
11-letter words containing r, o, m, i

  • normalizing — Present participle of normalize.
  • normatively — of or relating to a norm, especially an assumed norm regarded as the standard of correctness in behavior, speech, writing, etc.
  • normativity — The state of being normative.
  • normocapnia — (medicine) The presence of the normal amount of carbon dioxide in arterial blood.
  • north miami — a city in SE Florida.
  • northernism — a mannerism or phrase considered typical of northerners
  • northumbria — an early English kingdom extending N from the Humber to the Firth of Forth.
  • nostradamic — of or pertaining to Nostradamus or resembling his work; prophetic
  • nototherium — an extinct Pleistocene rhinoceros-sized marsupial of the genus Nototherium, related to the wombats
  • nourishment — something that nourishes; food, nutriment, or sustenance.
  • numerations — Plural form of numeration.
  • oarsmanship — The skill of rowing a boat.
  • obdormition — The sensation of numbness that occurs in a limb when it \"falls asleep\" due to pressure on a nerve.
  • obumbration — the action of making dim, dark, obfuscated, or eclipsed
  • oceanariums — Plural form of oceanarium.
  • oil embargo — a prohibition of the trade of petroleum from one country to another
  • oligochrome — the brand name of a light filtering device used in photography
  • oligomerize — (chemistry) To react together to form an oligomer.
  • oligomerous — having a small number of component parts
  • omnibearing — the magnetic bearing of an omnirange station.
  • omnifarious — of all forms, varieties, or kinds.
  • omniformity — the state or quality of being omniform
  • omnipresent — present everywhere at the same time: the omnipresent God.
  • omnivourous — Misspelling of omnivorous.
  • oneiromancy — divination through dreams.
  • ophidiarium — an enclosure for snakes, adapted to their normal living conditions
  • oppenheimer — J(ulius) Robert, 1904–67, U.S. nuclear physicist.
  • opportunism — the policy or practice, as in politics, business, or one's personal affairs, of adapting actions, decisions, etc., to expediency or effectiveness regardless of the sacrifice of ethical principles.
  • optometrist — a licensed professional who practices optometry.
  • orchidotomy — incision of a testis.
  • orchiectomy — excision of one or both testes; castration.
  • ordainments — Plural form of ordainment.
  • organistrum — a stringed instrument played by two people
  • orientalism — a peculiarity or idiosyncrasy of the peoples of Asia, especially the East.
  • originalism — The principle or belief that the original intent of an author should be adhered to in later interpretations of a work.
  • ornamenting — Present participle of ornament.
  • ornamentist — a person who adorns or decorates, esp professionally
  • orthodromic — relating to orthodromy
  • orthohelium — (physics) Form of the helium atom in which the spins of the two electrons are parallel.
  • orthometric — (crystallography) having axes at right angles.
  • oscillogram — the record produced by the action of an oscillograph or oscilloscope.
  • ostensorium — ostensory.
  • osteodermic — of or like an osteoderm
  • ottava rima — an Italian stanza of eight lines, each of eleven syllables (or, in the English adaptation, of ten or eleven syllables), the first six lines rhyming alternately and the last two forming a couplet with a different rhyme: used in Keats' Isabella and Byron's Don Juan.
  • our time(s) — When you refer to our time or our times you are referring to the present period in the history of the world.
  • out-migrant — a person who out-migrates.
  • out-migrate — to leave a region, community, etc., to move or settle into a different part of one's country or home territory: People are no longer out-migrating from the South in such large numbers.
  • outsmarting — Present participle of outsmart.
  • ovariectomy — the operation of removing one or both ovaries; oophorectomy.
  • overemoting — Present participle of overemote.
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