
15-letter words containing s, a, l, t, i

  • etesian climate — a climate having sunny, hot, dry summers and rainy winters.
  • euphemistically — In a euphemistic manner.
  • everlastingness — The state or quality of being everlasting.
  • eviction clause — a clause by which a contract or other agreement may be terminated, especially between theatrical producers and theater owners in whose agreements it is often stipulated that when weekly receipts fall below a certain minimum usually for two consecutive weeks, the production must vacate the theater.
  • exceptionalness — The quality of being exceptional.
  • existentialists — Plural form of existentialist.
  • experientialism — (philosophy) The theory that experience is the source of knowledge.
  • experientialist — A proponent of experientialism.
  • experimentalism — An experimental practice or tendency, especially in the arts.
  • experimentalist — One who performs experiments.
  • extension cable — an extra length of cable with a plug and a connector that can be added to an electric lead
  • external spline — any one of a series of narrow keys formed longitudinally around the circumference of a shaft that fit into corresponding grooves (internal splines) in a mating part: used to prevent movement between two parts, esp in transmitting torque
  • externalisation — Alternative spelling of externalization.
  • extralinguistic — Outside the realm of linguistics.
  • extrinsicalness — Quality of being extrinsical.
  • factor analysis — the use of one of several methods for reducing a set of variables to a lesser number of new variables, each of which is a function of one or more of the original variables.
  • faculty advisor — a member of the faculty who gives advice to students
  • fahnestock clip — a type of terminal using a spring that clamps readily onto a connecting wire.
  • fallopian tubes — one of a pair of long, slender ducts in the female abdomen that transport ova from the ovary to the uterus and, in fertilization, transport sperm cells from the uterus to the released ova; the oviduct of higher mammals.
  • false miterwort — foamflower.
  • familiar spirit — a supernatural spirit often assuming animal form, supposed to attend and aid a witch, wizard, etc
  • familiarisation — Alternative spelling of familiarization.
  • family skeleton — a closely guarded family secret
  • fantasmagorical — Alternative form of phantasmagorical.
  • fantasticalness — The state or condition of being fantastical.
  • fauntleroy suit — a formal outfit for a boy composed of a hip-length jacket and knee-length pants, often in black velvet, and a wide, lacy collar and cuffs, usually worn with a broad sash at the waist and sometimes a large, loose bow at the neck, popular in the late 19th century.
  • feast of lights — Hanukkah.
  • ferroelasticity — (physics) A phenomenon, analogous to ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity, in which spontaneous strain arises within a material.
  • fetal diagnosis — prenatal determination of genetic or chemical abnormalities in a fetus, esp by amniocentesis
  • fetishistically — in a fetishistic manner
  • fibrocartilages — Plural form of fibrocartilage.
  • filling station — service station (def 1).
  • fillister plane — an adjustable plane for cutting rabbets, grooves, etc
  • first gentleman — (often initial capital letters) the husband of the U.S. president or a current governor or mayor.
  • first world war — World War I.
  • fit as a fiddle — a musical instrument of the viol family.
  • five-star hotel — a top-quality hotel offering exceptional luxury
  • fixed satellite — a satellite in a geostationary orbit
  • flashlight fish — any of several fishes, especially Photoblepharon palpebratus, inhabiting deep, dark waters and having light organs that can be closed with a lid.
  • fleet insurance — Fleet insurance is a type of insurance contract that applies to a number of vehicles.
  • flemish brabant — a province of central Belgium, formed in 1995 from the N part of Brabant province: densely populated and intensively farmed, with large industrial centres. Pop: 1 031 904 (2004 est). Area: 2106 sq km (813 sq miles)
  • flight of ideas — a rapid flow of thought, manifested by accelerated speech with abrupt changes from topic to topic: a symptom of some mental illnesses, especially manic disorder.
  • flight sergeant — a noncommissioned officer in the Royal Air Force junior in rank to a master aircrew
  • flimflam artist — trickster; swindler
  • flirtatiousness — The quality of being flirtatious.
  • floating island — a dessert consisting of boiled custard with portions of meringue, whipped cream, or whipped egg whites and sometimes jelly floating upon it or around it.
  • floating screed — Building Trades. screed (def 3).
  • floating supply — the aggregate supply of ready-to-market goods or securities.
  • floral tributes — bunches or arrangements of flowers left as a memorial at the site of a fatal incident
  • fluoridationist — One who supports the addition of fluoride to the public water supply.
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