
11-letter words containing r, o, m, i

  • tomographic — relating to tomography
  • tragi-comic — Something that is tragi-comic is both sad and amusing at the same time.
  • tragicomedy — a dramatic or other literary composition combining elements of both tragedy and comedy.
  • trapeziform — formed like a trapezium.
  • tribeswoman — a female member of a tribe.
  • trichomonad — any flagellate protozoan of the genus Trichomonas, parasitic in humans or animals.
  • trichonymph — a flagellated protozoan of the genus Trichonympha that lives in the intestine of wood-eating termites, transforming the cellulose in the wood into soluble carbohydrates that can be utilized by the insect.
  • tridominium — the shared rule of three states
  • trim cooler — A trim cooler is a water-cooled heat exchanger which is used in addition to an air-cooled heat exchanger.
  • trimetrogon — of or relating to a system of aerial photography using three cameras, one pointed directly downward and the others at 60° to it.
  • trimodality — (of a distribution) having three modes.
  • trimorphism — Zoology. the occurrence of three forms distinct in structure, coloration, etc., among animals of the same species.
  • trincomalee — a seaport in E Sri Lanka.
  • triptolemus — a favorite of Demeter and the inventor of the plow and patron of agriculture, connected with the Eleusinian mysteries.
  • trispermous — having three seeds.
  • trombiculid — (of a mite) belonging to the family Trombiculidae
  • tromometric — of, relating to, or using a tromometer
  • tropomyosin — a protein in muscle tissue that works with troponin to control the process by which actin and myosin interact to produce muscle contraction
  • tumorigenic — (of cells or a substance) capable of producing tumors.
  • tumour-like — (of a growth, swelling, nodule, etc) resembling a tumour or tumours
  • turnip moth — a common noctuid moth, Agrotis segetum, drab grey-brown in colour, the larvae of which feed on root crops and brassica stems
  • tympaniform — resembling or having the form of a drum or drum head
  • tyrosinemia — an inherited disorder of tyrosine metabolism that can lead to liver and kidney disease and mental retardation unless controlled by a special diet.
  • umbratilous — shadowy; faint
  • umbriferous — casting or making shade.
  • unamortized — Finance. to liquidate or extinguish (a mortgage, debt, or other obligation), especially by periodic payments to the creditor or to a sinking fund. to write off a cost of (an asset) gradually.
  • unconfirmed — to establish the truth, accuracy, validity, or genuineness of; corroborate; verify: This report confirms my suspicions.
  • unimportant — of much or great significance or consequence: an important event in world history.
  • uninforming — not informative
  • unmonitored — (especially formerly) a student appointed to assist in the conduct of a class or school, as to help take attendance or keep order.
  • unmoralized — devoid of morality
  • unmortified — not humiliated or shamed
  • unpromising — unlikely to be favorable or successful, as the weather, a situation, or a career.
  • unromanized — unrelated to Rome, specifically the Roman church or empire
  • ununiformed — wearing a uniform.
  • urodynamics — the study and measurement of the flow of urine in the urinary tract
  • vaporimeter — an instrument for measuring vapor pressure or volume.
  • vasculiform — shaped like a small vase or flowerpot
  • velocimeter — any of various instruments for measuring velocity, as of a wave in water or of sound in air.
  • velocimetry — the measurement of the speed of sound in fluids
  • vermiculous — containing or resembling worms
  • vermination — to become infested with vermin, especially parasitic vermin.
  • vermivorous — (of birds) feeding on worms, grubs, or insect vermin.
  • verruciform — in the shape of a wart
  • vi improved — (text, tool)   (VIM) (Previously "vi iMitation"), An improved version of vi, available for many platforms. VIM allows multiscreen editing, more flexible insert/command mode handling, better C indentation and much more.
  • violinmaker — a person who designs and constructs violins, especially professionally.
  • voluntarism — Philosophy. any theory that regards will as the fundamental agency or principle, in metaphysics, epistemology, or psychology.
  • wearisomely — causing weariness; fatiguing: a difficult and wearisome march.
  • weight room — weight-training gym
  • whisk broom — a small, short-handled broom used chiefly to brush clothes.
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