclerotized.
  • secondary cell — storage cell.
  • secondary wall — the innermost part of a plant cell wall, deposited after the wall has ceased to increase in surface area.
  • secularization — to make secular; separate from religious or spiritual connection or influences; make worldly or unspiritual; imbue with secularism.
  • self-adornment — something that adds attractiveness; ornament; accessory: the adornments and furnishings of a room.
  • self-assertion — insistence on or an expression of one's own importance, wishes, needs, opinions, or the like.
  • self-formation — the act or process of forming or the state of being formed: the formation of ice.
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