
16-letter words containing r, u, s, m

  • investment trust — a company that invests its funds in other companies and issues its own securities against these investments.
  • jerusalem cherry — an Old World plant, Solanum pseudocapsicum, of the nightshade family, having white flowers and bearing cherrylike scarlet or yellow fruits, cultivated as an ornamental.
  • karelian isthmus — a narrow strip of land between Lake Ladoga and the Gulf of Finland, in the NW Russian Federation.
  • kekule's formula — the structural formula of benzene represented as a hexagonal ring with alternate single and double bonds between the carbon atoms.
  • keyman insurance — life insurance taken out by a business firm on an essential or very important employee, with the firm as beneficiary.
  • latissimus dorsi — a broad, flat muscle on each side of the midback, the action of which draws the arm backward and downward and rotates the front of the arm toward the body.
  • lines per minute — (unit)   (lpm) A unit used to measure line printer throughput.
  • lithium stearate — a white, crystalline, slightly water-soluble powder, LiC 18 H 35 O 2 , used chiefly in cosmetics, in plastics, and as a lubricant in powder metallurgy.
  • lose your memory — If you lose your memory, you forget things that you used to know.
  • lourenco marques — former name of Maputo.
  • lumberjack shirt — a thick checked shirt, as worn by lumberjacks
  • maclaurin series — a Taylor series in which the reference point is zero.
  • macpherson strut — an automobile suspension-system component that consists of a strut combined with a spring and shock absorber and connects the wheel to the frame of the vehicle.
  • macro-linguistic — a field of study concerned with language in its broadest sense and including cultural and behavioral features associated with language.
  • macroinstruction — macro (def 5).
  • macrolinguistics — a field of study concerned with language in its broadest sense and including cultural and behavioral features associated with language.
  • mail-order house — a retail firm that conducts its business by receiving orders and shipping its merchandise through the mail and that supplies its customers with catalogs, circulars, etc.
  • malchus-porphyry — (Malchus) a.d. c233–c304, Greek philosopher.
  • malpractice suit — a lawsuit brought against a professional accused of illegal or unethical practices or neglect of duty
  • man and superman — a comedy (1903) by G. B. Shaw.
  • manhood suffrage — the right of adult male citizens to vote
  • manufactured gas — a gaseous fuel created from coal, oil, etc., as differentiated from natural gas.
  • marine insurance — ocean marine insurance.
  • marriage customs — the acts that are traditionally done in connection with a marriage
  • married quarters — the housing provided on a military base for married servicemen or servicewomen
  • marsh cinquefoil — a variety of cinquefoil, Potentilla palustris, that grows in marshy areas
  • marsupialization — (surgery) The surgical technique of cutting a slit into a cyst and suturing its edges to form a continuous surface from the exterior to the interior of the cyst, allowing it to drain freely.
  • mass destruction — devastation on a large scale
  • matter of course — an event or result that is natural or inevitable
  • matter-of-course — occurring or proceeding in or as if in the logical, natural, or customary course of things; expected or inevitable.
  • maximum-security — designed for or housing prisoners regarded as being very dangerous to society.
  • mcnaughten rules — (in English law) a set of rules established by the case of Regina v. McNaughten (1843) by which legal proof of insanity in the commission of a crime depends upon whether or not the accused can show either that he did not know what he was doing or that he is incapable of realizing that what he was doing was wrong
  • measured daywork — a system of wage payment, usually determined by work-study techniques, whereby the wage of an employee is fixed on the understanding that a specific level of work performance will be maintained
  • measuring device — gauge
  • medullary sheath — Botany. a narrow zone made up of the innermost layer of woody tissue immediately surrounding the pith in plants.
  • menstrual cramps — pain in the lower abdomen as well as possibly in the lower back and legs associated with menstruation
  • menstrual period — the bleeding from the womb that occurs approximately monthly in nonpregnant women of reproductive age
  • mercuric sulfide — a crystalline, water-insoluble, poisonous compound, HgS, occurring as a coarse, black powder (black mercuric sulfide) or as a fine, bright-scarlet powder (red mercuric sulfide) used chiefly as a pigment and as a source of the free metal.
  • meretriciousness — alluring by a show of flashy or vulgar attractions; tawdry.
  • mesembryanthemum — any of various chiefly Old World plants of the genus Mesembryanthemum, having thick, fleshy leaves and often showy flowers.
  • metteur en scene — a director of a theatrical or cinematic production.
  • microconstituent — a microscopically small constituent of a metal or alloy.
  • microencapsulate — (transitive) To embed by means of microencapsulation.
  • microinstruction — an instruction that defines part of a machine-language instruction in terms of simpler operations.
  • microlinguistics — the branch of linguistics that is concerned with the study of languages in the abstract, and that looks at specific linguistic data without consideration of meaning
  • microvasculature — the system of tiny blood vessels, including capillaries, venules, and arterioles, that perfuse the body's tissues.
  • migratory locust — any of several locusts that migrate in great swarms, especially Locusta migratoria, of Africa and Asia.
  • military honours — ceremonies performed by troops in honour of royalty, at the burial of an officer, etc
  • minimum-security — (of a prison) designed for prisoners regarded as being less dangerous; having fewer restrictions.
  • minute secretary — the person responsible for noting the minutes of a meeting
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