
16-letter words containing r, u, d, a

  • subordinationism — the doctrine that the first person of the Holy Trinity is superior to the second, and the second superior to the third.
  • sulfocarbanilide — thiocarbanilide.
  • summary judgment — a judgment, as in an action for debt, that is entered without the necessity of jury trial, based on affidavits of the creditor and debtor that convince the court that there is no arguable issue.
  • sun-dried tomato — tomato dried in the sun
  • superfecundation — the fertilization of two or more ova discharged at the same ovulation by successive acts of sexual intercourse.
  • suprarenal gland — adrenal gland.
  • surround theater — a theater, concert hall, or the like, in which seats are arranged around or on all four sides of a central stage.
  • sutherland falls — a waterfall in New Zealand, on SW South Island. 1904 feet (580 meters) high.
  • synchronous dram — Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
  • tandem computers — (company)   A US computer manufacturer. Quarterly sales $544M, profits $49M (Aug 1994).
  • taurocholic acid — an acid, C 26 H 45 NO 7 S, occurring as a sodium salt in the bile of carnivorous animals, which on hydrolysis yields taurine and cholic acid.
  • terminus ad quem — the end to which; aim; goal; final or latest limiting point.
  • teutoburger wald — a chain of wooded hills in Germany, in Westphalia: Romans defeated by German tribes a.d.
  • the scots guards — a regiment of Guards Division of the British Army which dates back to 1642
  • the subsidiariat — a collective term for the news sources that would not survive without being subsidized directly (by a government, etc), or indirectly (through sharing a parent company with another more profitable revenue source)
  • tierra del fuego — a group of islands at the S tip of South America, separated from the mainland by the Strait of Magellan: jointly owned by Argentina and Chile; boundary disputed. 27,476 sq. mi. (71,165 sq. km).
  • to overabound in — to have or contain too large a quantity or number of something
  • to run an errand — If you run an errand for someone, you do or get something for them, usually by making a short trip somewhere.
  • to try your hand — If you try your hand at an activity, you attempt to do it, usually for the first time.
  • tobacco industry — business of selling smoking products
  • transconductance — the ratio of a small change in anode current of an electron tube at a certain level of output to the corresponding small change of control-electrode voltage, usually expressed in mhos or micromhos.
  • transfer student — a student who moves from one institution or course to another at the same level (e.g. undergraduate)
  • trapezoidal rule — a numerical method for evaluating the area between a curve and an axis by approximating the area with the areas of trapezoids.
  • tread under foot — to oppress
  • treaty of verdun — an agreement reached in 843 ad by three grandsons of Charlemagne, dividing his empire into an E kingdom (later Germany), a W kingdom (later France), and a middle kingdom (containing what became the Low Countries, Lorraine, Burgundy, and N Italy)
  • triangular trade — American History. a pattern of colonial commerce in which slaves were bought on the African Gold Coast with New England rum and then traded in the West Indies for sugar or molasses, which was brought back to New England to be manufactured into rum.
  • tridarn cupboard — a Welsh cupboard of the late 17th and 18th centuries, with an open, canopied upper section for display.
  • tristan da cunha — a group of four volcanic islands in the S Atlantic, belonging to St. Helena. 40 sq. mi. (104 sq. km).
  • true-heartedness — the quality of being true-hearted
  • tungsten carbide — a very hard, black or gray compound of tungsten and carbon, used in the manufacture of cutting and abrasion tools, dies, and wear-resistant machine parts.
  • turn a blind eye — pretend not to see sth
  • turntable ladder — a power-operated extending ladder mounted on a fire engine
  • twofold purchase — a purchase using a double standing block and a double running block so as to give a mechanical advantage of four or five, neglecting friction, depending on whether the hauling is on the standing block or the running block.
  • ultracrepidarian — noting or pertaining to a person who criticizes, judges, or gives advice outside the area of his or her expertise: The play provides a classic, simplistic portrayal of an ultracrepidarian mother-in-law.
  • un-contradictory — asserting the contrary or opposite; contradicting; inconsistent; logically opposite: contradictory statements.
  • uncollateralized — lacking or needing no collateral: uncollateralized loans.
  • uncontradictable — to assert the contrary or opposite of; deny directly and categorically.
  • under bare poles — (of a sailing vessel) with no sails set
  • under the hammer — a tool consisting of a solid head, usually of metal, set crosswise on a handle, used for beating metals, driving nails, etc.
  • under-modulation — to reproduce (a sound or signal) at below the optimal output level in a recording or broadcasting system, causing it to be distorted.
  • undercapitalized — having insufficient capital for the efficient operation of a commercial enterprise
  • undercompensated — to compensate or pay less than is fair, customary, or expected.
  • underpitch vault — a construction having a central vault intersected by vaults of lower pitch.
  • undersecretariat — a department or section of a ministry of which an under secretary is in charge.
  • underutilization — to fail to utilize fully: to underutilize natural resources.
  • undifferentiable — capable of being differentiated.
  • undifferentiated — to form or mark differently from other such things; distinguish.
  • undiscriminating — differentiating; analytical.
  • undiscriminatory — characterized by or showing prejudicial treatment, especially as an indication of bias related to age, color, national origin, religion, sex, etc.: discriminatory practices in housing; a discriminatory tax.
  • unfair dismissal — wrongful firing from a job
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