
11-letter words containing s, a, l, h

  • homeoplasia — the formation, as in healing, of new tissue that is similar to the existing tissue.
  • homo-sexual — Older Use: Sometimes Disparaging. sexually attracted to members of one's own sex: homosexual students.
  • homoblastic — (of a plant or plant part) showing no difference in form between the juvenile and the adult structures
  • homoplastic — correspondence in form or structure, owing to a similar environment.
  • homosexuals — Plural form of homosexual.
  • hooded seal — a large seal, Cystophora cristata, the male of which has a large, distensible, hoodlike sac on the head.
  • hooke's law — the law stating that the stress on a solid substance is directly proportional to the strain produced, provided the stress is less than the elastic limit of the substance.
  • hooliganism — a ruffian or hoodlum.
  • horizontals — Plural form of horizontal.
  • horn clause — (logic)   A set of atomic literals with at most one positive literal. Usually written L <- L1, ..., Ln or <- L1, ..., Ln where n>=0, "<-" means "is implied by" and comma stands for conjuction ("AND"). If L is false the clause is regarded as a goal. Horn clauses can express a subset of statements of first order logic. The name "Horn Clause" comes from the logician Alfred Horn, who first pointed out the significance of such clauses in 1951, in the article "On sentences which are true of direct unions of algebras", Journal of Symbolic Logic, 16, 14-21. A definite clause is a Horn clause that has exactly one positive literal.
  • horse laugh — a loud, coarse laugh, especially of derision.
  • horselaughs — Plural form of horselaugh.
  • horseplayer — a habitual bettor on horse races.
  • hospitalise — (British spelling) alternative spelling of hospitalize.
  • hospitalism — hospital conditions having an adverse effect on patients.
  • hospitalist — a physician who specializes in treating hospitalized patients; a specialist in inpatient medicine.
  • hospitality — the friendly reception and treatment of guests or strangers.
  • hospitalize — to place in a hospital for medical care or observation: The doctor hospitalized grandfather as soon as she checked his heart.
  • hospitaller — a member of the religious and military order (Knights Hospitalers or Knights of St. John of Jerusalem) originating about the time of the first Crusade (1096–99) and taking its name from a hospital at Jerusalem.
  • hospitalman — an enlisted person working as a hospital assistant; corpsman.
  • host family — family one lodges with
  • hotel staff — employees of a hotel
  • hourglasses — Plural form of hourglass.
  • house place — (in medieval architecture) a room common to all the inhabitants of a house, as a hall.
  • house plant — an ornamental plant that is grown indoors or adapts well to indoor culture.
  • house-clean — to clean the inside of a person's house
  • houselander — Caryll [kar-uh l] /ˈkær əl/ (Show IPA), 1901–54, English writer on Roman Catholicism.
  • houseplants — Plural form of houseplant.
  • hsinhailien — Xinhailian.
  • hudson seal — muskrat fur that has been plucked and dyed to give the appearance of seal.
  • hullabaloos — Plural form of hullabaloo.
  • husbandable — Capable of being husbanded, or managed with economy.
  • husbandland — the holding once held by a husband or tenant farmer or the quantity of land held by him, approximately 32 acres
  • husbandless — Without a husband.
  • husbandlike — resembling a husband
  • hyattsville — a city in central Maryland.
  • hydrocorals — any colonial marine animal of the hydrozoan order Stylasterina having a calcareous skeleton resembling that of the true corals.
  • hydrolysate — any compound formed by hydrolysis.
  • hydroplanes — Plural form of hydroplane.
  • hydroxylase — any enzyme that catalyzes the introduction of a hydroxyl group into a substance.
  • hylopathism — the theory that understands matter as conscious or receptive to feeling
  • hylopathist — an adherent of hylopathism
  • hylophagous — xylophagous (def 1).
  • hyoplastral — of or relating to hyoplastra
  • hypercasual — Extremely casual.
  • hypergelast — Someone who laughs excessively.
  • hyperplanes — Plural form of hyperplane.
  • hyperplasia — abnormal multiplication of cells.
  • hyperplasic — Relating to hyperplasia.
  • hypersaline — Having an abnormally high salinity.
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