
11-letter words containing r, i, t, e, o

  • valedictory — bidding goodbye; saying farewell: a valedictory speech.
  • vaporimeter — an instrument for measuring vapor pressure or volume.
  • variegation — an act of variegating.
  • vectorially — Mathematics. a quantity possessing both magnitude and direction, represented by an arrow the direction of which indicates the direction of the quantity and the length of which is proportional to the magnitude. Compare scalar (def 4). such a quantity with the additional requirement that such quantities obey the parallelogram law of addition. such a quantity with the additional requirement that such quantities are to transform in a particular way under changes of the coordinate system. any generalization of the above quantities.
  • velocimeter — any of various instruments for measuring velocity, as of a wave in water or of sound in air.
  • velocimetry — the measurement of the speed of sound in fluids
  • ventilatory — of, having, or pertaining to ventilation
  • ventriloquy — the art or practice of speaking, with little or no lip movement, in such a manner that the voice does not appear to come from the speaker but from another source, as from a wooden dummy.
  • verberation — a lashing, beating, or whipping
  • vermination — to become infested with vermin, especially parasitic vermin.
  • vertiginous — whirling; spinning; rotary: vertiginous currents of air.
  • very pistol — a special pistol which fires coloured flares for signalling at night, esp at sea
  • vibratoless — without vibrato
  • viceroyalty — the dignity, office, or period of office of a viceroy.
  • victorville — a city in SE California.
  • victoryless — without victory
  • view factor — The view factor is the degree to which heat carried by radiation can be passed between two surfaces.
  • vinton cerf — Vint Cerf
  • violet iris — an iris, Iris verna, of the eastern U.S., having solitary, violet-blue flowers.
  • vital force — the force that animates and perpetuates living beings and organisms.
  • vortex ring — a stable perturbation in a fluid that takes the form of a torus in which the flow rotates in the section of the torus so that the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the torus balances body forces. The best-known vortex ring is a smoke ring
  • vote-winner — a popular action that could secure votes for a person or party
  • voyeuristic — of, relating to, or characteristic of a voyeur or of voyeurism.
  • vulneration — the state of being wounded or the action of causing a wound
  • weight room — weight-training gym
  • whistle for — to make a clear musical sound, a series of such sounds, or a high-pitched, warbling sound by the forcible expulsion of the breath through a small opening formed by contracting the lips, or through the teeth, with the aid of the tongue.
  • white flour — flour that consists substantially of the starchy endosperm of wheat, most of the bran and the germ having been removed by the milling process
  • white frost — a heavy coating of frost.
  • white horse — a white-topped wave; whitecap.
  • white stork — a large Eurasian stork, Ciconia ciconia, having white plumage with black in the wings and a red bill.
  • white-robed — clothed in a white robe.
  • whiteboards — Plural form of whiteboard.
  • whitethorns — Plural form of whitethorn.
  • whitethroat — any of several small songbirds having a throat that is white, especially an Old World warbler, Sylvia communis.
  • windsor tie — a wide, soft necktie of black silk, tied at the neck in a loose bow.
  • wing covert — any of the feathers concealing the bases of a bird's wing feathers.
  • winter moth — a brown geometrid moth, Operophtera brumata, of which the male is often seen against lighted windows in winter, the female being wingless
  • winter oats — oats that are planted in the autumn to be harvested in the spring or early summer.
  • winter rose — Christmas rose.
  • with reason — a basis or cause, as for some belief, action, fact, event, etc.: the reason for declaring war.
  • witherspoonJohn, 1723–94, U.S. theologian and statesman, born in Scotland.
  • work permit — a document giving permission to work in a particular country
  • world title — the winner's position in an international competition
  • wriggle out — to twist to and fro; writhe; squirm.
  • write cover — If an insurance company writes cover, it underwrites a risk or insures someone.
  • xenocentric — Of, relating to, or advocating xenocentrism.
  • xerophytism — (botany) The adaptation of plants to habitats where water is scarce.
  • xerothermic — of or relating to the condition of being dry and hot: a xerothermic climate.
  • xerotripsis — dry friction, attrition, or abrasion
  • youth crime — crime committed by juvenile offenders
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