
12-letter words containing s, a, g, m

  • lymphangitis — inflammation of the lymphatic vessels.
  • macrogametes — Plural form of macrogamete.
  • macroglossia — Enlargement or hypertrophy of the tongue.
  • macrophagous — (of an animal) feeding on relatively large particles of food
  • macrosegment — a stretch of speech preceded and followed but not interrupted by a pause.
  • magic square — a square containing integers arranged in an equal number of rows and columns so that the sum of the integers in any row, column, or diagonal is the same.
  • magistracies — Plural form of magistracy.
  • magnet steel — steel used for the manufacture of permanent magnets, often having a high cobalt content and smaller amounts of nickel, aluminium, or copper
  • magnetopause — the boundary between the earth's magnetosphere and interplanetary space, about 40,000 miles (65,000 km) above the earth, marked by an abrupt decrease in the earth's magnetic induction.
  • magnetotails — Plural form of magnetotail.
  • magnetotaxis — movement or orientation of an organism in response to a magnetic field.
  • magnitogorsk — a city in the W Russian Federation in Asia, on the Ural River, near the boundary between Europe and Asia.
  • magnoliopsid — (botany) a member of the class Magnoliopsida. Circumscription of this class will vary with the taxonomic system being used.
  • magnus annus — the Great Year: a cycle of years, usually a thousand, that begins with a Golden Age, steadily deteriorates, and ends with a universal catastrophe, either a fire or a flood.
  • magnus hitch — a knot similar to a clove hitch but taking one more turn around the object to which the line is being bent; rolling hitch.
  • magpie goose — a black-and-white gooselike bird, Anseranas semipalmatus, of Australia, believed to be the most primitive waterfowl in existence.
  • magyarorszag — Hungarian name of Hungary.
  • mailing list — a list of addresses to which mail, especially advertisements, can be sent.
  • malacologist — A person who studies molluscs, who specializes in malacology.
  • malignancies — Plural form of malignancy.
  • mallophagous — of or relating to any wingless insect of the order Mallophaga
  • maneuverings — Plural form of maneuvering.
  • manila grass — a compact, shade-tolerant, turf-forming grass, Zoysia matrella, of southeastern Asia, having stiff leaves and flowering spikelets.
  • manoeuvrings — Plural form of manoeuvring.
  • manslaughter — Law. the unlawful killing of a human being without malice aforethought.
  • mansplaining — (informal, pejorative) The act of condescendingly explaining something, particularly by a man to a female listener in order to appear knowledgable or from a mistaken presumption that she has an inferior understanding of the topic.
  • manspreading — the practice by a male passenger on public transport of sitting with his legs wide apart, so denying space to passengers beside him
  • mao tse-tung — 1893–1976, Chinese Communist leader: chairman of the People's Republic of China 1949–59; chairman of the Chinese Communist Party 1943–76.
  • marginal sea — water that lies alongside a state, falls under its authority, and extends about 3½ statute miles (6 kilometers) from the coast.
  • marginalised — to place in a position of marginal importance, influence, or power: the government's attempts to marginalize criticism and restore public confidence.
  • marginalises — Third-person singular simple present indicative form of marginalise.
  • marginalizes — Third-person singular simple present indicative form of marginalize.
  • marlingspike — Alternative spelling of marlinspike.
  • marram grass — a grass, Ammophila arenaria, having matted, creeping rhizomes, grown on sandy shores of Europe, North America, and Australia to bind the sand.
  • masking tape — an easily removed adhesive tape used temporarily for defining margins, protecting surfaces, etc., as when painting, and sometimes also for binding, sealing, or mending.
  • masquerading — a party, dance, or other festive gathering of persons wearing masks and other disguises, and often elegant, historical, or fantastic costumes.
  • mass mailing — sending a bulk e-mail
  • mass meeting — a large or general assembly to discuss or hear discussed some matter of common interest or concern: a mass meeting to protest the proliferation of nuclear weapons.
  • mass wasting — downhill movement of soil and rock fragments induced by gravity.
  • masterbating — Misspelling of masturbating.
  • mastersinger — Meistersinger (def 1).
  • mastigonemes — Plural form of mastigoneme.
  • mastigophora — a phylum of protozoans comprising nonphotosynthetic, chiefly free-living flagellates: some species are important pathogens of humans and other animals.
  • mastigophore — Any flagellate of the phylum Mastigophora.
  • masturbating — Present participle of masturbate.
  • matto grosso — Mato Grosso.
  • meadow grass — any grass of the genus Poa, especially P. pratensis, the Kentucky bluegrass.
  • megachurches — Plural form of megachurch.
  • megamillions — Plural form of megamillion.
  • meganthropus — a proposed genus of extinct, late lower Pleistocene primates based on two large lower jaws found in Java, and believed to be either Australopithecine or human.
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