
9-letter words containing r, i, o, d, a

  • decimator — to destroy a great number or proportion of: The population was decimated by a plague.
  • dedicator — to set apart and consecrate to a deity or to a sacred purpose: The ancient Greeks dedicated many shrines to Aphrodite.
  • deiparous — giving birth to a god
  • delacroix — (Ferdinand Victor) Eugène (øʒɛn). 1798–1863, French romantic painter whose use of colour and free composition influenced impressionism. His paintings of historical and contemporary scenes include The Massacre at Chios (1824)
  • dermatoid — resembling skin
  • deviatory — Tending to deviate.
  • diachrony — a change over time, esp in languages
  • diandrous — (of some flowers or flowering plants) having two stamens
  • diarrhoea — If someone has diarrhoea, a lot of liquid faeces comes out of their body because they are ill.
  • diasporas — Plural form of diaspora.
  • diaspores — Plural form of diaspore.
  • diasporic — of or relating to a (or the) Diaspora
  • diatropic — the tendency of some plant organs to take a transverse position to the line of action of an outside stimulus.
  • dichondra — any of a genus of creeping perennial herbs of the Convolvulaceae family, with white, pale yellow, or green flowers
  • dichromat — a person whose vision can only distinguish two colours
  • dictators — Plural form of dictator.
  • dictatory — dictatorial
  • dicumarol — a white, crystalline powder, C19H12O6, originally extracted from spoiled sweet clover, used to retard blood clots
  • dilatator — (anatomy) A muscle that dilates any part; a dilator.
  • dinosaurs — any chiefly terrestrial, herbivorous or carnivorous reptile of the extinct orders Saurischia and Ornithischia, from the Mesozoic Era, certain species of which are the largest known land animals.
  • dioptrate — (of a compound eye) divided by a transverse line
  • dirt road — an unpaved road.
  • dirtboard — A long skateboard with larger-than-average wheels, designed for off-road use.
  • disaccord — to be out of accord; disagree.
  • disanchor — to raise the anchor of (a ship)
  • discordia — the ancient Roman goddess of discord, identified with the Greek goddess Eris.
  • disenamor — to disillusion; disenchant (usually used in the passive and followed by of or with): He was disenamored of working in the city.
  • disfavors — Plural form of disfavor.
  • disfavour — unfavorable regard; displeasure; disesteem; dislike: The prime minister incurred the king's disfavor.
  • disproval — The act of disproving; disproof.
  • ditionary — (obsolete) A subject; a tributary.
  • divinator — a diviner
  • doctorial — a person licensed to practice medicine, as a physician, surgeon, dentist, or veterinarian.
  • doctrinal — of, relating to, or concerned with doctrine: a doctrinal dispute.
  • dog train — a sleigh drawn by a team of dogs
  • dollarize — to replace a country's currency with the US dollar
  • dominator — to rule over; govern; control.
  • doornails — Plural form of doornail.
  • downstair — down the stairs.
  • draconian — of, relating to, or characteristic of the Athenian statesman Draco, or his severe code of laws.
  • drag into — To drag something or someone into an event or situation means to involve them in it when it is not necessary or not desirable.
  • dragonish — Having the characteristics of a dragon.
  • dragonism — a strict and domineering manner
  • dragonize — to turn into a dragon
  • drain off — liquid: remove
  • drain rod — one of a series of flexible rods with threaded ends that screw together and can be pushed to and fro in a drain to clear a blockage
  • draw into — involve sb in sth
  • droitural — pertaining to right of ownership as distinguished from right of possession.
  • dropsical — of, like, or affected with dropsy.
  • duobinary — denoting a communications system for coding digital data in which three data bands are used, 0, +1, –1
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