
19-letter words containing r, i, c, e, o

  • carnot refrigerator — a device operating on the Carnot cycle in which the first temperature is higher than the second.
  • caroline of ansbach — 1683–1737, wife of George II of Great Britain
  • catalytic converter — A catalytic converter is a device which is fitted to a car's exhaust to reduce the pollution coming from it.
  • catalytic reforming — Catalytic reforming is a process that converts petroleum refinery naphthas to high-octane blending components.
  • caterpillar tractor — a tractor powered by a Caterpillar track
  • catherine of aragon — 1485–1536, first wife of Henry VIII of England and mother of Mary I. The annulment of Henry's marriage to her (1533) against papal authority marked an initial stage in the English Reformation
  • cathodic protection — a technique for protecting metal structures, such as steel ships and pipelines, from electrolytic corrosion by making the structure the cathode in a cell, either by applying an electromotive force directly or by putting it into contact with a more electropositive metal
  • central reservation — The central reservation is the strip of ground, often covered with grass, that separates the two sides of a major road.
  • cerebral thrombosis — formation of a clot or other blockage in one of the blood vessels of the brain, often followed by neurologic damage; a type of stroke.
  • cerebrospinal fluid — the clear colourless fluid in the spaces inside and around the spinal cord and brain
  • chamber of deputies — the lower house of the legislature of certain countries, as Italy.
  • characteristic root — a scalar for which there exists a nonzero vector such that the scalar times the vector equals the value of the vector under a given linear transformation on a vector space.
  • chassis dynamometer — A chassis dynamometer is a piece of test equipment fitted with rollers for the wheels of a vehicle, that is capable of providing drive input and measuring output such as power and torque at the wheels.
  • chemical castration — the use of drugs to reduce libido
  • chemical processing — Chemical processing is a way of making changes to chemical compounds.
  • chemolithoautotroph — (biology) A chemoautotroph or lithoautotroph.
  • cherenkov radiation — the electromagnetic radiation produced when a charged particle moves through a medium at a greater velocity than the velocity of light in that medium
  • chief petty officer — the senior naval rank for personnel without commissioned or warrant rank
  • chinese tallow tree — tallow tree.
  • chlorobromide paper — a relatively fast printing paper coated with an emulsion of silver chloride and silver bromide.
  • chrestien de troyes — c1140–c90, French poet.
  • christian democracy — the beliefs, principles, practices, or programme of a Christian Democratic party
  • christmas pantomime — pantomime (def 5).
  • chronological order — the arrangement of things following one after another in time: Put these documents in chronological order.
  • churchill reservoir — a series of irregularly shaped lakes in W Labrador, Newfoundland, in E Canada: the source of the Churchill River.
  • cinematographically — a motion-picture projector.
  • circle of confusion — a circular spot on a film, resulting from the degree to which a pencil of light reflected from the field of view is focused in front of or behind the film, or from aberration of the lens, or from both.
  • circle of curvature — the circle with its center on the normal to the concave side of a curve at a given point on the curve and with its radius equal to the radius of curvature at the point.
  • circular definition — a definition in which the definiendum (the expression being defined) or a variant of it appears in the definiens (the expression that defines it).
  • circulation manager — the senior manager responsible for the distribution of a newspaper
  • city of westminster — a borough of Greater London, on the River Thames: contains the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, and Buckingham Palace. Pop: 222 000 (2003 est). Area: 22 sq km (8 sq miles)
  • claims investigator — A claims investigator is a person who is employed by an insurance company to obtain information necessary to evaluate a claim.
  • client-server model — client-server
  • clinical depression — depression in a patient that meets defined criteria and that is deemed to merit treatment
  • clinical governance — a systematic approach to raising standards of health care and tackling poor performance in hospitals
  • clockwork precision — regularity
  • cobaltous hydroxide — a rose-red, amorphous, water-insoluble powder, Co 2 O 3 ⋅3H 2 O, used chiefly in the preparation of cobalt salts and in the manufacture of paint and varnish driers.
  • coefficient of drag — the ratio of the drag on a body moving through air to the product of the velocity and surface area of the body.
  • collect on delivery — payment in cash when a purchase or shipment is delivered
  • collective behavior — the spontaneous, unstructured, and temporary behavior of a group of people in response to the same event, situation, etc.
  • collective security — a system of maintaining world peace and security by concerted action on the part of the nations of the world
  • collision insurance — insurance protecting an automobile owner against loss or damage to the automobile resulting from a collision or other accident.
  • colonial experience — experience of farming, etc, gained by a young Englishman in colonial Australia
  • colorado tick fever — a usually mild viral disease occurring in the Rocky Mountain regions of the United States, carried by a tick, Dermacentor andersoni, and characterized by fever, sensitivity to light, headache, and leg and back pain.
  • columnar epithelium — epithelium consisting of one or more layers of elongated cells of cylindrical or prismatic shape.
  • combination therapy — a therapy that combines two or more drugs, or two or more treatments
  • come into the world — to be born
  • command interpreter — (operating system)   A program which reads textual commands from the user or from a file and executes them. Some commands may be executed directly within the interpreter itself (e.g. setting variables or control constructs), others may cause it to load and execute other files. When an IBM PC is booted BIOS loads and runs the MS-DOS command interpreter into memory from file COMMAND.COM found on a floppy disk or hard disk drive. The commands that COMMAND.COM recognizes (e.g. COPY, DIR, PRN) are called internal commands, in contrast to external commands which are executable files.
  • commercial software — (software)   (Or "commercial off-the-shelf software", COTS) Software that is produced for sale. This contrasts with free software, which is produced for free distribution, meaning without charge and/or without restriction on further distribution. Some companies that sell software distribute some (versions) of products free of charge (but usually with restricted distribution rights), this would probably still be called commercial software. Conversely, software that an individual distributes for free, but for which he accepts donations, would still be called free software.
  • commercial traveler — a traveling salesman
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